2020's greatest disappointment in 3... 2... 1

2020's greatest disappointment in 3... 2... 1...

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you've got a lot more counting to do before we get to tomorrow

hey, at least its free

Wait, weren't you supposed to spoiler that? You countdown as if you was going to reveal the image but my eyes would have already seen the image before the text.

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Eat shit

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I'll pirate it until they bring back deathmatch.


I'm so sorry...

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If you're smart you just use a VPN to unlock it early.

It's pretty great by the way, Hurt Me Plenty kicks your ass if you don't think about where to go and what to do.


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Here's your (you)
Have fun sitting on a weeb focused imageboard complaining all day while I get to go have fun


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fpbp OP is a lame fag.

>Yes my game must require 300 iq and a MENSA membership to even start
ok retard
Have fun "being smart"

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Go play paradox game Albert Einstein

>bugthesda drones admit to being brainlets

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A brainlet is a person who decides to go to a thread about vidya he doesn't play

me: okay, this is an epic rip and tear moment.


based and droidpilled

and a brainlet is a person so specifically goes to a thread he doesn't like to post a wojak and complain

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based but check this 5

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>Incredible Pussy Smasher
this must be one of those ironic names

reminder this a diaperfur tripfag who removes their tripcode to samefag on doom threads

wew, chekked and kekked

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when the fuck does it unlock

It's actually far better than 2016, feels smoother, runs better, plays faster and is harder.
I'm gonna cop shit but I haven't enjoyed a single player fps this much since halo 1 released.

So did Bethesda fuck up again by pushing the unlock time by one hour

God I really hope not, I loved the first one. Not so much Redemption tho

You can't stop me from having fun, nigger

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yes, and by not having certain features that were promised:

>no functioning monster infighting (scripted sequences where they fight, purely visual and no actual damage is done, this cannot be reproduced normally)
>no deathmatch mode despite saying there would be one previously
>game is significantly shorter than promised before, despite several platforming areas being added for compensation
>game was supposed to be 40 GB in size, almost 50 GB when downloaded from stores
>killing animations with the slayer sword as shown in trailer is absent, now you just chop them in half with no cinematic
>limbs being shot off is almost completely absent, you can shoot off the brain dude's weapon and the revenant's rockets, but enemies now stay whole as long as their alive and don't physically show being damaged as was told

Probably all due to time constraints, if they delayed it a bit longer we might've seen these in-game... Knowing bethesda, all these features will probably just be released with a DLC. Will buy it nonetheless


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based trips

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Trips of truth

Top Banana Man

>Get hyped
>Start playing 2016 DOOM multiplayer death matches with a 4 player party
>we all love it and play it daily
>Get even more hyped, considering pre-order
>Find out theres no actual multiplayer just an evolve/dead by daylight vs mode
>hype plummets
>don't need another single player game, have too many of them in the back catalog across multiple platforms and genres
>will not buy on launch because it's not like theres a multiplayer too get good at so you dont get raped by nerds

Anyone else?

what i love about doom is that its tranny repellent because the way the demons look hits to close to home, also check this 7

No, because Doom's multiplayer was shit handled by the faggots responsible for Halo 4's multiplayer.

Half correct. Never used a trip though. But I will post this every time you whiny faggots make a contrarian Doom thread.


the entire concept involving this board, and maybe this entire website is to stop you from having fun


>filename is 'abloobloo'
>catchphrase literally used exclusively by said tripfag in response to any argument
>probably will give me the same response you always do when i mention this
>tripfag is still in denial his diaper pics were leaked


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Maybe you just sucked at it unless you're talking pre-patched multiplayer beta. It's basically Quake/Unreal in HD.

the boss fights look really weak (especially the final boss)

other than that it looks pretty fun

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Nigger, it's bad. There's a reason Doom 2016 is lauded for the singleplayer while the multiplayer was a forgotten piece of shit. There's a reason people were more pumped for the score attack mode than the fucking cringe multiplayer emotes and maps.

Don't know what to tell you bud. I have been posting this in Doom threads since I made it a couple days ago but I have no idea who you're talking about. I've never used a trip and I'm not into whatever degenerate shit you're talking about. I think I got a bloo bloo bloo from an Awkward Zombie comic years ago. Doesn't really matter because you can believe what you want but I'm gonna keep posting it anyway.

Question: If the single player DLC involve different protagonists, what would you want to see? I think it'd play differently compared to the main campaign.

Personally, I'd like to see something that goes kinda like this

>Play as a soldier sent to retrieve any human survivors, but gets stranded behind the front lines when their gunship gets shot down, and has to fight his way out
>As the game goes on, our protagonist slowly ramps up in capabilities
>By the end, he's clearly well on his way to becoming something like the Doom Slayer, except, to be honest, more unsettling.

Lol. Same shit. Who do you think you are fooling?

Crash is the only other human character worth mentioning in Doom's world.