Nioh 2

War hurts us all, Oichi. War hurts us all.

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how does one unlock this?
When did they even give us the ability to level up our guardian spirits

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>Shibata Katsuie fight
I just can't do it, bros.

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Yo, why is Azai's theme so good holy shit

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roll into his charges! (not grab though)

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That boy Kenshin? I'm an Ichigo man myself.

That's to call it back if you die.

who /odachi/ here?

i found every boss fun and manageable, 1-2 deaths each or so

but fuck me, that owl filtered me hard

>Roll through his moving hitbox into a body you can't go through
>During an attack that can be combo'd into his grab
That doesn't sound like a great idea, friend.

Why did they insist putting the giant yokai bosses in the game? I just got done fighting the living castle boss and it was more tedious than anything. Cool design though.

>a body you can't go through
you can literally roll through him

We got that after beating the game before so I assume it's something similar.
Call Back replaces Change Guardian Spirit. Also as a heads up, don't use the Call Back menu to change your cores, it automatically calls it back for some stupid reason. Use Attune instead.

Incorrect user

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I like Ichigo too, but Kenshin's anime took place in feudal Japan. Bleach did not.

DLC? Same with the skill tree. It bothers me that there is something missing on the right side.

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>We got that after beating the game before so I assume it's something similar.
I thought that too, I even let logic trick me into thinking I needed to do 100% of all missions
No dice on either. I thought that it must be in the game, because otherwise the menu wouldn't exist

But now I'm not certain.

Kashin Koji's theme is by far my favorite

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>talking about being hurt
>name is dangerously close to "ouchie"

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Clearly there will be a new weapon in DLC, not sure what. Nioh 1 got two DLC weapons, so figured we'd get at least two, but it seems we're getting at least one new weapon.

Strange, I'm not sure then. Could be something related to co-op, or they really plan to have it added via DLC.

Nioh 1 is garbage, does this one solve the problems?

Really? I haven't had any luck rolling through enemies so far, even just trying to get past in a tiny corridor doesn't seem to work.

Kinda hope we get more Monster Hunterish gimmick weapons like a shortsword and pistol and you have to load pistol rounds somehow, like as a finisher or something.

We already got two new weapons, so it's really not that bad. Curiously I believe the season pass does say new weapons plural, but that could just mean models.

post trannies

I think they said there would be two, but either way there's enough room to add a second at the top, and maybe a third at the bottom. They did say they were having trouble coming up with new ideas that would be distinct enough from the current weapons, and honestly I can't really think of any new weapon I'd actually want that could do that. What I really wanted them to do was go all out in the variety within each weapon type. I know kanabo guy finally got his wish but there's a ton more they could do in that regard.

>I know kanabo guy finally got his wish
Was he even around? Did he post how happy he was that he finally got his demon club?

Damn, can't kill last boss in bird in the cage twilight
Worse is that recommend level isn't even much different compared to normal
Season pass mentions 3 dlc

>"alright I'll probably be at this awhile so let me get ready to savescum while I try to get corruption on my tonfa gun"
>roll once get purity
>"oh that's neat but I probably won't get that lucky again so let's get ready to savescum"
>"roll against, get tonfa gun"
Well alrighty then. Thanks a lot game. Not a particularly high corruption roll but beggars can't be choosers

Sadly I don't know, I never saw it if he did.
Hang on, are you saying we can temper Tonfa Gun onto anything now?

I mean yeah you can temper tonfa gun onto anything but I just realized I typed that retardedly. I meant to say I got corruption on my tonfa gun

But no yeah, you can roll that onto anything.

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Can any anons help me out with Doji?

I put a cup down with a password of "MEME"

So there is only 2 attacks that use the Tonfa gun right?
I never noticed it doing much besides a little chip damage

two attacks and the attacks do a bit over 2 to 3x the damage of the attack you're using to trigger them.

They're not as blatantly overpowered as they were in Nioh 1 as damage was equalized a bit, but they're nice to have because they spruce up the playstyle. Also they're fun to use.

How long do you think it'll take for this one to also come to PC, cuckstation bros?

