So what 900 IQ dev thought it was a good idea to make players wait 10 minutes just to play half the roster?

So what 900 IQ dev thought it was a good idea to make players wait 10 minutes just to play half the roster?

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people still play that?

The one who works for the company that also makes Call Of Duty and doesn't want the two competing against one another.


>playing overw*tch
your fault, cuck


god this robot is fucking hideous

Is her face asian?

I want to have sex with that robot

god i hate the way she looks, she looks like a crackhead from the front and a neanderthal from the side. the only angle she looks good at is from behind so i don't have to see her fucking face
why couldn't she just have a viewfinder face or a cute screenface why did they have to ruin the fucking concept so badly, its like they knew normalfags hate anything that isn't a normal human but they needed more omnic characters so they made the worst compromise possible

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I wonder how they'll make the porn for her work

That face is incredibly unsettling.

Why did they have to make it a human face on a robot body? Why not just make it another robot, like Bastion, but feminize it a bit?

Disgusting shit.

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it's weird because it's a robot waifu that they clearly want me to fuck but i'd really just rather not, and waifu designs are one of the only things this shit game is good for.

they'll just slice a vagina onto it like they do with orisa. at the absolute most they'll give her a underbody thats just a normal human body colored black because all SFM pron is the laziest fucking thing

Literal retards, redditors like OP, and trannies.

The fuck is this shit?

I uninstalled it when they put the hamster
Even I have limits

Literally what and who.

Its a rare case of western devs doing something for waifufags, they gave her a human face for them.
Its like when Mortal Kombat devs gave Mileena lips without realizing part of her appeal was the fucked up mouth

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Their development cycle makes no sense. They release 2-3 heroes a year. In the first year they publish in game events every few months, but then they just repeat the events for the next years. Then they announce a new game which is really an update that looks the same and also the old game stays compatible with the new game somehow. And after announcing the new game they release a hero for the old game.

What the fuck is even going on there?

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hamster is one of the most fun character they've made though


what kind of retard plays ranked?

USB Onahole.

They said they aren't gonna release new stuff until ow 2 is released, echo will be the last hero for now. They clearly said to not expect new modes until the new game comes out. They also said the new game will come with 4 new heroes, and they will all be avaialable in overwatch 1 at the same time

What an ugly robot

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>they gave her a human face for them.
Waifus don't need a face

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Nobody is making you wait 10 minutes to play half the roster. You're doing it to yourself, because fuckwads like yourself think you're hot shit, and you expect to play DPS every single game under the false assumption you're going to wow and impress your team and the enemy with your amazing skills.

You aren't. Just shut the fuck up and play healer or tank.

Or maybe they enjoy playing half the roster in the game? Tanks especially are so boring in this game. Blizzard's mistake was trying to force the MMO triangle instead of just making all heroes DPS units with slight tendencies toward defensive or offensive play.

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>Or maybe they enjoy playing half the roster in the game? Tanks especially are so boring in this game.

Nah, its definitely the "I'M GONNA BE THE TEAM'S STANDOUT HERO!" self-serving bullshit.

>Playing a Healcuck or Tankcuck when you could be having ACTUAL FUN playing anyone else
Oh sure, I'd rather be holding a shield up slowly pushing forward and 'protecting' my team when I could be jetting up and throwing rockets as Pharah. It's not a matter of what's best for the team, it's a matter of what's fun.

Ana and everything that came after her is what killed this game for me just what the fuck were they thinking with that garbage

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>making all heroes DPS units with slight tendencies toward defensive or offensive play.
You mean like how it works in TF2?

My friend actually tried to convince me that their hero-ban rotation system was so that they could balance and tweak characters because he's a Blizzard fag and believe they can do no wrong.

>and they will all be avaialable in overwatch 1 at the same time
Why buy 2 then?

I've never played TF2, but yeah I believe so. It would be much better for the game. Queue times are miserable and feeling forced to play certain characters in certain ways is so boring. It makes matches even more repetitive than they need to be. It also makes outliers like Moira so blatantly overpowered.

Sounds like you just don't know what the fuck you're doing, if you can't have fun with tanks or healers. I mean, except Mercy. Because she's boring as shit.

The face really ruins the whole design. Overwatch needed a cute robot but they just had to give her a nigger face. Now she won't get any porn

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Jesus fuck, Overwatch is 4 years old? They spent 4 years making 9 fucking characters and none of them are even as remotely popular as the original cast.
What went wrong? How did they fuck it up so bad?

Her original face was too generic, because it was, like Bastion (or the assaultron you just posted) a single eye in the middle of a head.

>human face
Blizzard is fucking stupid and I hate them

why are you still playing Overwatch?

>They spent 4 years making 9 fucking characters and none of them are even as remotely popular as the original cast.
>What went wrong? How did they fuck it up so bad?

