Don't Starve Together Wendy rework

Abigail is so fucking cute bros...

Attached: abigail.png (1366x768, 1.34M)

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>still not explaining how abigail dies
Is she stillborn? Did she actually not land in the bush?

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The whole scene was just Wendy's imagination, she most likely fell and got impaled on the rocks.

Kinda sucks as I use Wendy a lot and would like her to be more fleshed out, lore wise.

I think she has a lot of lore already, i want to know more about webber.

and I about Wickerbottom

i haven't played this game since I used to just keep infinite rabbits and survive off them until endgame, I literally don't know how to survive any other way

How do you play the game properly?

Webber is best character. Fuck everyone else.

Attached: Webber.png (560x720, 267.72K)

How do you survive anything?

If you want easy food just combine monster meat with 3 ice in a crockpot. I don't even know how you managed to survive the entire game with just morsels.

>Shipwrecked as Wendy
>Dry season
>Found the volcano and set up shop at the altar
>Abigail killed herself by attacking every fucking elephant cactus she happened to pass by
I'm starting to think Abby died originally because she had no sense of self-preservation while Wendy did.

I played this game a long time ago, rabbits used to never expire so you could just keep a million of them through the entire winter.

All animals in your inventory have hunger now, let them starve and they'll die. You survive depending on which character you chose, utilizing their perks while offsetting their weaknesses.

what the fuck is the point of this game
played it for an hour or two, and couldn't figure that out

like build a campfire and stay near it and eat sometimes? Did this shit for like half hour, nothing happened

the map is just an infinity of randomized nothing, I wandered to a direction for like another 30mins trying to find new materials but hardly met with anything really new or engaging

It says on the wiki she died in mysterious circumstances. Falling off a cliff doesn't seem very mysterious to me, so I'm guessing it happened after, probably shadow monsters like in Willow's short.

Tell when they do something for the singleplayer game, DST is for fags

t. filtered

Extrinsic gamer detected

Is that fucking Maxwell?

It's his brother. Maxwell is Wendy's uncle but i don't think they ever saw each other.

seriously tho
I know that there must be more to this game

Suicidal lolis are the best kind.

You are supposed to survive and unlock more characters, and explore the world. Adventure mode exists, and you are intended to seek out components of the portal to make an exit to the next world. There are 3 worlds to explore, regular Don't Starve/Reign of Giants, which sets you on a continent/massive island, Shipwrecked, which sets you on an archipelego to survive instead, and Hamlet, which sets you in a lush jungle with cities and ancient ruins and stuff.

There's also Don't Starve Together, which is multiplayer survival.

As far as DST goes it's just a survival game. The closest thing to an objective would be killing the bosses.

Don't Starve is the game you want to play if you want an actual objective.

Forget that last bit, rewatched it and it looks like Abigail died before the short, we're just seeing from Wendy's perspective.

>smile you couldn't protect
she was perfect, i like how you can handle her better so she doesn't just die to tentacles

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You can hear a car crash when she falls off the rock you brainlets.


She apparently died before 1914, cars back then sucked ass. Plus she died under "mysterious circumstances", a car crash is literally the least mysterious death you could have.

Webber would be cooler if he wasn't literally a child wearing a live spider as a suit.

You mean a normal child is cooler than a child that was swallowed whole by a giant spider, then somehow merged with it and became a two-in-one organism?

I'd rather he were just a smart spooder

that's her fucking screaming my dude.
you can see her mouth open.

What is this with Klei and naked child monsters?

Attached: Wurt_Guest_of_Honor_Skin_Portrait.png (425x599, 293.12K)

>Wendy carries a flower that can summon her sister Abigail's spirit.
>Abigail's spirit gets stronger over time but starts over if she is destroyed.
>Abigail's might is tied to Wendy's health, making her fight harder while Wendy is weak.
>Wendy can ask Abigail to stay close to her or roam more free via Abigail's flower.
>Wendy does not lose sanity due to ghosts.
>Pipspooks can now be found roaming around gravestones.
>Wendy can commune with Pipspooks to help them find peace in exchange for Mourning Glory.
>Wendy can use Mourning Glory in her Ectoherbology crafting tab to help her sister's spirit in various ways.
>Wendy has reduced damage in combat, but suffers less sanity drain from auras and the dark.

I bet these changes only apply to DST and not regular Don't Starve.

Probably. Klei seems to only care about DST at this point.

>I bet these changes only apply to DST and not regular Don't Starve.

Yeah it's a DST rework. I'm sure somebody will mod it into regular DS though.

>Everyone sounds like instruments
>She sounds like a car

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Fuck Klei for gatekeeping single player from all the extra content to get those cosmetic bucks

She sounds like some sort of ghostly choir you brainless chode.

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Yeah, but it's also more fun to play with your friends so i sorta understand.

I just want to play DST in the Shipwrecked and Hamlet worlds with friends. Let me explore Mayan temples together.

There's a mod for DST that ports shipwrecked over, i don't think it's finished yet but it's very good quality.

God I love this character but I hate how they made the fish update along with this character and every fish is useless for her

When are they bringing Warbucks back?

They aren't. He was boring, he was fucking useless for every gamemode that isn't Hamlet, and fuck you for trying to stir up this shit again.

freshwater fish is the only good fish for her but in the late game sanity regen doesn't matter that much, merm character that benefits from mass murdering her own kin is funny overlook on Klei's part

Who's this? I last played when Krampus came out.

None of that is the reason they got rid of him and you know it.

Wurt, a young friendly merm girl who likes to read and stories and dreams of being a princess. She can essentially make her own merm kingdom.

Fuck off.

Four more years you fucking cuck.

Back to faggot.

God, I wanna fuck a loli so bad...

Never even posted there. But keep accusing everyone who isn't a lefty soiboi like you of being from Yas Forums.

The same things apply to Walani and Woodlegs, except with Shipwrecked instead of Hamlet of course

Not him but you should make your lies less transparent.

>not him
>you should make your lies less transparent
So should you.

>i-if you have conservative opinions you must be a Yas Forumstard!
Do you realize how stupid you sound? Discussing politics is boring as fuck. I've visited Yas Forums once in my life and that was on election night 2016.

Walani is a balanced one, she can operate in Hamlet and her quick drying perk helps out a lot in rainstorms. That's like complaining that Wilson has nothing going for him. Woodlegs is a prize character for conquering Shipwrecked, you can't get him until you defeat the Quacken, find Yaarctopus, and find him in the volcano, and he offers a rare perk (infinite boat cannon) that's hard to get otherwise.

Yeah but they're not "culturally problematic".