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What’s some good missions for farming revenants? About half way through the 4th region

Why are people saying that the snake core is busted? i haven't tried it yet

That's nice, it's good they made that far easier to get a hold of. Now if only they could have made wooden weapons available from the beginning. Also hang on again, did those Gunsticks drop as Corrupt, or did you put it onto them somehow? I don't mean the Imbue Corruption but the whole Sentience gauge schtick. I'm still relatively early on since I've been taking my time, but if there's at least a possibility I can have Blessed and Corrupt wooden weapons then I would be extremely happy as it was one of the things I directly asked for.

Not long.
stop posting anime garbage faggot

it does a lot of damage/ki damage, hits multiple times, hits multiple enemies, staggers the enemies for a long time so you can heal or attack them

1. It's multi hit
2. You summon a giant snake and it moves independently from you, unlike most other yokai abilitites where you're transformed into a yokai and locked into the attack animation
3. Really cheap cost for what it can do compared to other yokai abilities

Can some one post lewds of Kuro-sama?

What weapons could they possibly release?

vanilla short and long:

Big heavy:

>Dual Swords

Wtf are you doing:


Maybe nunchucks or some anime bullshit like switchblade?

It has ricochet

Hits everything, poisons and ki breaks everything, no risk whatsoever in using it, you can use it like 4 times in a boss fight

Because it's retardedly busted and got stupidly overbuffed for absolutely no reason while they ignored a lot of other ones that could have actually done with at least a slight upgrade to be relevant. All the good points they gained from bringing Ippon Datara back in line while still keeping it extremely useful (disregarding how they changed the effect to FUCKING damage) were completely lost by them giving snek it's Dark Realm buff all the time when it didn't need it at all.


(Giant) Fists, let me punch the demons, since we already have unrealistic weapons like switch glaive, anything goes.

The only weapon I can really think of that they could potentially add in are claws (with gauntlets included hammer-style) but even then I'm not sure how they would be set apart enough from the likes of Tonfa to justify their inclusion.

I forged the gunsticks with the corruption on them. That's a thing we discovered was possible in the beta and I went ahead and made a decision back then to finally act on that now

I'm not sure about tempering that affix onto them but for sure you can craft them with it.

They could add the missing Ninja Gaiden weapons: claws, nunchucks and a staff (with a focus on bashing instead of poking like the spear)

Dual sai, Kanabo, Staff, Sword/Axe and shield

It feels so good
>high/low combo finishers
>low stance vault move is a fucking can opener
>mid stance guard break finisher that fucks up human bosses

If we're going to be picky, only half of Kenshin's anime(Samurai X) took place in feudal Japan, while the other half(Rurouni Kenshin) took place in the relatively peaceful Meiji era.

Interesting, thanks. So it's just your luck when you get them, I suppose that's much better than nothing. I was always really concerned about being forced into certain weapons to be able to Guard Pulse so I'll take what I can get.
The thing is, how do they differentiate those weapons enough from existing weapons to actually make them feel unique to play as? With staff in particular, spear is already full of tons of different swinging and slashing moves that staff wouldn't really get to do anything different. So why do that when they could add maybe one or two more staff-like moves to spear, then add several different staff weapons to the spear class? It's the same deal with why they made the switchglaive over a naginata, the latter would also be too similar to the spear. So they add whatever ideas they had to switchglaive and then add even more to round out the weapon.

>got switchglaive's mystic art
>can barely use it because the thing SHITS damage so hard enemies are typically dead before i get to 5 buff stack

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>he doesn't go into character creator menu to age up his character after the timeskips
I shiggy diggy

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My man
>the ki damage
>that high stance strong attack to assert your big dick dominance over dicklets yokai and humans
>ennemis getting stunlocked
It's just the chad weapon

Does Hanzo drop anything special in the tonfa dojo mission?

>aging an immortal demihuman
The game spans across almost an entire century user

Are the hatchets OP on purpose?

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If you can, pick up a wooden one so you can go back to playing the game somewhat how it was supposed to be played. The Dojo masters should have them, and yes that's stupid.

No, they made them hard to use as a joke. But really every weapon is essentially OP with how much base damage you can shit out, and Hatchets aren't even designed to focus solely on damage so much as constant pressure and domination.