but really who was in the wrong here ?
But really who was in the wrong here ?
don't know don't care
That fortnite zoomer for being a dirty cheater.
Zero tolerance.
don't know don't care
this, i don't care if was a "just a prank bro" you and your viewers are trash and you trying to monetize cheating is just pure LUL.
Good riddance.
The now irrelevant ex-fortnite streamer that broke the rules.
The guy who cries loses
>Gets caught
>Gets permabanned
As someone who had to suffer through the bullshit lag switch fest that was Gears of War 2 online matches, this little brat deserves it
he has a nice shaped head, why not just fucking shave at that point
i dont know who either of these people are. why should i care?
Lmao that was me
>had internet router linked to an electrical switch
>match starts if I'm host I just flip the switch
>kill enemy team
>flip it back on
Worked every time and I never got banned or anything. Just a bunch of hate messages that would make me laugh.
Those were good times. I still remember the sliding weapon pick up glitch, the running chainsaw glitch, and the drop under the map/ out of bounds glitches.
>unintelligent, mindless, mixed race monstrosity
This is literally what everyone will look like in the future
Oh no! An infographic!
None of those mutts are white
Is that the Stranger Things kid?
Why are there so many self-hating jews?
Should've put the quotation marks around white
>this image has been posted over a thousand times with this exact filename
Thank fuck I am not balding or having a receding hairline
>if you give me more likes, I'll make another video
Why did the world allow Americans to define the term "white"?
>getting put down by a guy who has "Mustard" for a name
what a bitch
absolutely based Donald
incel to femcel with just a snip
right? he's one of the few who would look great bald
school shooter in top row, middle-left
How does this image make Yas Forums seethe so much?
>"a-and, and t-then I told him! But I poop from there!"
You dont know what an infographic is incel retard
just saw his youtube channel, he's getting tons of views, I think hes fine
Hello, Yas Forums
My name is John Bettenforf
I'm glad epic ruined that guys future career, he should go back to africa
he is a chad cope
I legit pity people like him. Existence must an agonising feeling.
what the fuck
Because they see people who look just like then in the pictures
its the classic loser white gamer look
And it has been right every single time. Amazing.
>Two literal whos slap fighting over a game
>Muh twitch career
Online gaming was a mistake
>red pill comics
I'm a talented artist, please support me on Patreon
Oh shit!
Gave me a light chuckle.
because "white" only existed in contrast to "black" i.e. a slave. anyone not a slave (or freedman) was not black and was therefore white, which is what allowed the shitclingers like the irish to pretend they were white too.
what, you can't do that?
These guys aren't white? How do you tell if someone is white? Is it blonde hair and blue eyes?
The father I hate with every fiber of my being paid off a chinese hooker to marry me
>be openminded
yet another jewish ploy
>Just go to the gym bro women will crave you
The stupid faggot.
>Dude i was just cheating for fun!
>Act as though hes better and more important then other people just because hes a meme youtuber/streamer faggot
>Same rules apply and hes banned from the game
>Him and other faggots who think they are better then you despite having no personality and are the epitome of streamer cancer say its different because hes "popular"
>His cheating still made it a bad time for people he cheated again.
I wish this shit happened more. These cunts are vile individuals.
>image frequently used by Yas Forums to demoralize Yas Forums
Besides dropping under the map atleast other Gears glitches were amusing. Lag switch is just something a nigger would do if they knew how. You're no better then a nigger you laugh despite being a shit person.
>How to build a great personality
>Any of that.
Character sweat and hard work is what builds a worthwhile personality. Being out going helps too but just being positive doesn't do shit since half the faggots who try to be positive 24/7 turn into the biggest cunts the second shit hits the fan.
>that guy with no neck
absolute state of white genes
Why are they all so ugly?!?
>missing the joke
Look at the MC in the first panel and then in the last panel
No shit I actually know/went to college with this guy. Let me tell you he was a really chill guy and had a really hot girlfriend.
She was small, blond, busty, not thin but not fat either like the perfect thick for a woman.
It's hilarious seeing him on here though.
Also most of these guys are making ugly ass faces, or are flexing with uneven bodies
Second from bottom right is a legitimate freakshow. I have never seen a man with no neck before
Lmao it's just a game. Literally all you had to do was turn off your router for a quick second
I'm pretty sure it's just a funny compilation of pictures, not some "gotcha!" image to make fun of people who take care of their selves.
Based Tim dabbing on zoomers
You clearly haven't been here very long
If you actually know who any of these people are than you’re underage.
Half of these guys arent ugly. They need to smile, get a better haircut and be themselves.