This gameplay is so fucking outdated, the combat is just straight up unbearable I can't finish this game bros...

This gameplay is so fucking outdated, the combat is just straight up unbearable I can't finish this game bros, should I just endure it for 2 and 3?

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all souls games suck
play Sekiro instead

>still the most beloved of the series
stfu, you zooming faggot. Get a job.

>All souls games suck
>recommends souls game

It's such an easy game. Not even joking.

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Mama mia

get fucking destroyed, weak willed faggot

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just skip to 2

boppity boopity

a joke would be funny. by no metric is the game easy

Op is just some faggot trying to parrot another post or force some faggot ass meme make sure to sage

havel's ring
ring of favor and protection
more stamina
even more stamina
heavy armor

there, now it's easy
if you still can't beat the game then try sorcery

Is 2 the best one?

The worst thing is how repetitive it is. You literally dot he same shit from the first minute on tot he last.

>lock on enemy
>tilt stick
>dodge when enemy attacks for 15 iframes
>attack twice
>rinse, repeat

Worst controls i've ever seen in a game too.

>same exact thread model as a Mass Effect thread like an hour ago
At this point I wonder if you morons are simple baiters that get off getting called retards, or if you are fucking jannies recycling shitty clickbait topics to artificially mantain thread speed, which is the only thing why people still come to this piece of garbage, reddit-infested site.

Skip 1 and 2, 3 has the most fluid gameplay, best OST, and is the only Dark Souls game worth playing in general.

Stop being a faggot and take off your armor. These games are only enjoyable with fast rolls

2 feels older than 1 desu

3 is a soulless rehash of 1. most worthless entry

devilish tricksters on Yas Forums will try to mislead you and say that this isn't true but it is

Tell me how easy it was to kill Havel on your first, blind playthrough.

I tried to get into souls after finishing Sekiro, but after sekiro, DS1 also felt super slow and outdated, so I jumped straight to 3, which felt much better, and after beating 3, 1 actually became much more enjoyable

Got any criticism that isn't Yas Forums buzzwords?

Started a new character today and been loving every second. Trying to beat Sif as my first boss in Lordan. Got him down to 10% health with a War Pick +1. Starting class sorcerer; haven’t upgraded anything yet. Gonna get it to +5 and get some charcoal pine resin and that should do it.

got any defense? the only buzzword was soulless which is still 100% true

His attacks are slow asf. Super easy to just dodge>hit>dodge>hit. I had much more problems with random black knights than Havel

it's a pretty easy game, the difficulty is nothing compared to classic castlevania or ninja gaiden

not nearly as bad as the difficulty spikes that Havel's Ring carries you through.

Not him but he fatrolls like mad and he's rather slow.

If you don't like the combat in this you won't like 2 and 3. Also this

>this dumb fucking post
Were gonna be stuck with you underage even more all year thanks to this meme virus. And posts of comparable quality.

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interesting. it was the other way around for me. i could survive a black knight hit whereas havel insta-smushed me multiple times

>I wonder if you morons are simple baiters that get off getting called retards

Calling me a retard gives me anxiety, please don't call me one.

He's a butthurt OOT fag. They despise Dark Souls for having the temerity to be better than OOT at every relevant area besides meme "puzzles" that a 2 year old could figure out.

This isn’t a thing? I love Ocarina of Time and Dark Souls. Kind of hard to like one and not the other.

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Never payed OOT. Op here.

This is exactly what's going on, by getting called retarded when they're deliberately acting retarded they convince themselves that they can stop being a retard at any time they want, which is untrue.

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My experience with the Souls games are basically

>Demon's Souls:
Played it but never got far cause I sucked.

>Dark Souls:
Played it but got filtered by Blight Town

Dark Souls 2:
Actually beat it and it's DLC, first souls game I've completed. Was a sorcerer

Beat it twice, once when it came out and again to get to the DLC when it came out. Used blade of mercy and the rakuyo.

>Dark Souls 3:
Beat everything up until Gael and the dragon boss in the ringed city because I was getting sick of Souls games by this point. Could have beaten them but I just didn't even try to fight them at all. Used Anri's straight sword until the dlc where I changed my build to be about the Dancer's weapons.

Still haven't played this, I got sick of the souls formula after 3 but I think I'd enjoy it now.

I really need to go back and actually play through the original Dark Souls sometime too.

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>endure it for 2 and 3
might as well drop it now

Thank you

Sekiro actually breaks the formula in a lot of ways. You'd probably have enjoyed it on launch.

I haven't played since launch, are the changes that major?

>check the archives
>its exactly the same as the ME one
Jesus fuck I need to get off this place.

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No. If you don't like how it plays you should drop it. The later ones won't be an improvement.

>Dark Souls 2 brings back Ornstein for no fucking reason
>Dark Souls 3 brings back Anor Londo in a way that tastefully explains what happened to the world following the events of Dark Souls 1 (Gwyndolin being the only deity left alive, obviously becomes head of the religion, reshapes in city in his own image rather than building another for no fucking reason)

I thought you hadn't played it.

Playing through 2 now for the first time in ages. Can’t believe how underrated it truly is.

I'm not the same person you dolt

That was a coincidence.

I'm the user that said I'd never played Sekiro. I'm not the guy that replied to you.

There haven't been any major changes to the game since launch beyond balancing issues.


Play NIOH instead.

Not really, fanboys will tell you otherwise but it's basically Dark Souls without any playstyles other than parrying and no exploration.

just get a good weapon (if lucky get bks or bkh) and max it out. You will kill any mob in 2-3 hits and any boss in 10 max. I remember being stuck on O&s before I went to upgrade my weapon, then I killed them on the first try.
It's just newgen players are so used to just running through a game without thinking. If you get some rings and use summons, I can't even think of a part of the game that is hard (except from magus).
Ratchet and clank original trilogy is harder than this game and r&c is made for babies.

No. It won't make me popular beating it.

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>doob dee doop I wonder where this goes
>he's really slow, huh
>oh I'm supposed to just backstab him

>just "being able to backstab" that early in the game
Let me guess, you watched Northernlion's playthrough?

>stand behind enemy
>press attack
Wow so fucking difficult

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Play nioh for combat that doesnt actually suck.

if you don't enjoy the main concept of the entire franchise's gameplay you probably shouldn't play the sequels

dark souls was heavily inspired by oot in world design and combat

Dark Souls has better combat than both of its sequels, the way it plays has nothing to do with being dated, you just don't like it.

>This gameplay is so fucking outdated, the combat is just straight up unbearable
DS2 somehow managed to be even worse in that regard.