More double standards

>Pokemon releases with cut Pokemon
>Met with riota, outage, petitions, tons of backlash

>Animal Crossing releases as an early access game
>Half the furniture from the previous game cut
>Half of the clothing cut
>tons of Villagers removed
>essential npcs that are a staple to the series removed
>tons of facilities removed
>Gyoids and paintings cut
>Seasonal events locked behind online wall
>Game literally has half the content a normal Animal Crossing game would have on release
>Fans still defending it with no backlash or criticism

Why are there so many double standards when it comes to certain series?
Not to defend Pokemon because they still cut content, but it at least released as a full game.
Animal Crossing New Horizons is an unfinished game. It's in early access and content is being drip fed back in. What the fuck was that delay even for if the game is unfinished?

How are people defending this?

Attached: File.jpg (1200x675, 80.56K)

Because companies that wanted Pokemon to bomb put more money into people shilling against the game.
Not some much for Animal Crossing

Yes keep posting this. Keep proving that you're a shitposting dingleberry SNOYGGER.

Nobody cares about Animal Crossing

Shills will be shills

>>Half the furniture from the previous game cut
>>Half of the clothing cut
fucking false
>>tons of Villagers removed
false theres literally more villagers
>>essential npcs that are a staple to the series removed
theyre free dlc
>>tons of facilities removed
theyre free dlc
>>Gyoids and paintings cut
its fucking free dlc
>>Seasonal events locked behind online wall
yeah for free
>>Game literally has half the content a normal Animal Crossing game would have on release
boo hoo you cant time travel anymore. fuck you

because AC is more nintendoe, pkmn is GF and TPC

Time travellers get the rope. Your day has come

I'm not sexually attracted to animals, but do you i would enjoy animal crossing?

There were fanboys defending the cut Pokemon too.

>Fans still defending it with no backlash or criticism
Nintendicksuckers, especially Switchlets are not fans. They are radicalised fanatics ready to day for GLORY TO MUH NINTENDO

Here's my question.
Do I need to sign up for Nintendo's worthless online services to get these "free" seasonal events.


No, the events are free, they just require an online check.


Brush up on your English first.

>trannies are nobody
Offensive, desu...

AC is not a furry game

well maybe that creepy ass purple bear, Megan. but the other character designs manage to not be furry artstyle.

You're only making yourself look foolish at this point.

This is literally Pocket Camp 2.0

go kill some people instead of being a whiny faggot

pokemon is the designated scapegoat that nintendo fanboys use to pretend they have standards (while still buying it anyway).

Almost everything in that OP is false

Why do this about AC of all games?

because you disingeniously left out all the stuff that got added

>nitendo fans are retarded manchilds and logic can't be applied to their actions
What's new though?

>free dlc
lol. get ready for your smash-style season passes.

The double standard is comparing Final Fantasy 7 Remake (aka Cut Content: The Game) to Pokemon Sword/Shield.

FF7r is literally guilty of stuff SWSH was falsy accused of, but nobody seems to care.

HMOFA, rest of this thread is gay lol

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Animal Crossing: New Horizons is an 8/10 game, Pokemon Sword and Shield is a 1/10

Pokemon is fucking terrible, at least AC, Legend of Zelda, Mario etc are getting good games made

>costs money
>wont know what it is until an arbitrary time
>you know what the update is

nintendo is going to make you buy back content that used to be included by default.


Attached: free.png (824x210, 62.5K)

>Game literally has half the content a normal Animal Crossing game would have on release
thats bullshit
new leaf didnt have half of the shit it has now on the game
it was all added later via updates and the amiibo dlc

free updates don't rule out paid dlc.

I wonder which group is making these anti-AC threads.Is it the snoy for everyone laughing at their boring, gameless reveal? Are it the Xboners for being angry noone paid them any attention? are it the Epicshills and Steamdrones angry Nintendo wont publish their garbage on their cancer? Is it an inside fight between Ninbabbies with autism?
OR is it a shitposter without friends so he has to make the same thread day after day?

You decide!

fuck off barry

So are the free updates 1 time install? As in once they're installed you won't need them again next year?
Would still a shitty system, but makes it somewhat more tolerable.

Because your Facebook tier game clogs the catalog with multiple threads everyday so people are sick of hearing about it

maybe it's someone with standards who wouldn't eat feces if it had the nintendo logo on it?

>buy back content that used to be included by default.
tell me what previous content they will make us pay for, i'm waiting.

Probably because the AC team isn't a triple-a billion dollar studio

it's snoys

it's always snoys

smash smellies seething Animal crossing is getting all the catalogs

If you think they're going to put microtransactions and paid dlc into animal crossing you're an even bigger retard than you appear

Apparently you have to be online to even experience the holiday events

>gee there are too many ACNH threads
>i know what will fix this, another one

Learn to take a hint and stop spamming the catalog maybe?

I'm like 80% sure the base holidays are in the base game and it's just the fishing/bug tourneys that aren't. that or the other way around.

>Animal Crossing releases as an early access game
Take your fucking meds, seriously

>>Game literally has half the content a normal Animal Crossing game would have on release
literally false

have you actually played the game?

We're not playing fortnite, they are events added into the game, indefinitely. Not timed events the developer updates and removes like the current "seasonal events" we are seeing in other games of today. No I dont know this for sure, but I'm not a pessimistic doomposter who believes the worst case scenario like some others here.
One time online check for the first time you play it, to sync time. Then you're free to play the event offline each additional day until the event is over

i'm not the one making the threads bozo

I don't like sword and shield but I will seriously never understand the appeal behind animal crossing. I play new leaf and I literally ran out of things to do in 2 days when I bought all the ordinances. What do you even do in these games?

Pokefags are retarded. The cut Pokemon are the least of the SwSh's problems and, quite honestly, would be a fine trade-off for fixing other issues.

Besides, cutting content to make way for more new content is a pretty standard practice.

Attached: what's a quarter.jpg (1456x1077, 165.5K)

>bought all the ordinances in two days

Pokémon's only appeal is high monster counts whilst Animal Crossing's appeal is not having to get a Runescape membership.

summer came early this year

For me, I'm shocked at the amount of removed stuff, but at the same time, I know there's the possibility all this stuff is going to be added back because Nintendo outright stated that the game is going to be receiving multiple free updates over time, unlike GameFreak who simply said "These Pokemon are cut and we're not adding them in" and then turned around and offered them up as paid DLC.

>someone doesn't like game
The 2016 election was the death of all good imageboard culture.

You weren't gonna buy it anyways what do you care. Fuck off, quit trying to ruin this game.

Guaranteed the AC team is working on them as we speak and will have a day one patch with more stuff.

I played a bit, and one thing just kept bothering me - how is this acceptable post-Stardew Valley? There's nothing to do. What am I supposed to do in this game?

I did. I literally went to island and farmed bugs and rare sharks and could afford all the ordinances.

>>Gyoids and paintings cut
>its fucking free dlc

Is this real? I like gyroids.


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You can only have ONE ordinance active at a time plus you must have been time travelling because none of this is accessible on the second day. So you're a fucking cheater on top of a liar.