Football manager

>football manager
explain this shit yuros

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Other urls found in this thread: manager

Is perfect world counted in CS:GO's numbers?

No way too explain simulation games to low iq folks like yourself.

I can't because I'm not a footyfag, I'm a fat cunt posting on Yas Forums

1. Unpireatable
2. The most fleshed out sports management games ever, by a gigantic margin
3. Addictive as crack
4. Football is awesome

free 2 play

For some reason my countrymen are obsessed with a game in which you spend 90 minutes not scoring

It's free for a week cuz isolation in Europe and such

yet youve spent your whole life not scoring bruv

Me on the right.

I don't have to explain shit to your fat ass, burger.

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Better than dedicating a career to it

The vast majority of PC gamers have abysmal, shit tastes. What can be explained?

it is unironically a great management game

is there beef between the Football Manager and FIFA fans?
>Ugh look at these fucking brainlets
and so on

Reminder that Europe is the sole reason why EA and Sony are so successful.

rate my tactics

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>not available in my region Brazil
What the fuck

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nah they're completely different games

Its never ending drama. Every game is a little episode under the story arch of a season under the story arch of your managing career.

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Is this red/purpe abomination is the default skin this year? How awful

is a cheeky lil bit of footy, now in'it?

good game developers but shit taste

Flies clinging to shit what else is new.

>1. Unpireatable
How so?

can't believe there's still faggots playing gta 5

No idea what they did, but for last few years there's no Football Manager games on torrents.


It's not like same people play it for 5 years.. GTA5 still holds up and attracts new audiences - it sold 20 million alone which is a ridiculous number

It's free this week

*20 million alone last year

you got gypsies on your team

I just want to pirate it ;_;
>5gb of football player photos and squads logos and tshirts because shit licensing


it's not even available in germany because of licensing bullshit. imagine if it was

Fooball is big in EU. Western folks live vicariously through the games and eastern folks are brazil-tier with their obsession. PES carries console sales by itself.

Its brand is a big deal.
Kids here still refer to it as "San Andreas 5".

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Is the br football company scummy and blocking it?
Here in germany we couldn't buy this shit without importing because the DFA is jst as greedy and corrupt as the fifa. 2020 is first entry for us on steam.

I want to kill each and every football faggot

if only

Attached: Capture.png (367x472, 27.56K) manager
2020 is. 2019 has a touch version demo for some reason available for germany.

football > comercialegg

o o f, daaayumn

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No I mean that you have to go to mod community to download GBs of just players pics and teams logos and shirts because of lincensing hell. Same for stadium or team names. Even national teams.

FM is addictive but I got burned out years ago. Just can't be bothered to spend hundreds of hours on it anymore, I watch some youtube series instead

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kek at handegg

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t. retarded amerifat

thats exactly what I'm showing ya, the facepack is 18gb, rest is logos and kits

this can't be real!

>mfw all that shit you need to buy to play rugby for sissies

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>just keep playing until being at 2056/2057 season
Even the guys at 16 got retired and into staff jobs afterwards

>no premilel league
>no serie A
>no laliga
>no bundesliga
>no champions league
>no europa league
At least the biggest chokers in the world and the most annoying fanbase in the world, Liverpool, got cucked from a guaranteed title (would have been their first ever English title since the 80s)

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I had it on my phone a decade ago, shit is addicting, there is a colossal amount of depth and managment, you get stuck in a loop in which you keep placing "just another piece"
The only other game that got me like that is Factorio

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oh dear, it was smaller when I played 2018, my last one.

>more popular than church
>11 minutes of playtime

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One game apparently last only 11 minutes.
You can play full 11 minutes without even breaking a sweat!
This has even less legitimacy of being a sport than chess, golf and e-sports.

I used to know a guy who played Football Manager on his PC, and would sit there dressed like this, with his arms crossed like he was actually there. No lies.

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i legitimately want to know where the fun in this game comes from
no flame

immersion is important.

All of those games are garbage.

Here an actual european football coach.

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oh i see. didn't even check because it was like that for years

They are gonna make FIFA tournaments with players, they are doing that in LeLiga

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>I just want to pirate it ;_;
You're in luck. A bypass was found today.
Check out csrinru.

we got too cocky americabros, soccer really does have it all

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Was his name Arsene?

Yeah this is like with the gema block on youtube. We had it for so many years that everyone just accepted it and then suddenly the companies got their shit together.

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>Bypass made by Zøg for F1 2019 game using Goldberg emulator is working. image as a proof and now I will too, you can see the steam is not running
For real or just pissing around?

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>mfw there are casuals that don't put on a suit when they're playing a cup final

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nigger its like 30 euros and you're gonna spend at least 500 hours playing it, well fucking worth it i'd say

If you don't like football and attention to details/stats - you won't understand.

It's managing your favorite team the way you want it, with all real players and stats.
Or taking a small amateur club from English 8th tier and molding it into superforce of European football.
Managing finances/transfers
Developing players - looking for young talent and growing them into superstars
Also all the excitement of watching football games, except it's your club that you built and manage.

>consolefag can't understand a game that isn't a sequence of cutscenes or some guy shooting