Press S to spit on tracerfags

Press S to spit on tracerfags

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Other urls found in this thread:

>no SJW garbage in Smash

Who likes that dyke anyway?

>western FOTM esports shill garbage
was there ever any doubt

>Not a single Smashfag wanted her

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>overwatch heroes ever possibly being in the same game as Mario, Sonic, Snake, Pac-Man, etc
Sakurai dodged a huge bullet

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>muh SJW bogeyman
seek therapy m8

She still would have been the lesser of evils between Steve.

I wanted Mercy or Junkrat but ok, if they weren't going to be in then fuck the dyke
>Sakurai enjoys playing APEX Legends
Oh no

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You are in need of therapy if you don't see there is an agenda going on.

pattern recognition has turned on you if you think everything is an "agenda"
seek therapy

More room for Heavy

That dead game has even less of a chance you retard.

>spit on tracerfags
Tracerfags were pretty much Steve/Discordfags in different clothing so if means more dabbing on those assholes.

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Okay I'm not reading this. What did Sakurai actually SAY? Because his words are most likely being misconstrued as usual.


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There's a reason Alucard's only an assist trophy.

I’ll save everyone the trouble and paste it. It’s literally nothing. Pure headcanon speculation bullshit.
>According to PushDustIn’s translation, the Smash creator hasn’t been playing that much Overwatch at all.

>On the surface, this may not seem like anything too major and it at least shows that he’s played some Overwatch. However, Sakurai has a history of playing games featuring a character that will be added before adding them to Smash.

Remember that one week when people thought she was in

but theres plenty of sjw garbage in smash, especially with all the censorship

Why are Smashfags so retarded to the point they wanted a dyke in the game?

>but theres plenty of sjw garbage in smash, especially with all the censorship

That was because of a Switch case right?

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Good times.

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Based sakurai, Crash Bandicoot all but confirmed
S and D to dab

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I hate Overwatch and the people who play it. I will, however, admit that it has characters I like, and wouldn't mind seeing one as DLC.

Tracer is not among them.

reminder that she's not gay in russia nor china

>all but deconfirms

what the fuck is this supposed to mean

Undertale is SJW garbage.

ZSS getting her teets and rear nerfed
dialogue changes from characters like palutena

I remember that one stevecuck who said we should team up with him

shit no one notices except coomers and Yas Forums. design choices aren't always censorship.

Sans is a meme at this point. If Undyne or Alfie or whatever the dykes names were, were in the game, then you would have had a case. But not now

Go back to fapping to porn.

the most nothing videogame of all time
it's like a fake game from a tv show

Stop gaslighting


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well nobody wanted byleth either

Was anyone, even the most braindead Blizzdrone, unironically expecting her to be in? Overwatch was only good for about 6 months and only popular for about a year or so. Besides, if they were going to add a Blizzard character, why wouldn't it be someone from Warcraft?

Remember PlayStation All-Stars and the characters they chose?


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Wrong. I only expected him for the next game not this one.

It's almost like Japan doesn't play Overwatch.

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not surprising on any level
she might be the worst pick for a smash character in overwatch next to mccree

I'm not following your point. PSASBR was a rush job that took whatever it could get to get it's roster over 20 characters since they were forced to rely on 3rd party characters since Sony didn't own half of their icons. Smash isn't exactly desperate for picks considering how high profile of a series it is and how many 1st party franchises Nintendo has to fall back on.

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Remember that for a month or two, Stevefags used Tracer as a means to shitpost since they were mocked so hard that they had to use another mask. Remember to laugh at their unending failure.

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isn't that how Yas Forums agreed homossexuals characters should be? Without having it as the defining aspect of their personality, it's so irrelevant it isn't even a thing in some countries

Massive Melee Mythra

>Deconfirms Tracer
Good. Move over

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I'm always game to shit on Stevoids. S

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Adding characters like Radec and Sweet Tooth feels like they're misplace when compared to Fat Princess and Sly Cooper. If Nintendo adds a Warcraft character, you'll get the same issue.

>Makes another Smash thread to deconfirm a character no one was asking for anyway
Ninteny-earold board when?

Why is Overwatch such a punching bag for some people?

I played it, liked it, and moved on when I got tired of it. I legitimately don't get the seemingly very strong hate for it. Hate for the rest of Blizzard I can get, but OW specifically I don't see why?

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Good thing we're not getting either then. Blizzard's a decade too late to be in Smash, their glory days are long behind them.

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Add Dante to the bottom you wojak faggot.

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Why would he just deconfirm Tracer like that? Could a fucking Bl*zzard character be on the way? I remember them saying on an interview that if any of their characters is getting in Smash it's Diablo.
Is it time, bros?

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>the character is basically a simp

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The article is just focusing on Sakurai saying he's not played much Overwatch in a recent column. Sakurai was talking about FPS he's played and mentioned Apex Legends. He mentions OW as one he's not had much experience with. This site then proceeds to extrapolate from that.

That is literally it.

Crash bandicoot



Go back.

A lot of people saw it as Blizzard's last chance and it looked like a return to form early on, but they quickly fucked it up with some truly awful balancing among other issues. That along with the constant presence it has in popular culture thanks to Porn constantly reminding people it exists keeps the anger fresh in everyone's mind.

Too edgy.

Metal Gear Solid, Bayonetta and Megaten games are all more fucked up than any Diablo game yet there they are.

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Good. If shooters really need a rep (pro tip: they don't) add Doomguy. At least Doom has merit in "muh celebration of vidya" or whatever. There are better games to pull Blizzard reps from anyways.


it was basically the peak of 'sjw games' and blizzard's horrendous fuckups are a goldmine for youtubers

TFW tracerturds eternally BTFO

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>"muh celebration of vidya"
I don't understand why people here are so against this concept.

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Unpopular opinion: I just don't think AAA western franchises fit Smash.

Smash Bros. is clearly meant to be celebration of Nintendo and the Japanese industry, and I just feel like shit like Doomguy or Master Chief or Scorpion or Tracer feel out of place.

Banjo & Kazooie is the only one I can make an exception for because they were originally Nintendo mascots in the 90s as Nintendo published their first two games on the N64. Their reveal trailer was heavily banking on the notion of them being long lost Nintendo characters returning home. So I don't think their inclusion really opens the floodgate as people like to think.

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ZSS getting a breast reduction and being on roids suddenly was pretty noticeable by anyone

Overwatch had potential to stay fun as a casual game but Blizzard ruined it with constant reworks, bad balancing, and forcing e-sports in it.

At this point is it actually surprising? Fucking Undertale, Assassin's Creed, Warframe and Cuphead are represented in Smash now.

>Smash Bros. is clearly meant to be celebration of Nintendo and the Japanese industry
Ultimate is clearly supposed to be a celebration of all vidya though. How can you not enjoy this?

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>Sakurai personally doesn't play Overwatch
>this somehow has an effect on the choices Nintendo will make in terms of upcoming Smash characters, because Nintendo are the ones choosing the characters
I don't want Tracer and I certainly don't think she's likely either but this really doesn't deconfirm shit

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What about other characters from rare? (Pre-Microsoft of course)

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Yeah but now theres that stupid grotesque lloyd floating around.