Moira. Ana. Brigitte. Orisa. Sigma. Wrecking Ball. These are all extremely popular characters. Some of them were meta for basically ETERNITY. It seems like you don't know what you're talking about.

>What went wrong?
Focusing on e-sports in an unwatchable, casual game.

Hm, there've been new ones since I last checked.
Makes sense since that was probably 5 or 7 years ago

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Blizz thinks all characters have to have to face showing to make them relatable or some bullshit. Rein's not even wearing a helmet while falling from a dropship in Overwatch 2.

I have a feeling that balancing an FPS hero-shooter is the worst nightmare ever

What? I see the new characters all the time, you don't even play the game wtf are you talking about retard

Can someone explain to me why they put 2-2-2 into the game? It's like they don't want people to play it. Why hasn't it been removed?

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Overwatch wouldn't even have a competitive scene if Blizzard wasn't pumping millions of dollars into it. The game is no fun at all.

Brigitte and Ana are actually well liked in general. Moira is abused by tierwhores and tryhards so she's honestly the most used character I see online in general. People just pick Healer and DPS and then play her like an assassin. Instant five gold medals every game because she does insane damage and can heal her team easily and builds ult before everyone else even when doing nothing.

>Blizz thinks all characters have to have to face showing to make them relatable or some bullshit
That's not just Blizzard. Every design team seems to have this problem. Like when someone asked Riot why they don't make monster heroes anymore that's the reason they gave.

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because too many >mom says its my turn to play dps

Bastion, Reinhardt, Reaper, Soldier 76, Genji, and Roadhog all have no face (at least their default).

All of her other concept designs were infinitely better than that monstrosity. Besides, since when does Overwatch care about being generic?

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Because before 2-2-2 everyone insisted on playing the "meta" which consisted of no dps at all.

God, that was even worse than what we have now.

Maybe not everyone who wants to play DPS is your e-athlete boogeyman, and want to actually try out new characters because there are only around 4 supports/tanks that they actually enjoy playing.
Maybe its because tanks and supports, and especially tanks have their own subcategories, which narrows down your playing pool even more, especially if the other guy sticks to his hero despite feeding his brains out.

Watch this change in OW 2

Literally the only thing they changed was projecting a face over her robot eye.

>tfw this is my favourite movie
why oh why did they have to go to space

Why in the FUCK would I want to play as a character that I can relate to when I already hate myself and humankind!

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so they added some uncanny valley and also empty hover tech where her asscheeks should be and that's pandering to waifufags?

I bought the game for myself, so what's wrong with it being self serving?
I'm willing to adapt because nobody likes to lose, but if it gets to a point I'm not enjoying it why bother?
It was easy to compromise when Roadhog could DPS, Tank and Heal all the same. But what happened? ledditors whined until his gun got turned into a tissue dispenser!
About the same thing with Soldier, though he can't tank his dps was great and again you can heal yourself so there's less dependence. What happened? They turned him into a homosexual!
Overwatch is plainly anti-fun, anything that you try to do by yourself and that requires skill gets nerfed, everything that makes you synchronize Q presses and is brain dead easy to play like Mercy or Winston get buffed and made near essential.

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Lmao just play TFe and you can play who you want

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Two reasons:
Goats (three tank, three support) and goats-variant team compositions were over-powered and no matter how many nerfs Blizzard tried it was still the meta.
Ladder was plagued by people that only wanted to play DPS and it was common to at least 4 people in competitive that wouldn't switch roles to help their team. This is why DPS now have a 10 minute wait with role queue.

>Maybe not everyone who wants to play DPS is your e-athlete boogeyman, and want to actually try out new characters because there are only around 4 supports/tanks that they actually enjoy playing.
>Maybe its because tanks and supports, and especially tanks have their own subcategories, which narrows down your playing pool even more, especially if the other guy sticks to his hero despite feeding his brains out.

I'm not buying the "maybe they just want to try new characters" thing, because there are a dozen other modes they could try new characters in. If they are queuing into comp and waiting 10 minutes to "try new characters", then that's even more moronic, since they could skip the wait time in literally any other mode.

No one likes Bastion. Aside from Roadhog they go out of their way to have skins showing the faces of the rest of those characters.

>Just play the other dead trash

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If they give her a skin removing the face I will unironically go back and play.

>Zarya and Roadhog are dps that sometimes tank
>Moira and Brig are dps that sometimes heal
I just can't deal with the others like Rein, Orisa, Mercy, Ana and the likes are so mind numbly boring I don't blame people for just sticking to DPS

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How the hell did they make robot that looks like a chemo patient?

You sound like a grade-A bootlicking little bitch. Get on your knees faggot, you should be used to it by now.

>create robot
>has to have female features
so this is the power of western design

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>can play who you want
>no 1 character limit
>modded servers

At least pick the better game