Why are we throwing so much shit for sony having a shitty BC while the switch didn’t have it and no one said anything?

Why are we throwing so much shit for sony having a shitty BC while the switch didn’t have it and no one said anything?

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>XBone introduces backwards compatibility

>Ps3 has backwards compatibility in the first version
>Sony cuts it

>Rumors starts spreading that Sony is going to implement a backwards compatibility up top Ps1
>Now they just make some half assed Ps4

Thats the reason.
Also Wii U was a flop and nobody bought it so why include a backwards compatibility for a console nobod owns

Said nobody ever
>Also Wii U was a flop and nobody bought it so why include a backwards compatibility for a console nobod owns
The Gamecube was also a flop and the Wii had compability with ngc games. Also

kys trannyfucker

>Said nobody ever
Every forum i lurk everytime a news was posted about Microsoft saying how many hours people spend with BC the thread was full of people saying that this is used by a tiny minroity and its pointless.

>The Gamecube was also a flop and the Wii had compability with ngc games
Wii was a powered up Gamecube so apples and oranges

Because the Switch actually has games and doesn’t need a backwards compatibility gimmick to sell systems

>Every forum i lurk everytime a news was posted about Microsoft saying how many hours people spend with BC the thread was full of people saying that this is used by a tiny minroity and its pointless.
ok i will believe you because forums is full of retarded fanboys

Yas Forums's only real principle on any issue is that it's always okay when nintendo or valve do it.
what really makes people screech is when you ruin their "muh cartridges" excuse by bringing up reasonable solutions like applying bc to digital purchases or selling dvd drive adapters. they can't fathom the idea that nintendo could ever be wrong.

How can you say the PS5 have no games when it didn’t released yet? And also the switch had shitty launch games beside BOTW

>bruh just add a disc drive to the switch

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I didn’t say that. I have no clue what games that PS5 will have, all I know is that the Switch never needed backwards compatibility and nobody was expecting it. It’s a really dumb comparison.

how could nintendo possibly be expected to do that?

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Now we are pretending the 3DS and DS never happened?

I dont remember the Ds having a disc based system

The Switch's successor won't be able to play switch games either, just you wait. They know they get more money from remasters than letting you play your old games.
Theyre so greedy they won't even add any good SNES games to switch even when you pay $20 a year for their shitty online service that doesn't work half the time.

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>the Switch never needed backwards compatibility and nobody was expecting it
it sure is convenient for nintendo how nobody expects anything from them.

The difference is that we knew that Switch won't have any BC. We knew that already. Sony announced BC for PS5, but now during the presentation they said BC will be very limited. Sony lied. That is the major difference, OP.

Your point?

the point is that they have no excuse for not having bc, and they shouldn't get a free pass just for being nintendo.

>. Sony lied. That is the major difference, OP.
They didn't. Keep seething.

They literally get a free pass on everything. Paid online, microtransactions, gachashit, you name it and they get a pass on it

>OP is mad
>I am seething

they have literally no excuse for not including 6 different cartridge slots, a disc drive, and a wiimote sensor in their console

> They know they get more money from remasters than letting you play your old games.
They especially do when nobody had the system the original game was on. I liked my Wii U, but come on, it sold like hot garbage.

they didn't even bother making it compatible with their last console, let alone any before that, and here you are sucking that corporate cock.

>a wiimote sensor
You mean a bluetooth receiver, which the Switch already has and uses to communicate with its own controllers. I'm not even saying they should (at some point, legacy needs to get dropped), but there's no hardware reason the Switch can't connect to Wii remotes.

No, but they use game cards. Just like the Switch.
Though I'm also not quite sure how user expects BC to work with the Switch. Due to being 240p, the games would look terrible.

Nintendo never promised BC with the Switch.

which still doesn't mean they shouldn't be criticized for removing the feature.

they still need an infrared sensor to actually work

And how does that excuse their abysmal snes game selection?

You can't remove something that was never there.

