Will it be the most based 9th gen console?

>more powerful than PS5
>backwards compatibility
>compatible with Xbox 1 controllers
>controller is literally just the Xbox 1 controller improved
>first party games aren’t shitty CGI borefest wannabe movies
>no weeb shit
>less gay indie shit
>less third-world-tier sports games
>cool design
>GamePass, the most based service ever
How can the PS5 even compete?

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it has movies

how ps5 will compete? with games of course! it will have um... ehh... oh no that will be on PC... hmmmmm


Doesn't matter. Sony won this generation by a landslide. People will naturally migrate over. They care about having fun and the experience they have. Those numbers mean nothing, both consoles are very similar. Xbox One X is more powerful than the PlayStation 4 Pro but developers focused more on PlayStation which made games run better on it, ironically enough.

People have bought into their respective ecosystems. They have their friends there. They're used to the controllers. They like the interface or whatever. You get the idea. That's how this normally goes. This is assuming both will cost the same. If Microsoft is arrogant enough to assume they can risk pricing it $100 more and think that people will flock to it because it has more floppies then it's over.

I'll go with both but PlayStation 5 will be my main. Sony does lots more right for me than Microsoft. Installing an SSD on an Xbox is a nightmare that voids your warranty. Installing an SSD on PlayStation could not be any easier. Now Microsoft is trying to make this proprietary bullshit expandable storage. Yeah, I'm going to pay hundreds of dollars for some stupid expandable storage. Fuck off retards. Not sure what Sony is planning but I'm guessing it's going to be more user friendly.

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It's looking like it will be another 360, so pretty based.

>pay-gated online (riddled with ads)
>expensive proprietary peripherals
>games rarely discounted
>inevitable double dip for S version
>no backward compatibility
>only ever ahead of PC by 6-12months of initial launch
>experience limited to how they decide
>mods repackaged as pay to play DLC or "micro-transactions"
>censored games
>plays newest games on limited settings
>library limited to current games and whatever they permit from older systems
>limited to whatever controller they release

>free online
>upgrade at your price/pace
>game sales so frequent you backlog for a decade
>can buy/trade parts instead of replacing whole system
>backward compatible
>outpaces most consoles for years until next gen
>totally customized experience
>free mods
>censored games can be uncensored
>plays games on whatever settings you can manage
>plus higher res/draw distance with mods
>library literally goes back to the beginning of PC
>can emulate arcades and consoles
>play with any controller you want

How can consoles even compete?

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It unironically all depends on Halo

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ONE major flaw


that's what everyone said when ps4 and xbox one came out. 360 won that console war and everyone thought people will stay. boy were they wrong.

Yeah, I know. I forgot to mention that. Yes, that'll happen if some unforeseen circumstance happens where one side fucks up beyond belief that they end up marketing the competition's product for them. It's still early but I see people saying Sony is doing that but they're not. This is nowhere close to the disaster of the Xbox One. Sure it may have been boring but it was nothing bad. Both of these consoles are very close to each other. I doubt anything this upcoming generation is going to happen that ruins either side like this generation had.

Hi Klobrille
>MS lied about full BC on the Fridgebox
Fukkin based

Are either of them going to be backwards compatible or not? No one has a straight answer.

price and games always matters, so let's see how that shakes out before forming strong opinions. third parties put everything on everything but nintendo.

I've got a lot of PS4 games. The fact that the PS5 will eventually be able to play all of those games in my library makes it very hard to pick the xbox over it, which I have zero games for.

I think a lot of people will be in the same boat and bite the bullet even though it's less powerful, just so they can have access to their games.

People are acting like it's the end of the world. It's slightly less powerful. At that performance level it's not going to matter. If you come from this generation the SSD speeds alone will feel like light years ahead. No one is going to give a fat donkey's dick what mega pickles either console has.

Both have chosen a different approach to accomplishing the same goal. PlayStation isn't weaker, it's just doing it differently. No one is comparing the bandwidth. Which PlayStation 5 is like 3 times faster raw, not even talking about compressed, than the Xbox Series X.

Bloodborne, Uncharted and God of War will all stay on Playstation because regardless of their new stance on PC gaming, those games are still their ace in the hole, and could win them the generation. No doubt they're still paying big bribes to Atlus to keep Persona on the Playstation as well, and regardless of how Yas Forums feels about that franchise, it's incredibly popular right now, hence why Sony would keep it for themselves.

Don't want a PC, ever. Between Xbox, Nintendo, and Sony. I will always choose Sony. There is no contest.

Will buy it just for FH2 in 4k. It's still still the best FH game.

>literally complete backwards compatibility from OG xbox to 360 to xboner + next gen games
>no games

Only good post in this Microsoft shill thread.

>weaker CPU and GPU

>next/current gen "games"
Let me know when they finally add JSRF

>At that performance level it's not going to matter.
it will probably matter less if it comes in $100 cheaper.

PS3 actually came out slightly on top at the end of that generation. After 2009 literally nobody was buying a 360 except RROD victims.

is that seriously no BC yet for xbone? the fuck is microsoft doing

>muh Halo
It is weaker, but people are blowing it up to proportions like its wider than the PS4-Xbox One difference which was 50% GPU difference

because it was the best cheap blu ray player on the market for the last few years

way more 360 games were sold

Cool humidifier.

