5 hours left.
5 hours left
I'm excited
How do you get access to the mystery island, or whatever it's called?
2 minutes for me
when can i play this on usa switch
currently shitting myself in anticipation, though I know it be quite as good as my fantasies.
and that's okay
5 hours negro
>rerolled 13 times
>Shit villagers every time
>turning a relaxing calming experience into an endless chase for perfection
I pity people like this.
>it's March 20th in Europe now
>still have to wait an extra hour because I ordered from the UK eShop
>its still locked for some reason
It said 12 am in my country. It's now 12 fucking am WTF NIN
I just don't want a few specific ones as starters, I quit new leaf because I couldn't bully that disgusting bear out of my town
At least you weren't stuck waiting until 2 AM because Nintendo thinks Australia has the earliest timezones.
How long is the restart process?
does the day in AC still begin at 6am or is it midnight now? I want to have time to do the day 1 shit tonight
Pretty long
you can often get some atrocious seeds in animal crossing though, if im gonna invest hundreds of hours into my island you bet ill reset hours till im content with it
Yeah, it's 6am. Run your D1 quickly and you'll meet Blathers soon (and then have him lock himself up for all of D3)
Buy a ticket from the nook atm for 2000 nook miles.
I hope I get Kid Cat, he's one of the only decent jock villagers.
Started the game, how do you reroll your maps?
I'm gunning for Antonio, personally. Kid Cat is also good.
This is the man responsible for COVID-19.
Try again, it didn't work for me on the clock but now I'm in.
Post your Island names right NOW
Oh no no no no no
Cum Town
So will I be able to listen to K.K. Slider tomorrow evening or do you have to unlock him like in New Leaf?
Uhhhhhhh Paradis
The Empire of Great Japan
Are you guys gonna reset until you get villagers you want, or stick with what you get?
bait, was a joke
I'm only resetting for a blue airport, that's it. EVerything else can be changed or is irrelevant like grass
Nigga's not a pangolin, doofus
probably reset a few times till i say fuck it thisll do, and use amiibos for some (if thats what theyre for) the amiibos are for villagers right? or do they just show up/visit for a bit
stick with what I get. I don't want a hugbox echo chamber reddit island, I need some conflict and tension.
ehh idk for 1 game? id never buy a console for 1 game
they're for photoshoots exclusively iirc
everyone gets peaches on their island now
12 AM EST unlocks it for all of North America?
I'm ok with this.
100 hours left
will you wear a face mask?
Stick with what I get because that's what fate determined for me. I would like to get a cat and/or a penguin though.
I am going to use amiibo cards later anyway so I don't really mind who I get really.
Have fun, Anons. It's just over 30 minutes and the wait will finally be over. Yes... it'll be worth... the weight...
i dont own a switch because money is tight but im excited for you guys. new leaf was super fun and new horizons looks like a ton of fun too
Bought it from Gamestop 30 minutes ago. Enjoying it.
Have fun in a few hours digitalfags
>owned it for 30 minutes
>already taking a break to post on the chan
that bad, huh?
who all /staying up for midnight release/ here?
never played an AC game before but it looks hella fun and I'm bored with my other switch games
Thanks user. Daddy trump will provide NEETbux soon enough, hang in there.
>moved to new zealand a few months ago
>switch my eshop to NZ
>buy animal crossing
>forget to change my account's location
>game still locked even though its noon on the 20th
democrats stopped that...
Macho Isle