strategy and improved reactions
The basics of CQC
Never trust people.
How to type quickly and scam children
Thanks Runescape
>How to actually cognitively learn
>How to develop muscle memory
>Unironically this
It wasn't worth the 15 years.
please, give me an example of real-life applicable “strategy” you’ve learned from your nintendo switch
Learned a lot of spelling words as a kid due to spell skills names and pokemon moves
Money handling
Problem solving skills
you mean autism. Thats what you got from it lmao. See a doctor user
in an apocalyptic situation, humans are much more of a threat than anything else
I've actually learned a lot about guns and ammunition from modding Fallout NV
With the end of society around the corner, what genres would help with certain jobs?
Would you rely on FPS players as gunmen?
4X guys for diplomacy/map-making
Simsfags for construction
Recettearchads for market and supplies
how to open and close menu in excel. You can do that, right?
I can open a minimap anytime.
>Recettearchads for market and supplies
no man, they would jew everyone
Critical Thinking
Loss and acceptance (My fucking save data)
A love for learning
Cost benefits analysis
Talking to women is a game and if you say the wrong thing it's game over.
Ring fit has helped me lose 20+ pounds in the past 4 months. I'm almost under 200 now.
Leadership, optimisation of a team based on playing by their strengths, communication and leadership.
I once got a managment job by telling my boss that I lead a group of 25 people to make server first Naxxaramas clear. He didn't understand so maybe be just cringed internally
Learned a lot of general history from playing total war games.
Games can be super educational if done right. Maybe not directly but as an example, learning names of nations/factions, their geographic locations, and general historic dates they're associated with is a great starting point for delving deeper into the history. Total War games are not super accurate of course, but they're good for a general idea and they peak interest. whats cooler than reading about an ancient battle and then being able to go and recreate it? I used total War Rome II and Empire to help a friend who was teaching a military history class make some reenactments of major battles that he then used in his lectures.
I am untiltable after years of dota. I never panic, never EVER let mean comments get to me, my skin is as thick as a fat black niggress' ass
Copper + tin = bronze
problem solving skills?
Journalism is full of shit.
There is no such thing as "half a button press".
Ass Creed games were also pretty good at showing the general way of life of their time periods.
The second one was absolutely the best in this regard.
>students responding to a prompt beginning by regurgitating the prompt without even bothering to adjust the grammar to fit
It's a symptom of everyone being barely literate fucks without an ounce of critical thinking ability and I hate it so much.
Speaking of, I owe a decent chunk of my vocabulary to video games. I adore "colorful" words that carry connotation or implication. I learned much of my vocabulary contextually by just seeing it in use in games and books such that I will frequently have a word pop into my head, look up the definition to check that it is appropriate and find that it is EXACTLY the right word.
Also, if you are actually trying to use video games as supporting evidence of skills, it's more about what you brought to a challenge and how you grew, not just what you learned. Taking charge of and leading a guild of incompetent fucks in an MMO, for example. Or playing a Zachtronics game and applying engineering principles, using the given speed/cost/area metrics to design a well-optimized solution that maximizes one while keeping the others within reasonable bounds.
I learned saying the word "nigger" is socially unacceptable
I loved reading the little history excerpts they had.
I hope you're generalizing all journalism based on game "journalism".
i learned how to dream and how to love
>people will bully you
>I hope you meant that thing you unambiguously said.
Decision making
"You've been less than we from the moment your baseborn father fell upon your mother in whatever gutter saw you sired!"
Realizing the meaning of what he said blew my mind when I was little. I'd never heard a blow like that before.
I have learned at least 40% of my English from video game
I have improved my computer knowledge from building my own PC and constantly using different software
I have dratically improved my typing speed, which is something I use literally every day in work
I have made 4 friends from TF2 12 years ago and they are the best goddamn friends I've ever had in my entire life
I have made friends with quite a few people all over the world
I have actually made a fair bit of money from item trading on Steam
Need I continue?
This but unironically. If the game registers the push, then it is a press.
>mental math from yugioh games
>enough japanese to by in japan just from untranslated games
Social distancing
>I have learned at least 40% of my English from video game
looks like you need another 20 years
opportunity cost
I learned how to read from genesis RPGs.
How to dress nicely. GTA San Andreas and Saints Row 2 both had amazing clothing customization and I learned a lot just by experimenting with that.
>Basic logical thinking
>Computer literacy
>Abstract thinking
Games have been the main reason a lot of people ended up with tech skills.
my S key is a bit stuck so it doesn't always register, but thank you for your concern
You can actually put in guild leader experience in your resume. I got hired with my 2006-2017 guild leader in there. I titled it E-Sports Team Manager
I have an easier time conceptualizing 3D physical objects and solving problems.
Factorio has also unironically made me a better programmer.
I spent most of my free time during my teenage years in an mmo where I never revealed my irl identity. I dumped my entire bowl of spaghetti there, every ounce of teen angst I could ever possibly have. So, that was all dumped without ever touching my real life. My social and emotional IQ went up bigly irl because of it
ARMA will make it. Good thing I have a solid understanding of ACE Medical.
I can understand 4 languages.
I unironically learned how to drive because of games.
