Gamestop will stay open on lockdown

"Essential Retailer"

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fucking based

fuck wagies

Fucking Gamestop

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amazon and post are getting fucking lazy with deliveries thanks to this virus. tired of my shit getting lost in the mail or taking 5 weeks to get here

Essential to whom, lmao

Just come out and say you want to stay open so you can get the Doom and Animal Crossing money

You joke but it is essential. Perhaps not FUCKING GAMESTOP itself but entertainment retailers in general. Last thing you want is a bunch of people quarantined getting bored after all.

>linking kotaku
Kill yourself

People are going to fucking riot if they can't play FF7R and RE3


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i mean yeah, makes sense to me. where the fuck else do you buy half the shit in that store? what else is gonna help keep people in-doors until september? it's gonna be video games, board games, tabletops, old blu-ray boxsets, all that shit. i mean obviously streaming / piracy will be a huge portion of what keeps people occupied but still. nerds are nerds and they're going to fucking gamestop.

as an aside, and this may just be me, but some people might be selling old gaming systems or old games for liquid cash in these trying times. i've been turning over trading in my PS4 collection to bolster my Switch library since I've either played the exclusives i cared about or they've been ported. mario party and smash seem like they'd come in handy a bit more often.

They are desperate to stay open. They’ve been making more money since this thing started then the past year or so. This is GameStop’s Hail Mary

I think it's safe to say Doom and Animal Crossing are going to sell at least 10 times more solely because of the pandemic.


Enjoy your Coronavirus, wagie.

More like they need to stay open because if they close then they will literally go out of business

kill yourself marketer

>linking to kotaku
You have to go back


At least my local Gamestop were making sure the place is cleaned with sanitary wipes and wore gloves, I've heard most didn't really give a shit.

>40 minutes

You think that's enough? They had to buy those wipes themselves.

>Gamestop Corp. says theyre providing sanitation materials
They're not, stores are having to expense it out of their own pockets
>Gamestop Corp. says they're essential
They're not, and nobody will be receiving hazard pay.

I've worked here for years but I'm quitting after this, i've already gotten some kind of cough just from the last week. I loved working here but I am NEVER buying anything from them again. Fuck the employee discount
Fuck the store leaders who are okay with this
Fuck the district leaders
fuck this

neck yourself nigger

*coofs on your copy of animal crossing*
take that nintentoddler

Yea it's the whole phone call.

video games are pretty important desu

I'll sum it up for you
>Are we closing?
No, money is good right now.
>This is taking advantage of a bad situation, right? Isn't that wrong?
We're looking at the long term
>Are we getting paid for this?
We are working on a response
>If we have to close are getting paid because of this
We are working on a response
>Are we actually going to put profits over our customers and people
We are going day by day to see
The last one is the one that hurts the most, they're literally and I GUARAN-FUCKING-TEE THAT THEY ARE GOING TO CLOSE AS SOON AS ANIMAL CROSSING DROPS

>Tfw work at a certain retail store

>We were going to redesign everything in a few weeks
> Get paid time off whole the construction starts and ends
>Virus happens
>Redesign gets pushed back until further notice
>Everyone's hours slashed in half
>Little to no people in the store
> We literally just walk around with our phones out all day

>Brothers who are in accounting and business are all working from home
>Fast food nobody can go inside to eat
>Banks drive through only
Holy fuck.

Any of you oldfags telling me if anything similar like this happened before in your life?

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>nobody will be receiving hazard pay
Hazard pay? I work in grocery, it’s arguably a more essential business right now than even hospitals, nobody here gets hazard pay. It’s not handling radioactive waste, wash your goddamn hands.


This is why it's a failed system. Putting peoples lives at risk for money. Holy shit I hope some GameStopfag shoots up the store and kills the district manager

Use an archive, OP.

Based as fuck. Just invested in them. With the world slowly burning, people are gonna want to buy games to cope.

