What is the canon explanation of bikini armors being effective?

What is the canon explanation of bikini armors being effective?

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armor stats are a gameplay abstraction that you aren't supposed to think about too deeply.


>Popular artist bad

in RPGs the better gear looks the better it is

He was starting to become bad after reusing his old jokes but at least he's drawing some new humor lately.
Also fucking tripfag why do you even

none, you can make up your own explanation or just live with it like any normal person probably would

He's not bad. The problem is how one guy on Yas Forums keeps shilling his art with threads like this every week. He's a Yas Forums artist, we know he exists.

Same one that makes full plate armor somehow protect you from a giaint smashing you with a car sized club.

>What is the canon explanation of bikini armors being effective?
Sexual Energy and/or More Cool = higher DEF through Plot Armor

It mostly fan service, then again in fantasy it mostly because magic power and state on the armor that makes it strong

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The hotter the armor the worse the aim of the attacker

>replying to tripfags
daily reminder to filter all trips

If the setting already has crazier bullshit than bikini armor, then magic

If the setting doesn't already have crazier bullshit than bikini armor, then fanservice

Arrows are actually a great determination. If the person wearing the bikini armor would have to, in universe, avoid an arrow volley then the armor is just there for the male gaze, which isn't always a problem

What is the canon explanation of full plate armor being ineffective?

I fixed it

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Bullets and crossbows.

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You made it worse.


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they're effective at pleasing my dick

You're right, it was was better when the joke was explained in three different ways that the eyes is drawn to before you even look at the image.

i wish women weren't in video games at all

tits of steel

you can't get more redpilled than this


More lewd = more luck, so most blows naturally gravitate to the few protected areas you have.


Nigger there's like three elements to the entire fucking image and that's being generous, stop striving so much to be an elitist contrarian with a boner for minimalism. You're not going to earn Yas Forums cred points for making shitty edits of pics that didn't have anything wrong with them anyway. And if you genuinely think that was too much information in the pic, then get off the internet right now. Your brain might explode any minute now from overload.

You don't want to hurt your next rape slave

I've never seen any. Sometimes silly armor has magical powers but high physical defense is almost universally reserved for plate armor or something similar.

>women in the setting: "This sucks, god of war please make it so that we can fight just as well as men."
>"k, but you have to wear this lol"

so let's think about them too deeply, or I'll think about them too deeply and sperg out about it
>Low Rank Armor
Absorbs momentum of blows, to varying degrees of effaciacy.
Pros: Can be adjusted to be worn by anyone, since it's mostly just stuff strapped to your body.
Cons: Not capable of absorbing 100% of the blow, as the armor hits the player with most of the force the armor was struck with. Wearer still takes damage, just reduced and frequently converts pierce/sharp damage to blunt damage.
Examples: Cloth, padded armor, leather armor, chain mail, banded mail, plate mail (yes it exists, think samurai laced sheets)
>High Rank Armor
Advancements in channelling the force of blows away from the body allow armor to completely absorb physical attacks, until the armor itself is damaged beyond repair.
Pros: Acts as an extra (often much larger) pool of HP that must be burned through before the wearer can be harmed.
Cons: Has to be specially fitted to the specific wearer to even be worn, effectively "bound" to the owner.
Examples: Plastic armor, bone armor, plate armor

Are there actually any games with armor like that aside of korean mmos?

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Final Fantasy XIV

They are not effective, developers know that women ain't good for shit, so if they are portrayed somewhat in battle (hahaha) we know instinctively that shit is fake. So what do they do? They show off sex appeal, because that's what women are supposed to do and are good for in the world. Having sex and making babies.

>getting this mad because of an edit
Spotted the OP shill. Probably the artist himself shilling.

They should only be portrayed as town NPC or the wives of husbands like the blacksmith, item shop owner, etc.

it went away roughly 15 years ago
>there will never be a game with Royo/Vallejo/Cleavanger etc. aesthetics with modern graphics
shit sucks m8

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Lmao ok retard.

You do understand that clothes and armor are 2 different things right?

If magic (clasic FF fire, ice thunder, ect magic) exist.

Realistic armor are stupid, because if you are slow a magic caster can just freze you, melt you or zap you inside your tin can, so mobility is a top priority, and sure, you can enchant your armor or whatever, but you can also echant a ring or earing to gain magic protection and still being agile.

Thats is my opinio of the matter.

None because Bikini Armors are retarded.

yes, this is tank armor

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ever seen a nudist camp?
clothes are surprisingly effective armor against all variety of minor bumps, scrapes, and especially bug bites
completely useless against weapons actually designed to cut through it, but that holds true for any armor


lol, that response probably took longer to think up and type out than the stupid meme doodle and my dumb meme edit took combined.

Bitch gonna die quick.

No it's not. This would be the tank armor from that dungeon.

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If you honestly dislike bikini armor in a FANTASY setting as "unrealistic" or trying to go "but how work" you're thinking about it too much.

I will never understand people who think bikini armot is hotter than proper full plate

>I am playing a game where magical fireballs and thunder spells are normal
>Dragons and other mythical beasts are normal and accepted
but for some reason your immersion breaks because a woman's armor is not realistic enough for you? Do you not see how incoherent that line of thinking is? You are fine with any magical or fantastical things in the game, but not skimpy armor because sex=bad?


How is this armor practical? What is the FANTASY genre?

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contrast between metal and female body
not that difficult to figure out

>not beowolf

>THATS RIGHT, I ACTUALLY LIKE [full female plate armor/monstrous monster girls] BETTER THAN [bikini armor/hot monster girls]. I BET YOU'VE NEVER SEEN SUCH A RARE OPINION LIKE MINE

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Now that you mention it, I'm actually willing to bet the people that say that are also the ones that go around sword threads bragging about how they prefer polearms.

This. This this this. If you want realism, then watch two knights fumblefuck around in full plate armor holding their sword by the blade and swinging the hilt to fight over some toothless bitch as property.

If the games were truly realistic, women would only ever be on the battlefield as a civilian casualty, or rape victim/prisoner

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"Things that people who want to be called based say on Yas Forums"

i could use this exact line of logic to point out that you shouldn't be mad about black people in fantasy settings but i don't want to break your brain

Or just this

The power of the womb. There is a comic explaining it an everything.

The shape is much more receptive to enchantment obviously, as magic is heavily stifled by armor. Why else would mages wear robes instead of full plate?

Magic, magic armor, magic world, magic missiles, magic arrows.
>But that's not realistic!
Neither is your dumb bimbo going to combat in the first place to fight dragons and throw fireballs, but none of you tumblr fucks complain about any of that.

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So have women wear cloths or leathers.

It actually fully encases them in armor part of it's just invisible

well then

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How can you be mad about this chad

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No, that would be much more easily caught on things than the armor and pointlessly stifles movement when you already have magical protection. Also that's gay.

Based. No female warriors.

>muh elves
Nigger need to have sex.

Then they should stick to wearing armor.

I unironically find girls in full functional plate armor hot as fuck.

stop posting this faggot's shitty art here you fucking cunt

Make pee pee hard is unironically the best distinction for ANY fantasy armor. "Make vagina wet" is why almost all fantasy designs of the 70's and 80's came to be in the first place.

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Because videogames aren't real and everyone looking like a metal box isn't aesthetically pleasing.

Also, artist likely started this thread so fuck off op.

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