Western devs can’t make an attractive fem-

>Western devs can’t make an attractive fem-

Attached: 2591E667-12F8-4689-97D7-4550CDB5153B.jpg (1024x399, 50.46K)

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She's conventionally above average but with all that dirt, grime, lesbian jeans, and bitch face she's unfuckable.

That ugly piece of shit you just posted is proof that they can't

now post her girlfriend

>-ales unless they make them dykes

How do we stop them?

Attached: 1528786334483.jpg (1417x999, 200.99K)

>dirt, grime, lesbian jeans, and bitch face
Are you trying to make me hard?

jews are disgusting

Everyone knows they can, the thing is that they usually don't want to

Attached: 1584470476778.jpg (480x480, 27.87K)

Literally better in every way

Attached: 1.jpg (1080x1301, 269.41K)

i find left cuter. jewish girls just do it for me.

>not the gif

How do you fuck up this hard

is this real?

This is fake right?

>Short hair
>One leg
Gonne be a nah from me

>when you like freckles, tomboys, short hair, and lack of makeup but these things only inspire creatives to make lesbians or transbeasts
I'll correct this grand injustice one day

Attached: 1572900685874.jpg (500x457, 24.39K)

OK ephebophile

You can't fuck polygons anyway, user.


too bad her body is as flat as a board, medium size tits at least that's all I'm asking cuckmann


Attached: 1565404801238.webm (554x1060, 2.76M)

Unfortunately they robbed her of her face models fat ass and g cups.

Need a jewess in my life

Attached: Ellies literal actual gf.jpg (1859x2308, 578.92K)

Ben Shapiro's transition is going nicely

she's not really white you know

they can when they try

Attached: 1567057320254.jpg (3840x2160, 1.28M)

The Last of Us can be summed up in one word: Social Justice Warriors



Attached: CAndyCaneWip.jpg (1116x1440, 771.17K)

Did you just copy this from a youtube comment section or something?

You know he's right.

Not saying he isn't right he just oozes a youtube 2013 comment section

I feel you, my dude.

lmao you're a parody

You're a probably a faggot who couldnt pull a jew anyways

Oh, I know they're capable of making attractive females. You just posted piss poor example OP because you're probably trying to shill for LotU 2.

>brown hair
Did she sit under someone taking a wet shit?

GOTD and there's nothing you can do about it.

Attached: ETWWXPDWAAUg5up.jpg (968x537, 90.46K)

Crackers cant even get dates right

t. social justice warrior looking tranny

Will Yas Forums ever stop SEETHING over this game?

do you think joel will impregnate ellie and turn her straight with some good dicking?

nothing wrong with the tech
nothing wrong with the developers
everything wrong with the feminist ethics departments

Attached: it's not lack of ability, but excess of social justice.png (599x552, 469.5K)

Let me complete that for you OP

Western devs can’t make an attractive female even if their lives depended on it.

she was hotter in the first gayme

Attached: 1571309083504.png (304x369, 172.21K)

Freckles with dark hair is gorgeous.

Attached: 67259625_724086524716265_2920213969994521865_n.jpg (1080x1350, 216.71K)

Nah, once the sexual identity is set, you're pretty much stuck. You can't turn gay people straight or vice versa.



Lips too fat

>Bioware C team

Hell even the main bioware team doesn't have ability anyway

The joke is this girl is actually 100% Italian.

Also she looks like a female V from dmc5

Attached: 1555107253171.png (900x1582, 2.68M)


>tfw 2gb folder of nothing but nsfw vids and pictures of her

femALES more like femAPES lmao

looks 12

>Western devs can’t make an attractive fem-

Attached: 1569969608621.jpg (1920x1080, 1005.26K)


good goy

Share it pls. Im too lazy to do it on my own.

even the Bioware C team managed to perfectly copy Steven Brewis' face, right down to the dimples
facescanning is used by dev teams too inept to just draw a human-looking character, explicitly because it's literally foolproof
but there's no such thing as a facescan that can't be selectively run through a dozen "Fatman" distortion filters until it's ugly enough it doesn't trigger feminists, trannies, or feminist trannies

game of the day, and instantly forgotten, yes
female lead games aren't hugely popular, even for such an overrated series as TLOU, the game will sell, but not as much as its predecessor and nobody'll give a fuck about it after initial week

Now show the rest of "her" boyish figure.

>not as much as its predecessor
It easily will.

Someone is in for a rude awakening

you have to earn your cooms
lolibooru.moe and rule34hentai.net for the best stuff
post haste

Fucking Christ, just look at that snout!

screencap my post, keep it as a reminder as your desktop wallpaper and promise you'll drink rat poison when your delusions are proven wrong, okay?


Attached: your post.jpg (363x118, 13.71K)

kek based