>what is digital

I need another PS3 controller.

>I work in grocery, it’s arguably a more essential business right now than even hospitals, nobody here gets hazard pay.
>This is somehow an argument that justifies workers not receiving hazard pay
Does it hurt to be that retarded?

Nobody said you had to risk your life. You can just say no if they want to make you work and you don't want to

Hazard pay, essential pay, if you're forced to choose between working and getting the virus, or staying home and not getting paid you should be getting a pay raise. Contact SOMEBODY because you're getting fucked just as hard then.

Don't let them do this to you

>Dude work or else you're out on the street begging for money lol

Communism can't come soon enough

I was willing to spend my money there but they didn't get enough stock of Nioh 2 and Doom Eternal so fuck em

My point is I’m probably exposed to as many infected per day as everyone except ER nurses and doctors, the crowds are surreal and even sick people have to get food. Closing down restaurants has funneled them all here and panic shopping has made it worse. It’s as “hazardous” as it’s going to get.... which is not very hazardous.

The entire service industry just got laid off, your job will be gone in a second.

We're not going to get communism. We're going to get national socialism and people like you aren't going to be happy to say the least.

>if you're forced to choose between working and getting the virus, or staying home and not getting paid you should be getting a pay raise. Contact SOMEBODY because you're getting fucked just as hard then.
The argument from leverage is fucked up. Yes, my staff and I could demand extra money or refuse to work. I could also demand extra money from you for toilet paper and hand sanitizer too, since the demand is high and the supply is short, but if I did that you’d be crying foul.

And you don't feel like you should be getting compensated more for that? You don't have family members or people around you that you wouldn't want to get sick? What if you do end up catching something then user? Are you just going to accept that?

Personally, yes. Frankly I consider myself extremely lucky to be working in the only thriving industry in a huge wave of downturns and layoffs. I’m hitting bonus metrics I never thought I stood a chance of hitting and swimming in OT pay. Life is good, and all it costs me is having to wash my hands regularly which I do anyway because I handle your food all day.


>Dude work or else you get shot

What stupid moron would go to gamestop instead of ordering online. Yall are fuckin idiots

>go to FUCKING GAMESTOP (the only structure in town left standing)
>The unwashed neckbeard behind the counter gives me fucking pennies for the games I swiped from Walmart during the mass looting
>tries to get me to pre-order Metroid Prime 3, like nigga, that shit wasn't coming out even before the apocalypse
>starts coughing in my face, barely able to choke out a pitch for Game Informer before collapsing onto the ground
>leave in disgust, zipping up my biohazard suit and reloading my weapons before throwing myself back into the hellish dystopia outside
I don't feel so good.

Shit's slow'd down now Amazon is restricting Prime delivery

>A worldwide epidemic might save Gamestop

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At least there is food available unlike socialism

>Videogames possibly causing the death of hundreds.

Just how I always pictured it.

>avoid gatherings of 10 or more people
>including the bread lines

>people's lives are at risk
>corona is only killing fat, feeble elderly people
I thought you guys hated boomers?

The higher ups

Amazon announced they're no longer delivering video games until the crisis ends

>hazard pay.
Fuck off, you limpdick entitled millennial.

Post-apocalypse game where you've found a haven bunker with endless food and water, but you have to brave the infested wasteland to get your hands on comfy video games where?

A worldwide epidemic is called a pandemic, user.

They're a failing business, it doesn't matter what they do. They're in-fact smarter than others by staying open. Immoral? Who gives a fuck, it's the free market at work.

Sauce? I know it's hex maniac but can you sauce me up senpai?

Dilverary men are people too and are arguably more at risk by traveling. What do you think happens during a pandemic to them during lockdowns, retard?

yes goy go to work and then kill your mother and father with corona

How are they smarter by remaining open. Risking their workers lives for profit? I smell a lawsuit.

>Dude national socialism lmao
Commies are stupid, but this takes the cake