Fucking this
an ample vocabulary
improved/ high level of reaction
strategy and puzzle-solving
quick-thinking and micro-managing
How to be practical and efficient as well as optimal (MMOs)
How to lead (MMOs)
How to be opportunistic and pragmatical (MMOs)
Money Handling
Geographical Awareness
Critical thinking
lots of fun trivia info, lots of mythology
lots of moral lessons
Basic /k/ weapon knowledge
The basics of CQC
being aware of cliche
Basic videogame design
To appreciate the journey as well as the destination
How to spreadsheet, theorycraft and maximize options
RTSes do teach strategy, user. Whether you like it or not, it's a fact.
unironically Vidya helps lose weight. Pump it up , the arcade rhythm game, helped me lose weight when I used to play it a lot. There is one near my house and I should really go and lose some weight, just to be fit again. More fun than the treadmill for cardio
>implying I spend my entire life playing bideo games
I actually learned how to fight with a sword playing fire emblem lol, I won't say I'm good but at least I know a few basic combos with a katana (yes unironically) from watching ryoma fight in both fates and warriors,l since a lot of games use real combat moves and swordsmanship but obviously for physical moves you need to have the right physique, not all of them mind you but I've learned some good moves from fire emblem fates
The guy arbitrarily defined a term to more efficiently communicate about his work. That is what language is. I bet you're one of those retarded faggots who abjectly refuses to acknowledge the usage of "gender" distinctly from "sex" and shitposts with another person by carrying two entirely separate half-conversations because each is using a word differently (and both know it, amusingly).
Technically persistent and adaption if you play harder games. Otherwise dexterity.
Jesus christ this post cant be real
if you're a person who plays games driving is a fucking joke. You have the polished reflexes and interface-handling already from playing myriad games
I've made a lot of friends and good memories, I'd say that's enough
>Hand-eye coordination
>Basis economics
>AI patterns and behaviors
>Being able to eye and predict trajectory
>Basic math and English
>Critical thinking
>Basic civil engineering
>Anthropology and religion
>And peripheral knowledge that doesn't fit into one category or another
I learned how to suck dick by playing lots of VNs.
Unfortunately my BF uses death grip and doesn't feel anything unless he applies 10 tons of squeezing force
a testament of the zoomer infestation
Minecraft gave me an spatial awareness and sense of direction I didn't have develop and I haven't get lost since then.
That doesn't have any feedback, though. You could easily end up like the schoolchild allowed to dress themselves, so they go to school wearing shorts and pants with underwear on the outside and a raincoat.
I also learned moves from Fire Emblem
Art appreciation is definitely a thing learned by playing games.
>While you’ve been playing Animal Crossing, I’ve been studying Fire Emblem!
Depends on the game
There are some driving games that are annoyingly realistic--where you can't hit a turn going at 60+ mph without flipping off the road.
>Basics of cqc
>Critical thinking
>Geography and carthology
>How to lead
>Money handling
>Hey guys I learned some moves with a sword they're cool!
Yas Forums, never change
Basic level japanese
Shoot first.
Challenge yourself
How to scam losers beta STEM males without having a vagina.
>go out go-karting amongst the general public
>spend the whole day swerving, at speed, around incompetent fucks who spun out
>never once lose control
>passing people constantly
It's amazing how bad people are at things.
I mean, self-taught bato-jutsu is not really an applicable skill or even certified granted those moves could be fucking unviable either way. They're mocking the futility of his time investment
>Take Driver's Ed
>Classmates struggle.
>Call upon the handful of racing games I played
>Did so well the teacher couldn't believe it was my first time driving.
I mean even sound engineering is a huge under-appreciated thing in video games.
>Visiting family in Japan
>I guess they have their own video game version of (the Game of) Life
>Everything is in moonrunes, so they have to translate
>Roll and the game gives me a flat tone
>"Oh that's not good, isn't it?"
>Family thinks I can secretly read Japanese
>when I was just going off of audio cues
I learned how Gates worked thanks to Redstone in Minecraft.
>learned how to fight
>a few basic combos
It can be frustrating being called competent when you know you're not and It's other people that are shitters.
im in 3 hours in nioh 1 and the boss fights sucks my build is soo fucked up im about to quit this game
>doesn't feel anything unless he applies 10 tons of squeezing force
Is it possible to learn this power?
Being able to spot the dead ends you've created can be considered a skill.
This recent meme of redoing videos with Hal-Life sound effects is a real testament to how god damn good its sound design is.
Basic anatomy
Basic architecture
Basic Japanese
Basic Economics
Art Appreciation
Geographical / Spatial Awareness
Managing skills
Problem Solving
honestly if you're making a resume and you're some straight out of high school 18 year old you can unironically add many of (relevant ones) these and you wouldn't be lying if you're looking to get into some college of choice
it's called being Perceptive
videogames definitely enhance your perception of things, whether it is your spatial awareness, increase quick-thinking, recognize patterns, etc
playing fighting games helped me learn how to keep my cool better in stressful situations
If only people learned reading comprehension instead of skipping/speed reading. Seeing people complain about things they missed/skipped over pisses me off to no end.