If you had $2,000 pop up in front of you right now, would you spend them on a Switch and games for ir?
Think about it
If you had $2,000 pop up in front of you right now, would you spend them on a Switch and games for ir?
Think about it
No. I'd probably buy a gun.
I would spent them at rent, food and rest save for later.
nah, I'd wait, then invest in some stocks that dropped low and then sell after they rebound in a year or two and make like 5x the money
Flushing it down the toilet would equivalent to buying a Switch.
organize a rent strike you fucking cuck
youd just be giving someone who doesnt work free money
>buying a Switch for its regular price
Bought my Switch 2 months after release for $110 since I knew the Store Owner.
>spending $2000 on games
Paying off some things and then putting the rest in Savings. Maybe buy a game or 2 if anything good enough is on sale or out by then.
I'd buy a gun, some gold, and a new office chair.
>Rent Strike
>youd just be giving someone who doesnt work free money
>baiting this hard
Try harder user
>I'd buy a piper doll and feel a little less lonely during the Mexican Beer Apocalypse
No, I don't really have a desire to own a switch.
landlords are called lords for a reason you dumb bitch
>republicans love socialism when drumpf does it
kek literal cult
>nooo not the heckin landlordorinos they work hard to earn your paycheck
Both sides are just after the gibs as long as it's for them.
I wouldn't get it because I haven't filed taxes yet and my appointment on april 2 will probably be cancelled. I dunno what the fuck to do. I can't file them myself because I'm absolutely shit at math.
I'd blow it all on my favorite child hooker and spend two weeks locked up inside with her
I would spend them on hard drugs and frozen pizzas
fuck off Yas Forums
Sorry folks. No money for you
How does that boot taste, faggot?
UBI is not socialism
>universal basic income
>unemployment welfare
>2000 free gibmedats from the gubmit
put a thousand aside for whatever next gen system I want probably PS5 and upgrade my PC's ram and buy Doom eternal right now buy the last games I want for my PS2 collection.
use taxact. also it goes by your 2018 taxes since the deadline for 2019 hasn’t passed yet and they’re probably extending it anyway
Of fucking course no, I will just take the money and fuck off if that's an option.
Would instead expend that money on my PC.
The games I want on Switch (SMTV and NMH3, maybe Prime 4) don't even have release dates. Why would I want to buy a Switch?
I didn't file in 2018 as I didn't have a job then. I only started working about halfway through 2019.
>probably extending it anyway
2019 tax deadline has already been extended by 90 days
We keep you in a wage cage for a reason, you dumb animal.
PS2 Collection eh? what are you trying to get?
The Democrats are running to the right of Donald Trump.
This whole country is fucked.
wtf would i do with 2 dollars and 000 cents?
any proofs they'll be based on filed tax returns? what about those 18 year olds/fresh college grads who got jobs and moved out on their own for the first time and haven't yet filed taxes? or us worthless neets who have done nothing with our lives for 5-10 years
no because I already have a switch and games for it. At most I would put some of it towards Animal Crossing but otherwise, I'd just use it to further pad out my savings account.
It's still april 15 according to google.
If you were smart you'd save it for the inevitable rise in food and rent when everyone suddenly has more money.
hookers and cocaine
Good luck doing that leaglly right now.
>NEETs(berniebros) don't get shit
based trump
Ok, i bite, what do you justify the gun for ?
>inb4 hurrr self defense durrr
Parties over then isn't it?
>he uses comma as a decimal separator
>trump takes a democratic platform because fox news said it might be a good idea
>democratic party veers hard right out of spite because our government is just two chimpanzees flinging shit at each other and jockeying for campaign funds to justify their own pointless existence
thankfully "muh incumbency" means we're stuck with them until they're so fucking old that they can't even drive themselves to their offices.
>hey guy I should be able to just squat on your property for free!
Go ahead and try that when mommy and daddy kick you out and you have to find an apartment, kiddo.
I'd finally pay off my debts.
literally self defense. you see how insane people are acting in stores right now, and it's not just americans, there are videos of people fighting in britain and places like japan sold out of toilet paper as well, imagine how they'll act if the supply chain legitimately gets fucked up
hunting swine and protecting my property from ratlike pests
Self defense, also a good option to kill myself
There's a lot of niggers around here and so I need to be wary at all times. One already pulled a knife on me a year or two ago, don't want that to happen again.
try calling the police during a pandemic and ask them to get them out
I laffin
Name 10 Switch games that don't have cheaper and better versions available on PC, and I'll consider it.
then you’re probably not eligible since you weren’t a taxpayer in 2018, sorry bro
Guns are fun, user.
Buy linkies
This guy deserves to get shot at Gregg's.
>what's 2+2
>and don't say 4 durrr
shut up retard
Republicans are in favor of consolidating all economic and political power into a single mega corporation that also chooses tue laws, so it's not like they're anti-Communist. They're just anti-wealth redistribution.
$2,000 per person is probably less than the amount you pay in taxes this year as an individual. The HUGE bailouts will go to the companies.
Most people are basing it off of the tax shit from 2008, makes it likely you won't get anything. This might be different though, who knows?
Why can't they just do it based on the census?
>tfw a bill in America just got passed that makes it so you can't evict anyone during this pandemic
Eat shit. No gods, no managers.
self-defense is a legitimate concern when all the crazy people also have guns
>low interest loans
Schumer is a fucking joke.
The fact that you think a weapons purchase needs justification aside from desire is evidence you're going to reject the answer.
>no gods, no managers
Choking victim sucks, user
he's a jew, what did you expect? zero-interest is akin to anuddah shoah for him
Killing you
Put it toward the chin implant.