Why is Yshtola basically the game's mascot when she doesn't deserve it? If anything it should be Alphinaud.

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She makes my pp big.

if anything it should be khloe

What is she doing?

The REAL Mascot for Final Fantasy online

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Why do people call FF14 a tranny game

Probably because people crowd to the more populated servers, which are the RP servers. Higher population samples also result in higher number of fags

Brianna wu plays, also just look at the forums.


She's clearly sucking my dick

Stop posting this dumb cat.

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>game that appeals to weebs

You tell me.

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Japanese things for young adult and teen audience usually require easily marketable female character for selling merchandise and are requested in board meetings. Pretty sure some popular comics and cartoons had their authors talk about finishing a pitch and having the publisher ask "where's the cutsey girl?" or something similar.
It's because most notorious or important people in the community suffer from mental illness. While a majority of normal players don't. Most making videos, streams, fanart, and third party tools do. Attach that with final fantasy already being a popular game series with girls and the marketing push of social features has a lot of people seeing the game as anime second life. Which isn't a good reputation to hold.

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alright brehs, with corona-chan fucking everything up and putting me in lockdown mode, is it time to finally tackle that FF14 thing? I would play it mainly for the story. It's one of the more solo friendly MMOs I hear, should I just fucking do itâ„¢?

>people I don't like play this game therefore it must be the game's fault

>File deleted
fuck i was going to reverse search it

I've played basically the whole thing solo since I hate MMOs and it's the best FF game in years.
You're forced to do some dungeons with randoms but as long as you just do the basic tutorials for your role you'll have no problem, and just ignore them if they're retards/douchebags.

why was the image deleted? this is a legit video game thread about final fantasy.

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From an objective standpoint, if you were to join now, the game has an obscene amount of content for you. However, the game is on a slippery slope, the devs are lazy as fuck, Yoshi-P is gook cancer who's choking any kind of enjoyment or offrails fun about the game, and we're objectively getting less content than we've ever gotten before. Once you get to endgame/get caught up with the content, you'll be astonished at how little attention they pay to people who are continued subscribers. You want to finish the story and then immediately unsub until more MSQ comes out, unless you actually want to raid. The raids are decent but they genuinely haven't added any new interesting mechanics until Eden's Verse since literally two expacs prior. The entirety of the game is just repackaging Heavensward raid mechanics into different names/orders.

thanks based user

Yas Forums has an archive (it's kind of shit but the best we got)

probably nsfw

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where the FUCK is the gaia lipstick blowjob art

You mad tranny meowie?

This tier is fucking impossible to pug. I got my Ramuh clear relatively early but I haven't been able to progress at all after that because not a single """farm group""" managed to clear it after that.

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the fuck is this

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"Loli" content and actual loli content.

Please no lewd unless you're Yoshi

>mfw I ran into a partial static early on and ended up clearing the entire tier with them

I'm so glad because I can't imagine trying to pug E8S

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>Ryneposter was YoshiP all along

This is the WoL's wife. Say something nice about her.

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>spamming nier to finish my set
I wish I could bot this

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Looks like she crinkles a lot when she walks


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Because she has a vagina and the Jp fans are idiots that quite literally misrepresent what the game is about.

Pic related is more badass than the cat will ever be and fairly solidified as the greatest Dragoon character of the entire series at this point.

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She's the worst scion and a contender for the worst girl in general.

>not Ryne or Gaia
Not touching something that diaperfags have touched. As it stands Ryne at least feels more natural to the story than fangirl Twin obsessing over you.

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I'd say its less the JP playerbase and more to do with Yoshi himself. Think about it, excited for her glamours to be released to put on his Lalafell, made her a BLM in a story where she is more involved and even though she's a Sun Cat the fact that Yoshi's headcanon is the WoL being a Miqote theres no question that he made the choice.

Returning player here, haven't played in a while. I did the nier raid today and got the pet, can I do the raid again to get the coffer aswell?

Not very difficult when his competitors are cucks, furries or cuck furries

yes there are no limits anymore for it

Thanks user, looks like I'll be wasting some time in there then.

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Imagine unironically liking an elf thats been memed into diapers. Even Tataru and Krile are better than her. Hell the only reason she's even relevant is cause her Brother was well written.

I can't believe Alisaie canonically wears pull-ups

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>Hell the only reason she's even relevant is cause her Brother was well written.
ok shadowbab

What is the best way to level gatherers?

People like to think their MMO doesnt have any trannies and push it on FFXIV because it actualy does gear/glamour right. So dressing up = tranny.



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Does ishgard restoration offer anything for gathering classes other than gathering mats for crafters?

you can get scrip with gatherers now

>being a diaperfag
>ARR-toddler thinks he's a Vet

>nobody has answered this question and instead have decided to be faggots
The reason is because she was in 1.0 and had a very big presence in it. Alphinaud wasn't.

>not being a diaperfag

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How fast is it compared to crafting? And how are the exp rates?

Except Alphinaud is a well fleshed out character compared to "I keep going into the Lifestream" Cat. Most Legacyfags have long since abandoned the game given the WoW design the game took upon.
Fuck off diaperfag

Saw past light rampant today in PUG, more than once even. I'm gonna make it bros.

>still being stuck on irrelevant content
Most people have been unsubbed since Week 2 user, what is taking you so long? Not like any content lasts a week, Savage or not.

My inventory is full as shit and I have a bunch of old-school normal Alexander stuff lying around from when I did some time ago. What do? Should I just trade in what I can and sell to NPCs, then throw away what's left? Also I'm not a crafter, should I bother getting what I assume are crafting items (i.e. keep the stuff for those around) or is it pointless?

Your anger only makes me crinkle harder

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Here I cropped this out for you user

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