Does “seriousness” belong in a series like Sonic?

Does “seriousness” belong in a series like Sonic?

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Depends on who's writing

nice dick bro

At least fleeting moments to keep the tone up
Better question - is Sonic better in the whimsical and weird Sonic homeworld or in the 'real' world?

First one. Pic related is the best Sonic game ever made and I'm not reading any replies

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If handled correctly it can. Fuck the ones that think otherwise.

>A series about cute anthropomorphic animals engaged in a neverending tug-of-war with a IRL-shitposting NEET
Trying to make Sonic serious is about as oxymoronic as trying to make the Horse Show serious.

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That depends on what do you mean by serious

I just want to care for what's happening on the screen, serious or not. Mania isn't serious but it still kept your attention, Forces is literally Shadow the Hedgehog story meshed with Sonic Heroes dialog and it's the worst shit ever

Why, are you afraid we'll shatter your delusions?

If you’ve read this you have to reply or else your mother will die of Coronavirus tonight.

It’s a game about anthropomorphic animals with Mickey Mouse gloves. How can you make it serious?

Fuck you.

Lick my nipples you twat

Yes. Trying too hard to be funny and be "ironic" 24/7 only serves to make the games even more grating.

By taking it seriously. It doesn't have to be IMMORTAL PRINCE OF DARKNESS chunni shit like Shadow the Hedgehog was, but there's plenty of room for real danger and high stakes.

Classic pedo


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Literally SOUL vs SOULLESS

>There are Sonic fans who think that shonen tropes is seriousness.

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Nice reddit comment

i dn geddt

I'm going to reply to you instead because I don't care if my mother dies at all. She's a cunt. She deserves her misfortunes for turning her back on her entire family.

Nothing wrong with being sincere. A lot of people miss the serious plotlines.

Actual japanese translation vs localization.

>a game about an introvert that uses pins to attack monster things
>a series about blue astroboy and an old man that's throwing a prolonged tantrum
>a series about an attorney that cross examines parrots and whales

All of these sound stupid as fuck and yet they have well crafted stories. The problem isn't the concept but rather how it's executed and how it evolves

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Okay, here's some attention, now do us a favor and fuck back off to Reddit.


classic sonic had serious moments even in sonic chaotix there's a bad ending where metal sonic destroys everything

nothing in SA2 or shadow was too serious. '06 playing up sonic and elise romantically was gay.

>Sonic Chaotix
Why the fuck do people keep undermining Knuckles? Sonic wasn’t even in that game!

Knuckles is a drooling retard now so who cares

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Did...did Sonic shave his damn legs?

Yes. Just get writers that aren't complete garbage. I mostly just want competent writing in future sonic games. Sonic was meant to compete but never actually be the same as Mario. I hate that the series tried way too hard to become like Mario in the 2010s.


great, thanks.

Yes, if it's handled well.

Seriousness like "well, now we're dealing with an unleashed old god/ultimate lifeform experiment/massive amalgamated robot, better look cool while we're beating it" seemed to work pretty well, as did "I am a machine powered by a tiny, trapped lifeform - my brothers are the same, slaves to a mad scientist. I will free the animals to live their lives, and free my brothers in death" worked really goddamn well.

But "I shoot guns and don't crack jokes and I swear now" fell flat, as did "yeah Sonic's being tortured but HE'S FINE GUYS".

There's no one answer, it all depends on how well it's written and executed.

The series should have focused more on the surreal and dreamy like athmosphere of sonic 1 and cd, as well as the old japanese artwork(everything that came from sega's america division regarding sonic is garbage,no exception) instead of just making it a "wow radical dude!" game.

Basically what i'm saying is that sega believed the american adds too much regarding what sonic should have been. Sonic is an edgy alternative to mario yes, but that doesn't mean he can't have his own whimsy on his games.

Nope. Cuz when they try you get shit like 06 and Forces. They can no longer do the kinds of stories they had in Adventure.

And considering how they wholly embraced Mania, to the point where they commissioned a whole series of cartoons around it, clearly they settled on lighthearted comedy. Finally.

Bro... too far...

>Knuckles is a drooling retard now so who cares
Every character is a flanderized caricature of their former selves now, what's your point?

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Hey, screw you...

It depends. Some people complain SA2's plot is too "serious", that's absurd to me.

Luckily for me she deserves to die :)

this post is extremely low quality


>wishing for IRL actually plausible harm to come to someone's family instead of peaceful resolution in sleep
>people not caring about their mothers
Yas Forums is so fucking dispirited now. Comparing the methods of shitposting and reactions, it's like night and day.

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Both at the same time

No she won't

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If the characters don't take the story seriously to any extent whatsoever, then how am i, the audience supposed to? The fourth wall breaks don't help either. There has to be some kind of quality control with these things. The youngsters may be easily entertained, but they are not stupid. And what we have seen since 2010 just insulting. Instead of attempting to improve on its self, it just became self deprecation and imitating something longer than it actually lasted.

I’ve got an immunity

This guy gets it, they should be the same. The "two worlds" thing is bullshit.

Iizuka will change his mind again next time he's asked.

Is Shadow one of the best characters in all of video games?




Yes, the stakes should be high given what the plot is for every game. It doesn't need to be tryhard just a clear indicator of what's on the line.

Hello literal classicpedo.

The Coronavirus death rate is too low to kill anyone who isn't a boomer.

fuck you I hope you die of cancer and aids at the same time

>Classic "pedo"
>Is a year older than Modern Sonic
It's nice to see that this fanbase is as autistic as ever.

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