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Red Dead Redemption appreciation
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I think that as a game, rdr2 is better, but for some reason i prefer 1
Zombie part is great
I found it easier to get invested in 1's story, because John had a clear goal from the very start.
Hey, Dutch clearly had a plan too.
1's story is really simple. Kill some guys you used to know to save your wife and kid. 2's establishes so many foundations to those characters, that it was really meant more as a fan service type game. It doesn't become clear in what Arthur's really doing until he realizes Dutch doesn't know what he's doing, but by then he's already succumbing to tb
I keked.
Lost all interest for the online when it became apparent the whole thing was a scam to get people to buy gold.
Aside from reddit, what’s so yikes?
>RDR multiplayer has so little to do other than pvp game modes, and the customization is just skins
>RDR2 multiplayer is more about having a cohesive world to dick around in with hunting, hunger, business and pvp.
>pvp modes seem like an afterthought but there's occasionally a good featured showdown
>both of them are incredibly grindy when it comes to unlocks, but rdr2 is worse because two currencies
how come Rockstar can present a good foundation for a multiplayer, but fucks it up with grinding?
There is literally an entire subreddit dedicated to this entire reddit game.
its gotten a lot better. they decreased the amount of gold you need for a good bit of shit. it's easy to get gold if you do dailies or actively hunt treasure maps. getting a bounty hunting license fucking sucks because its like 20 gold bars for some bizarre reason
Because they only care about the 1% of people who spend money on gold to skip said grinding.
I really wish we had the story of one with the game/gameplay of two. Not that the story in 2 was bad, but I really can't stand knowing what's gonna happen in a story when I'm playing/watching/reading that story.
There's a subreddit dedicated to literally anything you dumb shit.
Every game has a fucking subreddit
early gta online was pure kino before shark cards became the standard for every update. its a shame Rockstar's greed has gotten so bad that its actively fucking with how they deliver content. RDO doesn't have a lot of decent content imo to make it pleasurable to play alone
You two seem pretty aware of the site’s setup. Maybe you should go back newfags.
It’s still boring.
>grinding roles sucks
>grinding for gear sucks
>no heists
>stranger missions are a chore to do and to find
>glitches and bugs
>explosive arrows and bullets are lame
>auto-aiming in pvp is trash
>where are the story missions?
There’s a few more I can’t think of now but online is lame and if it weren’t for the single player, I wouldn’t even bother
you seem pretty aware its a website. are you a...tourist?
Most overrated piece of unfinished shit I've ever laid my hands on. Ever.
Randomly changing weapons, randomly changing horses, random spawn locations, performance issues with state of the art CPU and GPU and doesn't even look nearly as great as some of the best games out there. Huge loading times even with NVMe SSD. And of course, horrid disgusting controls. Never seen context menus design as poorly as this.
>Try to shoot the npc in front? Oh sorry, your horse is next to you 15 meters away, the game will zoom on that horse now. You need to run further before you can actually fucking fire back. Oh you died? Oh, you must suck then.
>Oh you're trying to pick up the bounty? Sorry, your horse is 10 meters in front of you again, looks like you're gonna run there, sit on it, then run back, and then die because you were being shot again and you couldn't do shit about it but wait for the fucking slow ass animations to fininsh.
>Oh, you're trying to turn left / shoot another npc on horseback? Sorry, your horse has a fucking mind of its own and turns right into a fucking tree for absolutely no reason. Fuck you man haha!
And let's talk about online mode. Yes, the mode that is supposed to be prime focus thanks to GTAV:s insane fucking cashflow from it: Hackers running wild all over the place, no fucking weapon balance, random headshot instagib from shotguns that have a range of 5m, from 30m away... horrid fucking 5 minute loading times because console fag p2p is so great. Let's not forget the complete and utter lack of any interesting content either, or the fact that even now 2 years later, HALF THE FUCKING STRANGER MISSIONS DON'T EVEN WORK! Or the countless ERROR 20000*** crashes, or infinite loading loops, or how your morality regardless of your choices, can be fucked up by other people in your party in a pug you couldn't even pick yourself.
What a fucking incredible sack of shit game. Honestly.
>reddit punctuation
>reddit spacing
imagine being THIS desperate for (You)'s
im surprised how long it took the law to catch us considering i killed or swindled literally thousands of people throughout the game.
Online is the biggest piece of shit, but it has some nice-looking gear. Sadly, they will never bring it over to story mode. At least we got the LeMat revolver.
>doesn’t even know how to reply
Cringed and newfagpilled.
>P-please give me (You)'s
I liked it. Fuck you.
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting
Currently playing 2 and it's pretty comfy. I just hang around camp, do chores, drink coffee, and hunt animals until my horse is full.
guys, dont be alarmed
but i think arthur has corona
RDR2 is a fantastic game and it gets better when you leave for some time, and come back to it.
It's not just that the main narrative is good and that's it, it keeps being good when you come back to it and just sandbox immersing yourself in it's world.
It's slow as fuck, but it's not a walking simulator.
You walk around and take the world in, sure, but you're also shooting the shit outa of guys and guns feel weighty, and booming, when you split someone's head open with a shotgun, you feel that shit.
You're hunting, you're fishing, you're planning routes to sell your shit or craft that rare article of huntsman clothing, you're keeping your guns clean, you're taking care of your horse, and so on.
