Was it based?

was it based?

Attached: rapelay.jpg (1024x768, 121.97K)

>it gets banned in countries it never even released in

I miss when Illusion had balls.

the controls are retarded and it looks like shit so no

It had an impreg mechanic that actually progressed over time, so yes

It was pretty shit to be honest.
Very VN like progression with heavy restrictions.
I've played the AG series before so this was a downgrade for me.

Chikan is a very deep and intellectual passtime.

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the idea of rapelay is way better than the execution. lousy, lifeless animations and a very rough aesthetic. just like all illusion games imo

The milf took gallons from me.

What's this

>killing people
banned in every country

explain this shit

The laws are made by irrational humans instead of an acended machine.

it was based

Based on what?

Based on your life, and the answer is no, the game isn't about being an incel. Fuckin' schnorrer.

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Rape is worse than death.

Laws are made primarily to protect women and children and I'm not entirely sure it shouldn't be that way even though many women will take advantage of that.

someone tell me what the fucking game is already

Murder is portrayed universally in games, and if it isn't, the protagonist is most likely amoral. What you're talking about is self-defense.

> Raping
Of course who gives a shit what consenting adults do or the going ons in a fictional medium, it's not a good look to normalize rape (As in stuff like this should be somewhat obscure).

fuck it, installing

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Universally wrong I forgot to add


They just released another rape game a few years ago.

>the game isn't about being an incel
the game is about raping women, it is 100% about being an incel

theres nothing celibate about being a rapist

This looks neat but the animation sucks ass. God every H game I see is pure potential unrealized by budget constraint.

I don't have 200+gb of chikan games on my PC unfortunately.

I want to push her on to the tracks moments before a train pulls in to the station.

Chestmaster 3000 over here.

>girls won't date me so I need to fantasize about raping them to feel like I have control over my life
It very much is an incel game.

Killing a bad guy to make the world a better place or to prevent more harm from a psycho
Adding more harm in any way you want to spin it, and using this as self defense doesn't really make it acceptable.

If you successfully rape someone you're no longer celibate. FYI.

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youre world view is clouded from spending too much time on Yas Forums and the like
men (including those who have had consensual sex before) have enjoyed rape fantasies long before the rise of angry internet celibates

dude you can violently murder people in all kinds of games

Now this is based.

I hardly remember the whole fiasco but what was America able to do to a game released in Japan? Did Japan ban it on American's behalf? What impact did this fiasco have because there's plenty of other questionable Japan-only porn games.

These games are never as good as you hope they would be. If only they had more budget and polish.

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and redpilled

They literally never backed down from this stuff. They found out that the regular vanilla release gets them the money to release the next.

>Game that released years later had more to offer
lmao, dumbfuck.

If only these doujin devs weren't such shut in hermits and would form dev teams... wow!!

AG 1 and 2 came before you dumb newfag shitter.

Wasn't it just soccer moms freaking out about the game people outside of Japan weren't supposed to see? Back at the time we used to get translated eroge shortly after their release. The whole thing probably caused h-developers in general to be highly wary of the west and we are getting official releases outside of Japan only now.
Was there a particular reason as to why it has been blown so out of proportions?

Based on what?

I liked Biko 3 more.

Totally based.

Got the youngest pregnant first, followed by her sister before the mom.

>Someone attempts to rape you
>They fail
>You rape them back
Just like murder, only everyone gets to live in the end.

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Whats the name of this lewd papers please? I'm assuming its still in alpha.

Bro, read some yaoi or fanfiction or consume any sort of women based media. Women fucking can't stop talking about rape.

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did anyone catch the name of that game an user posted yesterday with some princess being blocked off by some monster looking dude who either needed to be paid off or get to fuck her? the art looked amazing

Game is fuckin awesome. Glad I burned it to disc.

No. Rape is gay and so are you OP

Thats whats gets to me about fanfics by women. You'd though they'd be into lovey dovey shit but nope, a lot of them liked getting pinned down and forced first before things gets consensual.

Perhaps it has to do with the idea of maintaining timidness and chastity. The idea that it is the mans role to be the chaser/the one who thirst and the woman as the vessel/the cup.

Its kind of insane come to think of it, that years of evolution made us into this.

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Games about killing are played for the gameplay. These porn games have no gameplay and you play them because you want to rape people.

"Based" on what, you retarded fat fuck? Type like a normal fucking person, you underage piece of shit.
And no, Oppai Slider 2 is better.

women are pure evil though

That is the second dumbest double standard I have ever heard.

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Sucks to be them. What they want is exactly what other women have made society turn against. Men are strictly raised to never treat women exactly the way some of them desperately want to be treated. And there's no reliable way to tell whether a woman is into it or not without being so intimately familiar with them that the allure/sensation of it being with an unfamiliar man is at that point now impossible. Women who are into it are ashamed to admit it to their friends, and they would never dare announce it to strangers because that may invite the kind of encounter that could turn extremely violent.

Is this tactical chikan action?

imperial gatekeeper or something like that

The Gatekeeper, or maybe it's The Imperial Gatekeeper. Easily obtainable from f95.

Right, sauce us, user amigo.

>And there's no reliable way to tell whether a woman is into it or not without being so intimately familiar with them that the allure/sensation of it being with an unfamiliar man is at that point now impossible
wowww you mean i have to build trust with a women and then ask her? why can't i just assume she likes it rough from the first time we meet??


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You missed the entire point of my post. At the point where she would answer you truthfully you've already crossed the threshold where the appeal of being taken by force by a stranger no longer applies because you're no longer a stranger.

Do you understand? That's what makes it a catch 22 and why these women are rarely satisfied. They need to pretend in order to indulge in it. Pretending to scratch your foot when it's itchy doesn't satisfy you.

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>m-may I touch you here m'lady?
Don't fall for the communication meme, they grade you on the standard of doing what they want without having to be told regardless of what they say. Women don't have a fetish for rape so much as mind readers.