Is it really that bad?

Is it really that bad?

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it is boring as fuck, reminds me of how badly fallout 3 played.

its fun for a first playthrough. thats it

Not at all. I really dig the characters and how the companions interact with each other. Makes me feel like a dad.

but it's not really that good either

The problem is that there is no reason to do multiple playthroughs of the game because every conflict in the game has two one-sided choices and a third objective superior choice that is better than everything else

That and unnecessary shit like the crafting system and awful as fuck combat with enemies that stand in place while shooting at you. I would only recommend it if you have nothing to do and have at least 6-7 hours to kill

No, just ugly.

It's like a soulless Fallout without the fun.

Bland, horrendously bland. I think Obisidan can learn from it for the apparent sequel, though.

>Yo user, you gonna pay for all my stuff so I can go slam that engineers puss or what bro?

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Is this game worth a pirate? Is it just new vegas in space but less interesting? I'm bored and i have no games atm

its absolutely nowhere near as good as new vegas. the dialogue has its new vegas quirks sometimes but thats it. my major disappointment with this game is that i expected new vegas in space

Liberal propaganda fucking everywhere. Even Fallout 76 was better than this shit. Idk what the most SJW game of 2019 was:
>Mortal Kombat 11
>Borderlands 3
>Outer Worlds

It's fine, playing it through for the first time, thanks to gamepass™

Yes, it's worth at least one playthrough but nothing else

>higher tier weapons are just recolors of guns of the same type from lower tiers
This shit is my pet peeve

Good to see Yas Forums are still scared of muh ess jay dubyas and won't shut the fuck up about it lmao

Fuck off libtard, these people belong in asylums.


It's like a really bad fallout clone with super shitty empty maps with nothing to do and bad writing nonstop. I found it funny one of the sidequests makes a reference to Bakunin's work, the devs likely thinking Bakunin was a woke marxist communist or possibly bash the fash anarchist tranny supporter, and not the based and redpilled kike-hater cynic realist he was.

Also, they borrowed every single mechanic and concept in their game. There isn't a trace of originality in any portion of it except in how uniquely mediocre it is. The main villain of the game, the primary antagonist, isn't introduced whatsoever until the final quarter of the game. They're shown why they're bad and why the audience is suppose to hate him immediately in one cutscene where he shows that instead of any kind of real villain it's just some dumb white male being privileged and ignorant while all the diverse woke reddit scientists are stuck frozen in their space coffin.

That combat was shit, the only single thing the developers did right was allow you to kill absolutely anyone the second you could actually shoot them. Not a single NPC had bethesda's immortal crap, I killed every single piece of shit companion that crossed my path. It was like if Borderlands gave you the option to just shoot and permanently kill off every single quipping faggot reddit NPC you come across, imagine how fucking satisfying that'd legitimately be. This game did that right, and for that I'm obligated to give it some measure of praise. Beyond that, it is a pure piece of shit. The maps are unfun to navigate, most of the equipment and assets are mercilessly copypasted, and none of the storylines are interesting. The only time it's unpredictable is when the actual result of things is somehow more mundane and nothing interesting than you'd expect.

It isn't, it got the maganiggers' cumsocks in a twist because it had one or two lesbians in the story. It's the same shit every time. They don't even play games, they just hear the dogwhistle whenever there's a queer character in some game and come in droves to cry about it, because Putin is a closet faggot and he tells them to.

seething lmao

just play your fucking games and shut up

It's worse than that

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The first quest you receive is uninstalling the game. I mean, I hoped even the developers would pretend to like their own game but I was proven wrong right quickly. Keep the hopes up because you will eventually play New Vegas in space but not yet.

you know you've lost le epic internet battle when you resort to some dumbass counter signal meme

Awful lot of trigger words there, snowflake.

I've never played a Fallout. Friends told me to try this. Thought the first planet/area felt like a complete slog but kept playing think it'd get better. It doesn't. If it doesn't hook you in during the first hour, don't fucking bother because the rest of the game is the exact same damn shit

No, it's just painfully mediocre in almost every single way possible. Except the gunplay and stat progression that are both fucking terrible.

