Just bought a Vita, recommend me some games Yas Forums.
Best Vita Games
The vita is basically the Persona 4 Golden machine so that's a must have. Sadly the vita library is pretty weak but it does have a lot of ports of good visual novels, and personally I think it's the comfiest device to read VN's on
Soul Sacrifice Delta
Muramasa Rebirth
One or two of about 500 different dungeon crawlers
get adrenaline for psp and ps1 games
can be comfy to replay MGS games on it
Final Fantasy Tactics War of the Lions
Odin Sphere Leifthrasir
Wipeout 2048
Phantasy Star Portable 2 Infinity (english patch)
also get adrenaline bubble manager so you can launch PSP/PSX games straight from the vita menu
>Phantasy Star Portable 2 Infinity (english patch)
Is that actually finished?
>Sayonara UmiharaKawase+
AKA the worst one in the series. Just homebrew and download the PS1 title on the JP store
oh, that's neat.
I'll be keeping an eye on this.
Vita has no gaems
Better image.
hack it and get pkgj and nopaystation
That doesn't answer which games he should get.
i use mine for ps1 and psp games so i can't say
Fuck you I liked it
Worse than the original sure, but it has some neat content and is great to have on the go
Let's try bass fishing if you like Sega bass fishing
Sure. Get Gundam Breaker 3 if you like arcade/action games. You get to customize your own gundam and blow shit up.
>Persona 4 Golden (I'm replaying it while under quarantine and am having a blast)
>Muramasa Rebirth
>Odin Sphere Leifthrasir
>Soul Sacrifice Delta
>VNs like Steins;Gate
The best Vita games are all PSP games. MK9 port is cool though.
It really is crazy how many great original games the PSP had, while most of the great vita games are just ports that are better on other platforms
Borderlands 2
I don't agree with you, but I had a great time revisiting some games from the PSP.
Unpopular opinion but most PSP games look pretty damn bad upscaled on the vita. It is nice that some games have plugins that enable dual analog control though. And maybe someday someone will fill the bounty for a plugin that lets psp games use the full vita clock speed
>>Oreshika teintes bloodlines
Anyone try any of those rubber analog stick caps? I hate how the sticks feel without them, but they make the sticks thicker so they don't extend all the way, making it impossible to run in games like gravity rush.
Dragon quest builders
Certainly not for everyone but Sword Art Online: Hollow Fragment, the best version of the game.
1. Install CFW
2. Install PKGj
3. In PKGj set regions to JPN/ASA
4. Download/Install everything
I'm not the right man to ask but since you asked, the one game I would get a vita for is DT2.
I can't beliee how much mediocre shit there is on there but not Tearaway.
I always really liked this gag and I'm sad they don't do it anymore.
The heck is DT2?
Dungeon travelers 2 I think
here you go, good sir - a combination of vita exclusives + gameplay-oriented vidya (visual novel and moe-shit is minimized)
wish the xash3d vita port was updated
it runs fine but loading often fails
loading is fine (might be a faulty memory card on your behalf), but saving times are fucking atrocious (can easily take up to 20-30 seconds)
Fuck I hate the bubbles so much. The XMB was absolute perfection
nah, i meant loading saved games not levels
or the saves that are created get corrupted or something because i often spawn in the void
i hated them too the first time i saw vita. Got used to them quickly enough, to the point that I find now xmb to be pain in the ass to scroll through a large list of anything (thanks to lack of icon grid of any kind)
Ofc, never was a problem on non-hacked psp as no one would have that much content to browse through, as pirates do with their 32-64gig psp systems.
muv luv
hate to say it, but works on my machineā¢
Are you using official memory card? sd2vita? which microsd model?
I'm using Samsung evo some number 128GB + that white sd2vita that looks like a game card. Not a single corrupted save file, but they're taking a lot to save (something has to do with creation of thumbnails that takes it so embarrassingly long - was trying to find how to disable thumbnail capture in xash during the save, with no success)
this is a very old list, half of the "coming soon" games came out like 3 years ago
This, someone should shout at /vitagen/ to update it
i have the same SD card and i just ordered a new SD2Vita because I think this one is dying (same 5.0 model)
i am tired of having storage failing, i have 64 and 8 GB Sony memory cards and they're both dead/almost dead and now the SD2Vita i have atm is dying
i can't get a moment of peace
Well is the up to date list
Where is this game? Although I guess the controls are kind of shitty
>fanservice bad
I get why the message is there but come on.
>Bought Valhalla knights on release
I remember it being ridiculously difficult, and cheesing most bosses with meteor spam.
nopaystation. pirate everything
Persona 4 the Golden
Soul Sacrifice Delta
Neptunia Rebirth 1-3
Freedom Wars
Steins;Gate and Steins;Gate 0
What are some good fanservice games for the Vita?
Persona 4 Golden
Trails in the Sky FC and SC
Trails of Cold Steel 1 and 2
Zero Escape Collection
Odin Sphere Leithrasir
Ys VIII/YS Memories of Celceta/Ys Origins
Final Fantasy (through VII to X and Tactics)
Persona 3 Portable
Muramasa Rebirth
Castlevania Dracula X Chronicles
Metal Gear Solid (2/3 and Peace Walker)
Darkest Dungeon
And there are many more. You can search a lot for yourself, the Vita doesn't have a lot of exclusives, but it has an extensive and varies library of games from a lot of different generations.
Senran kagura SV/EV, Uppers, Demon Gaze, dungeon travelers 2 and Bullet Girls phantasia
if you understand moonrunes Dungeon travelers 2-2 and Bullet girls 2
soul sacrifice Delta
odinsphere lefhtriser
lbp Vita
mgs hd collection
oh and forgot the genkai tokki series: Monster Monpiece, Moe Chronicle, and Moero Crystal and seven pirates if you read jap