Its shit

Its shit.

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If this shit sells well, it's yet another nail in the coffin of the industry. ResetEra doesn't need any more wins.

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I don't play vidya for believability

ResetEra always wins, bay bay. Stop struggling and accept reality.

Stupid millennial devs at clueless capcom.

Even if this somehow miraculously flops. Final Titsize 7: Reduction isn't. Neither is The Pozzed of Us 2. And you think Cybertranny: Haitian Hackers is?

Resetera already won this year.

That's just what they say to hide the fact they're doing it to appeal to the ResetEra trannies, like every other AAA developer. At least these guys don't admit it was their ethics committee doing it LMFAO

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>i'm gay
you seem lost, here's your board

>"It was necessary"
What did they mean by this?

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>Please don't hurt us, trannies

god she's ugly for jill standards

They meant that they didn't want to create DOA titty bounce physics for VII remake.

Nah it's not shit but Nemesis is badly implemented.

that cinematic doesn't have DOA titty bouncing, why would they have to add it

Because Remake Tifa's tits are bigger than Dissidia.

How is it shit? Felt like a faster RE2.

Not that guy but Nemesis was lame.
Otherwise it seemed pretty good.

disregard Yas Forums

threads on how re2 was shit for months before release

that doesn't mean they have to add giga titty bouncing

>shoot red barrel to kill 3 guys
>dead bodies are all lined up perfectly next to each other in the same exact position
yep that was enough of that demo

Typical from feminists, both women and basedboy varieties. It's always ugly ass bitches who complain about this because they feel threatened by a damn fictional character.

>these wooden zombies with no ragdoll
i have re6 flashbacks

"The PC version will have a lot of mods". always funny when these apologist pricks try to find 'positive' ways of excusing censorship and SJW propaganda

Wait, that’s Jill? I honestly thought I was looking at nu-Lara

>He's still crying
We ResetChads won. The industry is ours. Your impotent bitching for the past 6 years has genuinely done nothing but empower us even further. Seethe more.

Resident Evil 3 was not believable, apparently, yet it's still one of the most successful Capcom games ever. These cucks will never get the message unless we start boycotting pozzed shit.


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Don't understand why I can't PrtSc in this demo. Jill looks fine.

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the character models are really pathetic in this engine

>Typical Yas Forums contrarianism 101

how? i dont like how any of the characters look in re7-re2re-re3re, even the enemies

So sad

>getting so mad at everyone enjoying REmake 3 that you use my image and make the opposite of my "it's good thread"

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So not only do I have to have girls beat up men twice their size, they also HAVE to be ugly. Or else its just not gonna be believable

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Christ you faggots are like a broken record. Do you know Jill Valentine and Lara croft existed before you were born?

Yeah, they used to be sexy back then. But then that became problematic.

You can’t see me!

Yeah yeah who gives a shit I CANNOT wait for the porn holy fuck who's with me

What's the point of textures high...high...HIGH which is way more demanding? I don't see a difference.

Same with image quality 200%+

You talk like Jill is not about to become the SFM board waifu for the next year and a half user. How are you going to cope for THAT long?

>goblina Jill
it's all gonna be FF7

Why the fuck is it not scary at all?

Like RE2, even on repeat playthroughs, is creepy as shit but this didn't do anything for me. Every jumpscare was just nothing

Can someone please post the fucking 4K headcrab webms already?

This Tifa looks good.

No Mercenaries, bad character designs, no doubt inferior cinematics / story like RE2. Did you expect otherwise?

Because it literally feels like Dead Rising and Nemesis had a stupid introduction.

RE3 was never scary

Then what is the point of playing a slogfest?

I dunno bros, I enjoyed the demo, however, I don't know how much of Nemmy I can take chasing me.. It makes me anxious, and that's not good.

It's a good thing that nobody gives a fuck and it's going to sell millions then isn't it?

Jill looks derpy sometimes, but maybe it's just he anti-aliasing. What's bothering me is how the game is rendering the distant zombies at half the framerate. I don't think I can force the game to stop this.

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It's amazing.

>Same with image quality 200%+
You on a 1080p and up display? Still on 1680x1050 here; 200% img is pretty damn sharp. Shame about my frames, though.

RE7 first half > RE2make >>>>>>>>>>>>> RE7 second half >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> RE3make

Well that's me convinced.

Well it has the huge boost that everyone on earth is locked inside for months.

Oh yeah user just like "goblina" Claire wasn't either. Hmmmmm...

>RE7 first half
Entering the basement and facing the first blob zombie was one of the most immersed and best horror moments in vidya, ngl. It felt real af.

S-she's cute


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>guns still feel like they have zero impact, even headshots
>toned down gore on top of it, in a horror game

Yeah, no thanks.

With the no slut shaming movement going on it's fascinating to see these "reasons" for drastically changing a fictional woman's clothes because legs bad. The art director sounds like a turbofag.

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>Yas Forumsniggers already coping in advance
You can't make this shit up lol

Got that divorced mom of two bod.

Jill looks good in game, what a surprise the people who don't actually play video games cause the most commotion

>zero impact
This gun feels like it packs a punch compared to REmake 2, the fuck are you talking about?

If they didn't want to give these games fixed camera angles, they should have made them first person. OTS is just stupid and I don't know why people like it.

Not hard to understand, i just watched an episode of celebrity bake off because i have so much free time now.

fucking hell faggot fuck off, i could say the same for fucking FPS the biggest meme in video game history. Actually fist yourself.

body positivity and anti slut-shaming is only good when it applies to fat/ugly women

Clearly not the same drugs as you.

> make these politicised changes and we won't play your game
> *don't play game*
> "wow lmao you don't get a say if you don't play the game"


Definitely, yeah. A reason why RE7 was so immersive and had more fun gunplay.

k homo

First person is the next best thing for horror after fixed camera. OTS has the broadest view and the freest moving camera. It's good for action games like RE4-6, but not that good for survival horror games.

Can't wait for the mod that will switch Jill for Carlos.

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First person is a crutch for shit horror games.

[citation needed]

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Weird how you haven't dilated today

That spicfro look sretarded as fuck, though.

>First person is a crutch
Fucking how?

didnt they confirm carlos will have entire playable sections multiple times in the game?

Except REmake 2 was the highest rated and most popular RE game since forever. you are talking shit.

>muh ratings and sales
Fuck you.

Not him but it's absolutely youtuber bait. VII just didn't feel as right as REmake 2 did as an RE game.

>youtuber bait
Again, how? What makes first person youtuber bait?

Because horror is not about simulating physical danger.

Other RE games that have high critic scores AND high user scores AND great sales numbers are games like RE2 or RE4, are you going to pretend those are bad games as well because "muh stats don't count bad game because i say so"? You fuck off.

A first person camera simulates physical danger?

WTF, you kids make no sense.

I like it. I imagine the preorder original haircut will look worse and unfitting though.

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I share a planet with a lot of people who have bad taste. That's all those numbers tell me.

>"I know what a radio is" (smug grin)

What the fuck?

Please explain what you believe is the purpose of a first person view.

Because it's all garbage that makes you feel like you are in control but it's all a bunch of scripted nonsense and jump scares in a way that fixed camera and third person do not suffer in such an extreme degree for. There is a reason Slender, 5 nights and Amnesia are first person and it's not because FPS is good horror games.

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