Is this actually what you look like?

is this actually what you look like?

Attached: 200px-Th13Seiga.png (200x210, 39.68K)

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Nah I'm not a wicked hermit
i think

literally me

Attached: 1556573225292.jpg (680x451, 77.88K)

i look like this actually

Attached: 1563357551203.png (336x512, 185.74K)

This'll be what everyone here looks like when Reimu uses her final smash.

Attached: 1502639535740.jpg (900x1500, 156.08K)

but who is the guy unaffected by it


Based Seiga

Attached: 1582519986122.png (522x902, 217.53K)

You mean the guy next to her in the pic? He has the badass gene, which prevents him from turning into Reimu.
Other people with the badass gene include Sans, Chuck Norris, Gigachad, Snoop Dogg, and Peter Griffin.

Are Seiga and Seija polar opposites?

Attached: Why Seija is the bestest 2hu.png (2800x2048, 2.83M)

Is she a great one


Attached: 16bit disguise.png (295x565, 103.51K)

they are the same person

the engineer
is engi-here

Attached: 1456398995367.jpg (552x1000, 294.23K)

this is what trannies believe they look like

trannies believe they look like blobby ZUN art?

Yep. Literally me

Attached: 1547989232725.jpg (880x1330, 807.16K)

me and my niggas

Attached: 1576638898248.jpg (836x836, 173.16K)

If you're immune to Reimu's final smash, say "aye".

Remimi is a brat.

Attached: REMIMI IS A LITTLE GIRL.png (319x472, 105.21K)


Attached: yorihime mizuumi007 4.jpg (1000x1000, 118.63K)

Aye am the alpha and the omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last.

Yes, that's me. The best girl in Ten Desires.

Attached: seiga.jpg (584x609, 113.83K)

>best girl in TD
but that's not yoshika


how do I fuck a 2hu in TW? I've seen the options to doggystyle/cowgirl a few times and they just don't want to come up anymore. Please help me

Attached: 1569676603007.jpg (640x733, 55.79K)

Doki doki

seiga is a bad person

You've gotta make sure you have enough lubrication
and if you are trying to fuck them for the first time, you need to make sure to enable vaginal actions, as theyre autofiltered by default


>Her stage and bossfight save TH13 from being irredeemably mediocre

God I wish that were me

Attached: __kaku_seiga_and_miyako_yoshika_touhou_drawn_by_lzh__717ec98b77e3e24f22656fbdeebcc1ff.jpg (1200x1600, 976.89K)

Wake waku

i want to be kanmari

Attached: mari.png (1024x767, 1.07M)

she did nothing wrong.

abandoning your family for power is pretty selfish

Hey, an alien!

is 6 levels of lubrication enough?

Anything above 10000 is good

Are you erect? Try a handjob and see if they reappear.

ok shou

Attached: 1584440862011.png (648x508, 83.59K)

You go girl

Attached: 1582921564114.png (1280x720, 479.86K)

I guess I went a little overboard

fully erect, I'm going to load my save and try again in a second

Attached: 1583572645756.png (963x1024, 573.57K)

not a crime. she just wants freedom

The Sages are lying to you! The virus comes from the Moon! Sheltering in place just makes it easier for the Vampires to get you! The shops are no longer stocking 1ups because the Kappa are hoarding them! The shift button is not your friend!

Attached: 1001253763735.png (421x248, 36.31K)

If you choose to be with someone and have a family with them, you should have the decency to remain with them and support them unless they become a monster.

joke's on you, rabbit. i only play podd.

Did you choose a big dick and a tiny girl? Sometimes that doesn’t allow for insertion either.

Calling it the moon virus is very racist to the Lunarians.

But free bombs...

>Sheltering makes it easier for the vampires to get me
Was that supposed to discourage me?

Attached: 0ttolFT[1].png (379x386, 183.38K)

Attached: Remiliaguitar.gif (498x373, 2.03M)

42k lubrication, I'm erect and I could penetrate Clownpiece before so my dick fits
I don't know what to do anymore

so am i going to go insane?

I look like shit

Attached: 1553431317397.png (800x602, 26.17K)

Tell that to the millions dying of the LuFlu right now. The Tengu aren't reporting the real number. They aren't even telling the public that doses of betacaroteen have proven effective as a treatment. And the ignorant masses are just discovering you can't just walk into a temple and buy bombs to protect yourself nowadays.

Attached: 1560826347549.jpg (1008x827, 335.93K)

Since 2hu shit is allowed on Yas Forums again

I don’t know, works on my machine

That's not a complete sentence, user.

Attached: 1576271005554.jpg (476x514, 153.55K)

I just raped a 2hu in stopped time with no problems
how the fuck do I do it normally I'm dying over here

you committed rape so now you go to prison, sorry


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You can run, but you can't hide. Not even God can hide from me.

Attached: 1233123.jpg (474x474, 41.48K)

He's just another poor bastard gapped against his will. I just hope it was quick for him on the other side.

>Truth is like water
>Gets reprimanded by Yabadabadoo

Attached: ishygddt (66).jpg (520x520, 141.01K)

can we negotiate?

Attached: 1566742073850.png (251x263, 67.78K)

This is what we'll look in 10 years, when the quarantine has turned us all into wicked hermits. Screencap this.
Yoshika's stage has the best music, though, and Yoshika's fight is also cool. Thanks, Seiga!

Attached: seiga-yoshika_by_ama_asagi.jpg (1158x1637, 1.65M)

user! don't say that, she might hear you