Yah, it's worse than a bad game, it's a boring soulless game. Atleast you can find something good sometimes in bad games, but everything in games like Outerworlds is mediocre at best.

it's just alright. parvati and felix are the best companions, everyone else (especially nyoka) sucks ass
i was relieved when i finished the main quest because that meant i could free up space on my ps4 for something better

Nobody I know liked it, even the people who really wanted to like it. Despite hedging its bets on being a sort of sci-fi punk anti-authoritarian game it heavily falls back on conventions of the genre and traditions Obsidian established two decades ago instead of trying to break out and do something new, apparently. A lot of people were very disappointed because they expected Fallout New Vegas (But Better!) and instead got Fallout New Vegas (But Smaller!) or something along those lines.

take a break from your computer, buddy, sounds like you need it. visit your parents, dip your toes in a new hobby

>Bro, just ignore entryism bro
Okay, homos. Go try to "subvert" a real hobby at least, like music.


it's like a quarter of a game stretched very thin to look like a whole one
tiny or empty locations, little dialogue, short straightforward quests, upgrading weapons with identically looking "weapon mk2"s
have you ever played Rage? It's feels kinda like this. A few good ideas drowned in a sea of barely-passablenes caused by rushing things

writing is also pretty bad and there is an obvious political agenda, not gonna go into that

i wouldn't say bad. It's just really really really mediocre.

>so yeah, I need you to go to that monster ridden legally forbidden hellhole of a planet to buy me a 3k credits casserole, no problem, right?

>worse than 76
pol is such a strange place

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It's literally communist SJW garbage. Do not even pirate it. It's that bad

If you liked what you did on the first planet, that's great...
Because every single other planet is exactly like that.
Same mission scheme, new area.
No new enemy types. They're just colored different with slightly different armor.
Barely any weapon variation
The gimmick sci-fi weapons are not worth the points they take to make them mediocre.
It feels like they wanted to make a better game than it is, but were under time constraints.
Even if the game took a lot longer than expected.
It's a very cookie cutter feeling game.
It's not bad, it's just not great.
The combat, like everything else, is paper thin.

>everything i dont like is pol

This. It’s really not that bad but it’s dated. Good for one play through. I was excited to play it and I was surprised at how much interest I lost in it by the end.


eh, played it for free on the game pass. i thought it was decent, but i can see why people don't like it

playing wingman and getting her laid was pretty based desu

Was going to make a thread about it just now, not a single badass male character.

Sens controls are fucked for me on PS4 so I can't even play it properly, I get killed in seconds because even at 0 the sensitivity is completely fucked, oh yeah and you can't choose the same sens for x and y axis, which is retarded.

Fallout but without the porn

Yas Forums will never permit another obsidian game to be considered good because of New Vegas. That's just the way it is

>sjws living rent free in my head
ok faggot whatever you say

Fucking cucks man. Kys.

The game felt like it was made by a bunch of lesbians. Which it basically was.


I much prefered Rage, and that game was not very good.

boring setting
predictable quests
mediocre combat

I liked how, instead of doing yet another fucking fetch quest, I could just kill everyone and brute force my to the ending and the last planet.

Why is everyone so ugly in this game? Leftist games don't need to have ugly characters (see life is strange, overwatch). Is it just obsidiot's incompetence?

Repeating myself from other threads:
Planet system is fun, feels like a grown up Ratchet & Clank
Killing everyone is a fun option, although the excessive gore ripped straight from Fallout along with the slowmo mechanic really does not jive with the happy brainwashed slave vibe the rest of the game has, although it is somewhat arousing to see Parvati cry when you kill her town off
Not as much trash to pick up as in the 3D Fallouts
You can get an ending within an hour just by stealing future quest items and turning them in

Too easy to max everything out
I had exactly one quest fail on me, not enough of them intersect to make the world feel more united
Companions are useless beyond the bonuses they give your stats, although I did like the robot, the doctor, and the priest
Story revolves around your character being the chosen one to either save or destroy everyone from the start, like all the bad Fallouts

game using "wow 1930s so cool!!" style in the same way bethesda does "wow 1950s so cool!!" without really thinking about it.

hyper commercialized future society yet there is no industry for beauty products.

You take that back. Parvati is my la cretura waifu

I didn't get as bothered by the political stuff, I read it as "unchecked monopolies will eventually makes us all slaves". Was pretty dumb to get a strawman gun argument in the rich town, where your doctor party member tries to tell someone that they don't need guns to protect themselves. I felt like I had to kill her parents after that just to ruin her point.