

Ahhh, smell that? This is the kind of smash game that people who actually shower play.

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legacy xp or go home

>no banjo
>no k.rool
>no ridley
who gives a shit

>smash players
>ever showering
Smash fags have been boycotting showers since '99

How is Knuckles anyway

Link's grab game is straight up unfair, which is why I play Link

You don't actually play smash

this is the stinkiest one

Medium speed, size and weight. Has a lot of mixups in the air. Not really my kind of character but honestly I'm really impressed

Biggest smellies play project M

counterpoint; YOU don't play smash
yeah. how about that. just turned that whole thing right around on you. bet you feel real fuckin stupid right now

Mario is nutty and way funner than le epic up-air man he is in 4 and Ult.

All smash games have the same skill floor, the only difference in the skill ceiling.

The skill ceiling, from highest to lowest, goes like this:

1. Project M
2. Melee
3. Ultimate
4. Brawl
5. 64
6. Smash 4

You know this is true.

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>Knuckles but no Lyn or Isaac

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>dude what if we made every character top tier?

I didn't realize the hate for Project M until I played it with my boyfriend.

My BF literally doesn't play any kind of fighting games whatsoever but loved Brawl and thinks Ultimate is a good game.

After playing Project M and winning 10 times against him for every time he beat me once, he wanted to stop playing and hated the game because he couldn't win. He was mad that I could do all of those advanced techniques and he couldn't, and he was upset that I was able to do all sorts of crazy things while he couldn't.

That's when I realized:

People who don't like Project M just fucking suck ass at it, they don't know how to do any of the things that make it a fun game to play, so they genuinely don't see the appeal and think it's just glitchy trash.

If you dislike Project M, the reason is probably just because you suck at it.

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>learn how to play shit mod
>beat my faggot buttbuddy because I autistically learned all about the techniques of shit mod
>faggot buttbuddy gets rightfully mad you wanted to play shit mod to beat him instead of playing the real thing and having fun

I was finally going to play one of these and it doesn't even have Geno which is 3/4s the reason I'd even touch it. Why play this version when it literally has just one new character

I kick his ass in the real thing too, though, it's just that instead of one of us having fun neither of us are having fun.

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I don't get it, isn't Legacy XP the definitive version of Project M? Why settle for less?

If you're the type of retard that likes Ultimate, then yes. Otherwise, it's just a janky unpolished mess with absolutely no scene or meta because nobody wants to play an unpolished jankfest.

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Best balance, best movesets, least stupid, most game modes, least bugs, most fun

rosterfagging will get nowhere in life

>janky unpolished mess with absolutely no scene or meta
Sounds pretty based to me, thumbnail poster.

smells like musky lucario paws

If this was true then no one would have started playing PM in the early days. Pre-3.0 was absolute garbage.

>No scene or meta
Probably because the only people who care about competitive smash are still stuck in 2001

Melee absolutely has a bigger skill floor than the other games.
And that's a bad thing why?

was 4 that bad? it's the only one i skipped due to not having a wiiu

It's not great. Definitely trying to appeal to the WiiU kiddies

4 had infinite airdodges and rolls were the best they'd ever been AND never staled unlike Ult's. Shit was degen as fuck and the only people ranking it over Ult are salty Bayo mains.

>no scene or meta
>in a hack
>for a party game

>autists mod Brawl for years to make it like Melee "but better"
>Melee is still better

i see many people complaining that ultimate is the shallowest, but i don't care much about competitive, so i wouldn't know

>We'll never get a smash game as good as PM again
why is life so unfair?

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Name one thing Melee has over Project M

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I couldn't give less of a shit about comp play, and Ultimate is the best one since 64 in my opinion

>In-game timer now displays frames instead of centiseconds
why don't normal smash games do something like this?

you wish

Where the fuck can I download Legacy from? They removed all their download links and blocked their own website.

Hm fuck the competitive scene? Just play my watered down, retard proof games baka gaijin.

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a thriving competitive scene

Project M for Smash Ultimate when?

So a bunch of fat sweaty neckbeards like it
I wouldn't call that a good thing.

>the only thing melee has over pm is comp playercount

>the only thing Melee beats PM at is something outside of the game
Compelling argument lad.

The virgin Project M
The chad Brawl Minus

It appears that you have posted Project M instead of Brawl Minus
Please try again

Allow me to illustrate a point for all the people who unironically think Ultimate is the best smash

Take a look at this graph, if ultimate were truly the most fun smash game, then the bar would be as high or higher than Project M's bar. Why? Because the game would remain fun while you get better and better at it, instead of getting boring.

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imagine thinking that skill=fun in a party game

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whats it like having sex and having your dick come out smelling like shit?

>Allow me to illustrate a point for all the people who unironically think Ultimate is the best smash
>Take a look at this graph, if ultimate were truly the most fun smash game, then the bar would be as high or higher than Project M's bar. Why? Because the game would remain fun while you get better and better at it, instead of getting boring.

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Man you smashfags are fucking retarded the roster in the switch version is already amazing

You stink and look like a bald hobbit.


who cares about the roster when the game plays like dogshit

Imagine taking smash Bros seriously when the entire point was to just have your favorite characters beat each other up for like 5 minutes

Yeah I'd like something like Travis Touchdown or Skull Kid but what we have is already fantastic

Allow me to illustrate your bad hygiene.

Take a look at this graph, if you truly didn't stink, then maybe you wouldn't play Project stink.

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>making a 'graph' to show he's better at a game than someone on an anonymous forum

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Wrong. This is your average Smash player, regardless of which version you have a superiority complex over.

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Silly user, he's the one that fucks me, and I make sure to eat healthy enough that my colon always smells like citrus fruit.

Project M is the type of game where hours can go by and it feels like minutes, meanwhile Ultimate is the type of game where minutes can go by and it feels like hours.

If Project Mfags like showers so much why didn't they put Shower into the game? case in point Mfags are just as Smelee as Smelees.

No, Wiikiddies just want people to ignore how bad Brawl is.

That means the game is balanced


>You have to softmod your Wii to play it
I guarantee you nobody who plays this actually showers. Anyone who has a life has no time on their hands to hack a nearly 15 year old console to play a smelly fake fighter.