Gyroids: confirmed GONE except for Lloid

>Gyroids: confirmed GONE except for Lloid
>Perfect Fruit: GONE
>Museum Art Exhibit: GONE
>Redd, Both Resettis, Digby, Rover, Pelly, Pete, Phyllis, Tortimer, Joan, Chip, Nat, Blanca, Brewster, Booker, Copper, Dr. Shrunk, Frillard, Gracie, Kapp'n, Lyle and Lotte, Phineas, Reese and Cyrus, and more: ALL GONE
>Shoe Emporium: GONE
>Shampoodle: GONE
>Gracie's store: GONE
>Redd's shop: GONE
>Leif's everything: GONE
>Roost: GONE
>Hard 50 furniture outdoor limit (each fence piece counts as furniture as an example)
>Includes flowers in outside limit
>15 furniture per room limit
>Choosing where new neighbors move is only taken as a suggestion, they can still change where they move
>The water and land permits lock themselves after you edit enough
>Villagers don't ask to move out anymore, they just leave a note after they move out
>200k a day sell limit
>you have to be connected to the internet to unlock events/holidays

How did they fuck up this badly?

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Other urls found in this thread:


sex with raymond

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Don't care, preordered it.

>Coffee-kun and ROOST disappeared

Fuck this desu.


You guys have been eating up everything Nintendo shits out, it's not shocking that they think they can get away with anything.
Enjoy getting all that sold back to you as DLC.

I'm still going to buy it and play it

>You're not allowed to buy things you like
So I should boycott games that do things that you personally don't like? Nah



ACbros... we lost...

u mad?

Most everything "missing" will obviously return in seasonal updates.

All those features will be added as free content updates. Fuck off time travelers

>200k a day sell limit
That's fucking shitty.

>no gyroids
Dark times ahead, friends.

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man, what a piece of trash; sadly nintensoys will buy it anyway like that POKEMON crap

The flowers and daily sell limit sound like bullshit.

How do we know those won't appear in future updates, though?

>>Gyroids: confirmed GONE except for Lloid
gyroid museum confirmed
>>Perfect Fruit: GONE
shown multiple times in streams
>>Museum Art Exhibit: GONE
who cares
>>Redd, Both Resettis, Digby, Rover, Pelly, Pete, Phyllis, Tortimer, Joan, Chip, Nat, Blanca, Brewster, Booker, Copper, Dr. Shrunk, Frillard, Gracie, Kapp'n, Lyle and Lotte, Phineas, Reese and Cyrus, and more: ALL GONE
most of these were found
>>Shoe Emporium: GONE
kicks is a travelling salesman
>>Shampoodle: GONE
good i hate her
>>Gracie's store: GONE
shes confirmed
>>Redd's shop: GONE
hes a travelling salesman
>>Leif's everything: GONE
literally who cares
>>Roost: GONE
brewster is in so the roost is in
>>Hard 50 furniture outdoor limit (each fence piece counts as furniture as an example)
>>Includes flowers in outside limit
furniture per room limit
false as fuck have you not seen the directs
>>Choosing where new neighbors move is only taken as a suggestion, they can still change where they move
>>The water and land permits lock themselves after you edit enough
>>Villagers don't ask to move out anymore, they just leave a note after they move out
k a day sell limit
fucking false
>>you have to be connected to the internet to unlock events/holidays

Is there anyone who genuenly liked Lottie? I mean, there's a reason why her amiibo is on every single GS clearance bin on the planet

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based, was worried for a second about some of these, the online necessity for events and holidays is gay as fuck but I see the point to disallow time travel fuckery

Mad cuz bad

So I guess these anti-AC posts I've been seeing lately are just TORtanic retards and console war shitposters

REEEE It's a different game and not the same game, I wanted same game!

just picked my copy up for for 21 dollars how well did you do on your purchase user?
most the time i can get new nintendo releases for roughly 40 bucks but stars aligned for this to happen

who are you quoting?

>haha fuck pokemon fuck gamefreak pokemon baaaaad
>N-no! Don't talk bad about animal crossing it's comfy it doesn't need every feature! As long as I can be with my Whitney chan!

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I'm quoting you, jesus christ you're a fucking retard aren't you? Sorry we don't use your maymay arrows the way you want

were the gyroids datamind? i care about them a lot more than i do anything else the op mentioned

Damn, I wish I was lucky as you.

Sweet a bunch of fake news. Good thing I’m too smart to ever listen to Yas Forums.


Reminder that data for the cafe and gyroids has been found in the code of the game already, so the odds of them being in there or planned to be added in the near future are very high.

>These and Doom OH NO NO threads
Yas Forums is losing its mind that two good games are releasing at once

>21 dollars
How the hell?
Is that adjusting it down to 1930's value?

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Show the receipt

>basing all of this on a leaked non-complete build
Why is Yas Forums so fucking retarded lately?

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yes and i am unironically seething at everyone eating up the lies, the list gets longer and longer

>People unironically preordering this before even knowing what's even coming in their packages

It's like Sword and Shield all over and it still won't stop this shit from selling like hot cakes and trying to make up for most of their purchases by seeing the good things in it.

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>>Hard 50 furniture outdoor limit (each fence piece counts as furniture as an example)
What's the source on this?
Or any of it, for that matter

sad boring faggot

Can't wait to have comfy days

thanks. just gotta wait for the game to launch in my timezone

Literally a non-complete build of the game, yes this board is genuinely stupid.

Is Ankah and Apollo GONE and can you get both as starting villagers?

I can't be bothered, so just pretend I posted a picture of a wojak crying to mock you.

grown ass men playing this game are the same as bronies

>shitpostersd reduced to making up blatant lies to try and last minute cause a """controversy""" about fucking Animal Crossing of all games

I wonder who could be behind this

I'm not the faggot that purchased a $60 game and still have to purchase $30 DLC to make the most of the "entire" game.

Who knows, maybe it won't happen to this game.

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/ac/ or /vac/ when?

Plenty of these are straight up lies btw

NL had a big free content update like 4 years after the game launched

theyre not gone and you can only get jock and uchi as starters.

>TORtanic retards and console war shitposters
That's about 80% of Yas Forums.

>pretends he knows everything about the game
>didn’t even watch the direct
Is this your brain on Yas Forums?

Circle and square grass is gone.

Is there no post office though ? Really???

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Why do you need a post office when the roles are already filled in different ways? Don't even try telling me you like Phyllis and Pelly.

I want to fuck Phyllis, but not Pelly.


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>New game has different and replaced features

No idea what this game is so popular and wanted. Looks like a basic mobile game without the microtransactions but that's probably its big appeal with the norms that eat this shit up. Seriously, this shit looks like a game for toddlers.

This game does have a mobile version with microtransactions though, kek

People here are literally defending always online because it's Animal Crossing and Nintendo, this is just expected now.