What game has the best romance options?

What game has the best romance options?

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>cheating on Liara
>not skipping romance completely in 2 to stay loyal
I bet that literal tranny who made moon over june drew this.

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liara worst girl
literally every other asari is more attractive

Take it back. NOW.

>being an unironic slut who falls for a matriarc, a psionic aids bomb, and a plant's cosplay
You don't deserve her.

All Asari are fucking hideous. Blue skin and tentacle hair is disgusting. Xenofags should be gassed.

Any you say?

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that isn't an asari, user is still right

>incel calling a blueberry goddess hideous

>What game has the best romance options?
Unless it is a porn game or a VN, none

Romances in non-R18+ games are always fucking embarrassing

>literally every other asari is more attractive
You are so far up your own ass that you're up mine...

Get out.

>crypto furfag calling anyone an incel

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I want to spread pollen with Shiala!

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>that isn't an asari
Yes she is. Just because you don't like her doesn't mean she isn't Asari.


>whoa! a blue human! that such a cool alien bro!

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Quality is subjective. Please provide the propeties you consider to be of the highest quality so an answer can be delivered.

Jack is the best waifu.
Deal with it, Liaraincels.

Come on, user. Within reason.


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>Big tiddies AND freckles
Nah bro she is top tier

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>monogamy bad
fuck off zoomer

Samara's tits are waaaay bigger

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Head like a fucking block. You'd feel like you were kissing on of those Easter Island heads

Vetra best girl. Too bad she's stuck in the worst game.

None. I prefer REAL aliens, not colored humans.

god tier DSLs cancel out the overly handsome jawline

Here's your alien gf bro

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>romance trad con christian waifu ashley
>hot young space muslim/ gypsy joins crew
>actually useful in combat
>leave ashley to die via nuclear holocaust
>spend two flirting with jailbait
>blow biggest load in human history inside barely legal virgin alien puss in three
>still be mad at how dirty they did tali copy and pasting a model off google

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v3 fucking when faget

Ashley is dead, Jack has had twenty miles of cock through her, and Miranda is barren.
Tali is an alright alternative though.

did you know that in a truely randomized system the most common occurance are repeats of the same thing? its entirely possible that most life in the universe looks like us

It would've been nice to romance a matriarch. Games don't have enough older woman romance options.

Hopefully soon

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How do you ME fans cope with the fact you wont get another game ?


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I dont

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>moon over june
fuck I forgot about that shit
the squirting scenes were alright though

I cope with the fact there are three too many released.

God, the fact that you can't have a gay relationship is the biggest blue ball in history. I can't believe they made Kaiden a bisexual and added fucking STEEEEVE as a gay choice but not the best boy in the series.

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That's a mans ass.

>Tali is an alright alternative though.
Imagine paperbagged sex except it's your entire relationship.

ME3 made me completely stop caring about the franchise.

>Playing as a disgusting dyke

Join the club.

hell yeah

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Liara really doesn't care that much.

hes tali's bitch and thats a good and cute thing

Imagine not only being a retard who plays as female Shepard but playing as gay female Shepard

I forced myself to bang that annoying neurotic useless whore just so she wouldn't ruin Garrus' life. I gotta look out for my bros.

FemShep x Garrus is greatest ever.

It helps both of their VAs are awesome.

game? looks neat... for reasons


This, especially her mother.

>Managed to be the only good thing in Andromeda
>Got one tenth of exposure compared to the trilogy
>Somehow is arguably more likeable.
My opinion is biased because she's not a colored human, but I liked where they were going with her. Too bad ME is dead.

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Asari are parasites and should be purged

I want to give Vetra human hybrid babies.

I thought I was gonna get twin action FUCK
If this was the first game you better believe that would happen

They'll hate you because speak the truth, brother. Everyone knows Samara is the only correct choice.


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>>hot young space muslim/ gypsy joins crew
The only thing "muslim" about her is the headcovering

Muslims are Batarians
Jews are Volus
Quarians are gypsys
Turians are Romans and sexraptors
I don’t know why people struggle with the distinction