Lmao look at this flustered Xbro

I'll probably get it for its PC exclusives since all I have is a MacBook Pro, but keep the PS5 as my main console.

>no weeb shit
Hasn't that been their goal for the past year or so? To appeal the Japanese market?

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>How can the PS5 even compete?
If we're talking about power it's only fair to compare the Series X to the inevitable PS5 Pro, since it's all but confirmed Xbox will be putting out two consoles at launch. However, even if you want to make the unfair comparison, it's the same as the PS4 vs the One X - it's cheaper and has more games.

>Buys xbox series x because it's more powerful
>sets it up
>realize the only exclusives it has are Gaylo and Gears of Snore
>and no anime games

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Senran Kagura and Persona are weeb shit. Yakuza is old school Japanese kino.

and for games we have
>well halo infinite
>...uhhhh probably some ports of course, but updated ports in 4k! 4k 30fps!

>no weebshit
How many teraflops until it's fun?

>SeX has absolutely no exclusives
>PS5 has 8 over-the-shoulder movies
Gen 9 is lookin' good

>and no anime games
Sold. I'll take 2 Xbox Series X.

>less gay indie shit
But microsoft has been tripling down on gay, indie, and gay indie shit harder than anyone.

>no proof
As usual.

>Let me know when they finally add JSRF
They don't need to add anything anymore. They confirmed every single game is BC on XSEX.

Music licensing has killed the dream.

Kinda interested in how hot it'll get.

Literally no, xbox one won by miles, it has the best services, the best performance, best graphics, 4k, retrocompability, compability wth PC with xbox play anywhere, and games depending on your tastes, there is literally no reason to buy a ps4 right now.

but if you have money, buying both is a good choice, xbox one will have all their services and games available on xbox sex from day 1.

This was never stated, ever. Please re-read the words they wrote.

It'll get warm to the touch but not Sony hot. The one x is pretty quiet for how small and heavy it is.

Apart from 343i, Compulsion and Undead, every 1st party studio is working on 2 or 3 games.

Tons of people bought it right at the end of the generation because The Last of Us was hyped to infinity, and nobody thought it was going to PS4.

hopefully we will see some really promsing stuff like project spark
well hopefully we will see some promising stuff like scalebound

w-well some of their really good games do make it to release like uh...Sea of Thieves from the classic studio Rare! that was a real system seller wasnt it?


>People will naturally migrate over.
Sony was at an advantage solely for this reason, but they did as much as they possibly could to fuck that up by not having full BC even with just the PS4. I think people will choose more power, game pass, and general better quality of life as an ecosystem over being able to play carbon copy sequels of Spider-Man, God of War and Horizon

I usually get both and will probably do the same eventually this gen when the games are there, but it doesn't take a huge amount for the tides to change. Microsoft is also releasing two consoles at launch, and it's gonna be really interesting if they manage to put out the cheapest console (Lockhart) and the most powerful (Series X). Pure speculation but with Game Pass increasingly being their focus I wouldn't put it past them to get really aggressive and just offer Xbox Live as a completely free service, which would be a game changer. They let people upgrade their Gold membership to Game Pass Ultimate for however long they were subscribed (up to 3 years) for $1 if I'm remembering right.

>lol multiplats on Xbox dont count
Also snoybois
>look at all the multiplat games my snoystation has!
Really makes you think...

>I usually get both

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RARE already announced Everwild, we got Hellblade 2 and Project Mara from Ninja Theory. Playground is making Horizon 5 and are rebooting Fable, Initiative is most likely working on Perfect Dark. Relic and Worlds Edge are working on Age of Empires 4 and we'll have which 3rd party studios MS is working together with in terms of "exclusives".

It's kind of cool how the Xbox One's BC was just a crutch to make up for the fact it had no games and is now pretty sizeable to the point it's a selling point for the newest console. MS had good foresight in starting early so they can implement even more games for BC by the time Series X launches.

It's really not very much money. I like games and capitalism.

Same shit as always

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It will be this next gen when both systems are sold at the "reasonable" price of $999 US dollars

>we'll have which 3rd party studios MS is working together with in terms of "exclusives"
Hoping it's Sega. The Series X should aim to be the spiritual successor of what the Original Xbox was

I will buy *you* a console if I can't own a PS5 and at least the lower end Xbox for under $900 combined at launch.

>no weeb shit
This is why Xbox always failed and was second or third and what Xbutts can't seem to grasp:

win over the weebs and you win the console war - Sun Tsu

Microsoft will just continue to make shit decisions and cancel every promising game; any game that isn't I can just play on my PC. You know that that BC will be a drip feed again too and they'll jack up the price of the games pass as soon as people start adopting it long term. What else would you expect from the same console line that started the precedent of charging for online services. What a shit show. It'll just be another boring no personality console, just like the xbone.

Wow what a pile of shit.

None of this is relevant. GAMES. THIS IS WHAT MATTERS.

Whoever wins, it will be because of the games. The PS3 managed to surpass the 360 by the end of the generation because it accumulated better games, for different tastes.

The XBox has only Shooters and racing games. Everything else is mediocre at best otherwise they would be cult titles by now.

Neither Sony or MS have announced any games for their next gen console, so discussions on their competition are pointless until there are games to talk about.

>backwards compatibility

Awesome now I can enjoy all those amazing xbone exclusives

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