It's a slow game, but it's slow in a good way, there's plenty of shit for you to do, and each action you do is deliberate, it has weight to it.
It's probably Rockstar best game to date, and it will be appreciated by more and more people when they revisit it in the past, or when it gets some sort of remaster like GTAV did.
My only complaint is that i'd like more singleplayer bounties, or some sort of randomized SP bounty hunter system, just to have more to do from that point of view, rather than running into bandit dens and running into them to have more action.
If the game has more bounty hunting post-game, i'd probably drastically climb my list of best games ever made.
>>reddit spacing
It's chaptering, you fucking pre-teen child. Been around since ancient Egypt. Go to school so you don't embarrass yourself.
You're right about the online mode but your greentext tells me you need a healthy dose of gitgud.
Opinions on pic related? I remember liking it a lot as a kid but coming back to it recently it really feels like every level is "that" level
>You two seem pretty aware of the site’s setup.
fuck off
I agree with everything. RDR2 is the ultimate free-roaming game, but it kinda falls apart whenever you do a story mission. Which you have to, sadly, to unlock new shit that is arbitrarily locked.
I loved just riding around, taking in the view at the top of Mount Hagen, but in the back of my head in knew I had to keep playing the shitty story missions to unlock the LeMat revolver.
I thought the kill cam was gonna be lame as hell but it turned out to be pretty kino.
>Randomly changing weapons
>randomly changing horses
>random spawn locations
>performance issues with state of the art CPU and GPU
Only during the first month of release
>and doesn't even look nearly as great as some of the best games out there
How many of them are that huge
>Huge loading times even with NVMe SSD
I have it on an HDD and it loads fast as fuck, both single and multi player
>And of course, horrid disgusting controls.
What's so bad about it, KB+M felt fine
>>Try to shoot the npc in front? Oh sorry, your horse is next to you 15 meters away
Blatantly fucking false, only happens if the horse is right next to you and in your POV
>Oh you died? Oh, you must suck then.
You really must, you end up having several dozens health, stamina and Dead Core items
>Oh you're trying to pick up the bounty? Sorry, your horse is 10 meters in front of you again, looks like you're gonna run there, sit on it, then run back, and then die because you were being shot again and you couldn't do shit about it but wait for the fucking slow ass animations to fininsh.
At this point I don't even know what the fuck are you talking about. I'm 96 hours into the campaign and I had no fucking problems
>Oh, you're trying to turn left / shoot another npc on horseback? Sorry, your horse has a fucking mind of its own and turns right into a fucking tree for absolutely no reason.
The horse drives itself when aiming. If you're running across a forest instead of a road how about stopping the horse dead in its tracks?
John has no real arc though, he's the same guy throughout the entire game and was already a reformed man before it starts. Kind of boring compared to the incredible character development and change Arthur goes though. That made RDR2 much more compelling to me.
The first modification to a weapon I made was turning the initial Cattleman into the Scorpion Revolver desu
John even has his own arc in RDR2. He goes from an immature shithead to a loving, responsible father and husband. I even prefer RDR2's John over RDR's John.
2 has a lot of fat that should've been trimmed
>incredible character development and change Arthur goes though.
lmao. He was an asshole outlaw his entire life and when he realizes Dutch has lost his mind and he'll die anyway he decides to help John get out, that's that. Arthur is not a good man and his redemption is a weak one.
>John has no real arc though
He absolutely does.
He goes from being a shithead troublemaker that doesn't give a fuck about much (but still has SOME principles, i suppose) into a hard working loving father.
...granted he still kills and rob people, but it's implied he has stronger priorities now, if the player is taking it too far playing him as a sociopath in the very end of the postgame, it isn't really seen as canon.
The inclusion of a photo mode easily doubled the time I spent with this game.
To the two people that still play the online mode in the thread...do you like it?
Go back.
>Arthur is not a good man
His close friends see him as a good man.
YOU are not forced to see him as a good man, but you should be fair and see him as what he actually is: a flawed man with a bad past that is generally trying to be a better person.
At least if you're going for a "good" route.
You can play him like a total asshole if you want, but i don't think it's as satisfying narratively.
It's a fucking grind and today was the day I finally uninstalled. I feel free.
>a flawed man with a bad past that is generally trying to be a better person.
I'm sure the citizens of Strawberry or the police officers from the Penitentiary feel the same.
You'd think if they were accustomed to Reddit spacing they would've fucked up the greentexts though?
The return of the lost son is a motive as old and christian as... well, christianity.
He's talking about John's arc in RDR1 not 2, which is just a flat line
It's the wild west, everyone's an asshole to some extent.
Sometimes to survive, sometimes not.
There's multiple books on actually shit that went down during that era and you'll find horrific, completely illogical acts of violence done by otherwise common folk just because they could, or backed by ignorance and stupidity masked by "common sense" or what passed of it at the time.
Again, i don't think the game specifically want you to see Arthur as a good person.
I think the game is suggesting that Arthur is legitimately trying to make an effort to be at least better than what he used to be.
If you can't be convinced and think he's an asshole, he's still not as bad as the average person around him at the time, people would do crazy shit back then, out of nowhere.
>killed those two free roaming
>turns out they were part of a debt collection side mission
Happened to me too.
They put that house too close to a road you use often, i bet a lot of people fucked that up.