How are you enjoying the demo?
Trials of Mana
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I'm also curious about this.
I only like the PSX Mana game, so i want to know if this one has a good combat system.
games going to be underappreciated. because of the childish graphics many will overlook this . but its fucking better than the ff7 remake in terms of gameplay. you can jump ffs. movement isnt quite as fluid but its more fun to play.
i just wish less conversation wasnt done in cutscenes and characters had more "on the road banter" otherwise its what a modern game should be. a game. really looking forward to this as well as all the other big releases for this month. thank god for preordering otherwise this would have set me back quite a bit this month.
I haven't had the chance to sit down with it, but I have to ask, why does every youtube video feel the need to point out it being a switch game when it's not only a multiplat, but that just being generally besides the point.
I enjoyed it, will be getting it on release.
Played through it twice and has seen everyone's prologue besides Kevin's.
I'm struggling to decide which character's stories I want to do first.
It's better than the original, but not really all that outstanding. You can do all these setups for your characters like making a character pull aggro passively and one other character would gain special faster and spam it and last one stunlocks mobs and all that. But then everything dies super easy so none of that is necessary. In that sense it's like Legend of Mana, I guess.
I'm enjoying it quite a bit but now I'm on the long grind to get enough item seeds to get the magic pot to lv3
SD3 is my favorite SNES game and I already know I'm going to buy the remake so I haven't touched the demo at all.
As someone who was shittalking the demo in threads yesterday, its starting to grow on me.
The cutscene animations and dub are still shit, and the environments look bland, but aside from that and the braindead difficulty its actually pretty good. Original looks better, but the remake definitely has better gameplay and the remastered music is pretty good as well.
Too bad that it coming out near FF7R and being $50 instead of something like $30 already sealed its fate.
Legend of Mana is better, but imo thats easily the peak of the series.
Remake and original both, Trials is probably second best fwiw.
I'm enjoying it so far. Hearing the title screen music sends me into a huge nostalgia trip and the EEEEs from Angela is too cute.
One thing I won't be enjoying is in the screenshot since this kind of thing triggers my autism.
Probably because it was announced at the E3 2019 Nintendo Direct and it's a remake of a SNES game.
Only have some minor gripes with it like how your other party member doesnt show up in towns (at least Hawk didn't when I went into Wendel as Riesz) and that it might be sticking a little too close to the original at times (not asking for ff7r tier with bloated compilation content and whatnot, just slightly more dialogue and party banter and such). Other than that I'm basically in love.
You fucking idiot. They hang around town are and you can speak to them like in FF9 now. It's way better.
How the fuck childish graphics is an issue? Never stopped any Yas Forumsirgin from getting into any Dragon Quest game.
What should I level on Duran first? I can't remember shit about classes since it's been ages that I've played the SNES game.
You can transfer your save state from the demo to the full game.
I enjoyed it. I'll be looking forward to playing the full game when it comes out.
>arrows pointing you where to go
>fuckton of glowing poop on the floor doing nothing more than satisfying a collectawhore's cravings
>Hard difficulty is as Hard as Ys 8 on Normal
10/10 preordered.
It's a simple but fun system. You have a light attack and a wider charge attack, and special moves tied to an L button shortcut, with a jump and a dodge roll.
The menu being mapped to R?
Wait a minute, is this one of those situations where you don't actually get to use all the characters in a single party?
Is it literally 3 per playthrough?
Loved it! Someone post the fairies feet!
You can stunlock any non-boss monster you want with light -> heavy -> charge on wakeup
Yep, you choose your party in the beginning of the game.
yes replayability isn't a bad thing faggot
Yeah. It's not an especially long game, though - it's meant to be pretty easy to replay.
the exploration gameplay feels really low budget and the animations are kinda janky, and the voice acting is terrible, but the combat feels really good, the models look great, and the remastered soundtrack is pretty spot on.
I'm sure all of my gripes will be something I just get used to if I was playing the full game.
they absolutely coulda taken some liberties with the story cutscenes though because stuff is just kinda happening and feels like it takes forever now because every line of dialogue is voiced.
this but unironically lol
Played the demo on switch and decided I'm gonna get a physical copy for switch, and I'll also buy it on steam once it gets heavily discounted. On what system are you guys planning to buy it on?
there are 3 separate endgame storylines/final bosses anyway, so if you truly want to see everything that the game has to offer then you'll need to do a few runs through.
It is staying close to the original but there is gonna be new content mostly towards the end. There's a new post-game chapter with an extra 4th tier class for each character and a cactus baby sidequest.
I found it too easy, even on hard.
The enemies do okay damage, but their stronger attacks are way too slow.
The crab boss simply can't hit you if you keep moving.
The remixed soundtrack is very good, the JAPANESE voice acting is okay, the english one is absolutely atrocious. The animations looks pretty low budget but that is alright because it is a low budget game.
What annoyed me the most was the combat, because it is too easy and you don't have many options either, so I can easily see it becoming boring over the time.
Maybe the same as you.
Now please tell me you can change difficulty at any point, because I started on normal thinking it'll be ok since I never played any Mana games, but it's really piss easy. Does it get harder? Should I start over?
So, Duran, Angela & Charlie for worst Eng Dub Run?
Duran will be leveling up earlier than Angela my main character
Worst girl
>Play on Hard
>Shit actually gets hard because i ignoring all mobs on my way to the god beasts and refuse to buy new gear every 2 slain godbeats from the nekos.
>Enemy Level 47
>Me Level 36
Am I the only one who doesn't want the handholding star symbol in every turn and just want to look around on my own? It's not like it's an open world game anyways.
Angela sounding like some becky is fine. The biggest problem with her is the "eep" sound she makes.
who is goremand. some skeletal being?
Doesn't it take a bit for the other characters to join you in the game proper? You'll probably have a head start.
Honestly. No, having played Seiken a dozen times, i remember my first runs being talk to everyone everywhere and make sure to check every nook and cranny till i activate something somewhere.
I like the marker so i know to avoid going to it now and go everywhere else first then there.
The original could be needlessly obtuse
Played for a while, gotta say the original remains superior.
It’s a bland, generic-looking remake without much to hold it up other than all the source material it reproduces (OST, SFX, story, characters and classes). QoL changes are nice to have but it’s hard to overlook how cheap this game looks and plays.
Duran (Dark), Angela(Dark) Hawk (Light) for cucking Wizard, God Beasts and Dragon with Magic Reflect
Duran (Light), Riesz (Light), Kevin (Dark) for Black Rabbit Desctruction?
Fuck wizards
Fuck you and shut up.
Can't seem to download it. I guess it's because I'm on Linux or something.
does the Art of mana have a collection of all the cards from Circle of Mana?
I like Angela. She's kinda dumb but at least she has reasons for it unlike Riesz and her even dumber brother that blew up their entire kingdom in the span of 20 minutes.
Probably it. Nobody makes games run on Linux.
Riesz and Angela has enough legs to last me a year. I can't imagine removing either of them from my party for future playthroughs.
Honestly I'm a sucker for "stupid character gets slapped hard to snap into reality to the point of becoming badass" trope.
Angie is and always will be best girl
charlotte somewhat reminds me of charlotta from GBF, without the lisp.
Riesz (Buffs), Hawk (Debuffs) & Kevin
About Kevin.... Crit Buff or Moon Saber? Which Class?
I don't mind playing an idiot if the game is going to force it's plot forward through stupid things happening.