>get hit ever so slightly
>the entire screen turns red
>shoot a single bullet
This game fucking sucks. Is it made for kids who have a hard time telling if they are getting shot, and at the same time has problems managing their ammo? This is a game made for LITERAL retards.
Get hit ever so slightly
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Zoom eternalfags are too scared to deny this
Can’t you turn it off?
Than fuck off to your ancient Doom and play it for the 10th time you nigger.
nobody cares michael
Halo is better.
I have never seen such an intense overdrive to hate a game.
I-is that... a single projectile heading in my direction!? AAAHHHHHHH IM SEEING REEEEDDDDDDD!
this is what happens when you try and cater to the lowest common denominator
Imagine looking so desperately for any excuse you can possibly find to hate a game you haven't played.
>encounter new enemy
>tutorial pops up telling you every detail about the enemy and how to defeat them
why did they think this was a good idea?
Yes, but OP is just a kid so he doesn`t know how...
You can disable tutorial popups in the options menu
there are hud options for pretty much everything
Kill yourself.
based, shills BTFOd
im gonna post controversial opinions that will make people seethe: BFG edition is better than Doom 3, Doom 2016 is the best Doom game to date and Doom Eternal is gonna top it
you're not supposed to get hit you fucking retard
unlike Doom (the first two ones) that is not a possibility in Zoom Eternal. Why? Because they thought it was a good idea to cut the movement speed in half, and change the level design to "generic open room with X amounts of demons" instead of a well crafted, interconnected level. This removes any sort of intelligent planning from the player, as you now blindly enter every area, and the movement is slow as shit
Git gud
I'm convinced 90% of Yas Forums is made up of children aged 10-15 with no money.
Lower the difficulty settings.
Are we going to do this for every game now?
Are there options to not make it ugly as hell?
my point is that the game is too easy and spoonfeeds you everything, retard.
The higher difficulty makes you have low ammo and low health much faster dude
In Boom Doom you don't fucking zoom like in Zoom Doom. In Boom Doom you actually moved as if you were utilizing the boom, not fucking zoom. In Zoom Doom all you fucking do is zoom and no boom.
nah only the ones that trigger Yas Forums to make endless threads complaining about them
What a fucking pussy
You again? You're not even supposed to BE here.
>WAHHHH don't criticize my game!!!! WAAAHHHH
have sex
Sorry, meant to
No. The only options they have are to disable every dumbass bullshit “feature” in the game. There are no options to enable better alternatives.
>meet new enemy
>game tells you exactly how to beat it
Instead of experimenting and learing things on your own, the game just has to let you know.
Glad to see that they want a retard audience.
any playthrough by a decent player without commentary. No money.
Game is still repetitive as hell like Doom 2016.
get some help mike
You got btfo, seeth
I hate these arenas, they go on for too long
you mean like a tripcode?
Who is Seth?
>nah only the ones that trigger Yas Forums
Imagine believing that this board is a single person.
Are you playing it on a calculator?
When did I imply that?
fucking based
This is an optional upgrade out of a dozen or so other ones.
It's not a default HUD element.
Damn nigga just don’t buy or play the game if you don’t like it lmao like just don’t click purchase when it comes out hahahaha
>he thinks I'm Mike
What's worse is that I remember calling Doom Slayer le rip and tear man as an insult and a joke and then the devs somehow made that a reality with Eternal, it's even worse that they call him Doomguy in-game.
Is it possible to turn off the lgbt rainbow pickups too? Love the colour palette of the game but that shit just completely ruins it.
thisbthrea id cringe
>this faggot gets laughed off /sp/
>laughed off Yas Forums
>now to start being laughed off Yas Forums
Fucking based. We have a new manlytears