Why has this game's combat not been copied like dmc's combat has?

Why has this game's combat not been copied like dmc's combat has?

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Because it sucked.

much easier to make a QTE-filled game that reviewers can get through, add in some shitty oscar-bait story, then watch as people cream themselves over basic movement features

Not as popular and harder to replicate.

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Game was too hard before Souls made it socially acceptable. Too bad souls games have garbage combat compared to NG.

>harder to replicate
how so?

NGB has a 95 meta

I can't think of any other game where enemies will back off if you run away to try and spam UTs or ninpos. The game has a crazy amount of enemy variety with unique ai behavior for every difficulty level.

because it's shit. NGB shines due to enemy design, it's actual combat mechanics suck dick

based. i have a crazy NG itch but cant find a game that will scratch it. may have to buy a one x and play them again.

NGB has a higher rating than any souls game retard

ok retard

They are hardly comparable. Nioh adapted NG combat fairly well to the same formula, though.

its one of the best games ever made, zoomer. hail to the king.

>got filtered by murai

>Why has this game's combat not been copied like dmc's combat has?

Because the Ninja Gaiden reboot literally copied DMC in the first place.

And before you try to get funny with me about how NG is nothing like DMC: Try to name a 3D melee action game that had combat anywhere near DMC1's quality before it came out. The best you got is basically Ocarina of Time with its lock-on targeting and dodges, everything else was more or less janky fucking garbage.

Almost every modern Action game has some DMC1 in it to this day.

you seem to misunderstand me, I like NGB. The enemy and level designs in NGB are great. It's combat mechanics are mediocre however

t. retard who can't even shuriken or guard cancel

You need oatmeal cookie on board to not fuck it up.

>Ninja Gaiden reboot literally copied DMC in the first place.
brainlet take. even if dmc inspired NGB, saying that its a copy of DMC is dumb. NG was more inspired by fighting games like DOA

>. It's combat mechanics are mediocre however
do you have anything to back that up? NG's combat may lack complexity but it makes it up with immense amounts of depth. Things like shuriken cancels, flying swallow, essence and UTs all offer multiple applications in the game's combat.

DMC1 was just a flashier beat-em-up

>Try to name a 3D melee action game that had combat anywhere near DMC1's quality before it came out.
Onimusha came out before DMC

Is sigma a acceptable way to play this? I dont have a xbox.

yes it is.

Imagine if Devil May Cry 5 had a version where you just played as Dante. Sigma is that version + copypaste boss sections + bossfights designed to near unwinnable + V sections sprinkled in the game except instead of being a brainless buttonmasher his moveset is near useless so you have to jump away and spam UTs + double the loading screens despite being on newer hardware, sometimes even in the middle of fights + nonsensical item placement changes like only having the dragon sword in chapter 1 of sigma when in black you had the dragon sword, nunchaku, and lunar staff. Pretty much everything good in Sigma comes from Black and all the changes are for the worse except for being able to move and shoot the bow. The new fiend design sucks too and they ruined the kitetsu's look. If it's all you have access to it's worth playing but it's still an inferior version.

dmc combat is very easy to replicate, and ninja gaiden was built from someone who only did fighting games, so even enemies have movesets with options

probably going to start a very hard run today on the original, also i have that shitty musou coming in the mail.
maybe one day we'll have a complete version of ng1. like sigma sucks dick but dual swords are great.
>ninja gaiden black but all the ng2 weapons added
>and executions

Attached: Warriors_Orochi_3_-_Ninja_Forces_Wallpaper.jpg (1280x720, 582.16K)

Why has this game been memed so much the last couple months? Did zoomers just discover NG?

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dangerously based

It's a way to bait NG fans and DMC fans against each other despite it sharing no fucking similarities

people are starving for a proper action game, they dont make em like they used to

NG2 is on gamepass

its okay when autists make endless smash threads

we're at the end of this game generation and microsoft gave up and got ng2 working on xbone
all 3 games working on the same console in 4k is neat

>Did zoomers just discover NG?

Why do more musicians copy pop songs than symphonies? It's easier and more efficient to copy shallow, easily-digestible material than a masterpiece.

Combat is very basic and simplistic. The only action game I can think of that has a more basic and simplistic combat than this games is God of War.

It's not like fast paced good AI while still being balanced is the easiest thing in the world to make user

It's definitely easier to just make imbalanced input reading AI like From does

then they aren't musicians

theres nothing inherently unique about NGs combat, it built on the foundations of DMC1 and onimusha and added more aggressive enemies.

funny enough ive been playing through nioh 1 recently and i swear some of the humanoid bosses read your inputs, and whoever decided to give enemies i-frames should be shot desu

DMC is more intrinsically fun and allows for more creative expression. It being easier probably helped too.

It's kind of a shame even though I prefer DMC. There should be more NG-style action games out there.

explain how the combat is basic and/or simplistic in a way that doesn't out yourself as a retard who can't do basic cancels into other strings

Im a huge fan of both series and IMO DMC combat is easier to copy since the enemy design in DMC revolves around them being more or less combo fodder that have 2 or 3 attacks each, and the difficulty comes from the large enemy hordes and their big pools of health in higher difficulties.

In NGB The difficulty comes from the enemies being more intelligent and absolutely ruthless, nearly every enemy has some kind of throw attack to counter turtling, and their own small moveset with attacks for nearly every situation, ground combos, projectiles, anti-airs, some have AOE attacks, and they will change their pattern of attack based on how you're fighting them.

TL;DR Its easier to make a game about batting dumb enemies around for decade long combos than it is to make a game with smart, ruthless enemies with varied movesets that plays like an actual fighting game. DMC is about combos, NG is about killing before you're killed. Both games are gret, but aim for different things.

I am 100% sure some youtuber used this word to describe DMC recently, because i am seeing a lot of DMCfags using it recently.

Kamiya even got the idea of juggling from a glitch in that game

Juggling was already in fighting games anyways. It was bound to be implemented in other games.

NGB is a DMC1 clone as much as DMC1 is an OoT clone

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Check Lost Soul Aside

getting a lot of hot takes ITT by people who have either never played NGB, DMC1, or both based on these retarded comparisons

I am playing NGB on MN for the first time right now. Just beat the Monastery Archive Fiend Challenge without cheesing it. It was hard as hell.
I think i will be able to finish the game but i am afraid of chapter 15 (Nicchae + Ishtaros + Marbus). Any strategy to fight Ishtaros? I had a lot of trouble hitting her on VH.

People have used that word in context of DMC for ages now. It's the whole point of the combat system.


>level designs in NGB are great

This is some next level contrarianism right here, holy shit.

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>People have used that word in context of DMC for ages now.

First time i've ever heard it regarding its combat system or anything about the game tbqh.

they are great though, he's a fag but tairon and the airship are action game highlights for great level design

>Level designs in NGB are great
>Combat is mediocre

Im pretty fucking sure most people play NG for the excellent combat, not the fucking platforming or the scenery or the endless running around Tairon. I've literally never heard anyone say they enjoy that aspect of NGB.

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They actually are

Dont get me wrong, those are great levels but overall the level design in NG is super inconsistent. The aforementioned Tairon and the Airship are great but then we have utter shit like the Aqueducts and the Caverns.

Doing 100hit combos against sandbag enemies. Wow, so "expressive". I bet most DMC fans are just people not good enough to play fighting games.

I don't know what to tell you desu.