Literally everyone owns a Wii that also plays GameCube games, online service (although it’s shitty) provides NES/SNES games, and like the other user said that the Wii U was a flop and they remade most of the popular titles to the Switch. Backwards compatibility was not a vital necessity like you keep trying to tell everyone it is.

Stop ingesting snoybeans.

Because it's ok when Nintendo does it

>Literally everyone owns a Wii that also plays GameCube games
plenty of people still own their old sony consoles too, but they're still not getting a pass for fucking up bc.
>online service (although it’s shitty) provides NES/SNES games
you get a cherrypicked selection of roms as a service from two systems only. that's nothing compared to virtual console.
>and like the other user said that the Wii U was a flop
so was the xbone, and the series x is still going to support the full xbone library through bc.
>and they remade most of the popular titles to the Switch.
no, they ported them for full price. and that's the actual reason why they aren't doing bc anymore. it's easier for them to sell full-price ports than make new games.
>Backwards compatibility was not a vital necessity like you keep trying to tell everyone it is.
things nobody says when sony doesn't have it.

>sony bad
v has always been contrarian to aaaanything popular

B-b-but Nintendo....
>Classic SDF tactic, defend and deflect.

>bruh just emulate 2 screens on one screen and only have the touch functionality when playing handheld

Idk why you keep bringing up the comparison to Sony. Must be obsessed or something.

>ds has bc
>wii has bc and virtual console
>3ds has bc and virtual console
>wii u has bc and virtual console
>switch has no bc and no virtual console
please explain how nintendo didn't remove features that they had been offering for years. this should be good.

it's a natural comparison because both companies are massively shitting the bed right now when it comes to bc.

My switch runs retroarch what the fuck are you talking about?

>online service (although it’s shitty) provides NES/SNES games
None of the good ones. They don't even have fucking earthbound. The Wii U had earthbound in like 2013. No excuse for that shit

>No disc drive
>Completely different architecture
>Can't emulate

How exactly would they have handled Wii U BC short of shoving the Wii U's guts in there and including a disc drive, which would have driven the cost up significantly?

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Some of us don't want our switch's banned from online for hacking

They didn't promise it, end of. Your tears nourish me though, keep crying.

...play it on your Wii U then? Why would anyone buy a next gen console to play old games?


Fuck online my switch plays super smash tv. It has replaced my vita for portable gaming.

Games are not a feature

My Wii U isn't portable retard.

A USB disc drive will also magically add the necessary hardware for the games to run?

>Why would anyone buy a next gen console to play old games?
....this comment is coming from the same people whining about the PS5 not having BC. Do you even realize the hypocrisy?

People have been asking where VC is since launch.

PS2 BC was the only thing cut. PS1 disks play just fine on any PS3.

>Why didn't anyone shit on Switch for not playing WiiU disks.
The same reason people didn't shit on Gameboy Advance for not having a fucking SNES cartridge slot built into it.

I don’t give a fuck about backwards compatibility. Never did, never will. Never owned a Sony console either. Sure people were a little upset that the Switch didn’t come with virtual console but it’s worth it with the abundance of new games. And it’s still selling like hot cakes so I don’t see the problem.

they shouldn't have to "promise" it, it should be an industry standard feature for all platforms.
>one-time $50 purchase vs. $60 for each individual wii u port
>somehow the former is the worse deal
the absolute state of nintendo apologists.

I remember when Nintendo actually cared about their customers, guess that doesn't matter to you fags as long as your favorite corporation makes more money

>the abundance of new games
you mean the abundance of old ports.

I have. I didn't buy the Switch, either. Nintendo haven't been good since N64.

Switch exclusives:
>Mario Odyssey
>Smash Ultimate
>The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Sequel
>Splatoon 2
>Xenoblade Chronicles 2
>Xenoblade Chronicles 2: Torna the Golden Country
>Snipperclips Plus
>Fast RMX
>Golf Story
>Mario+Rabbids Kingdom Battle
>Gal Metal
>Kirby Star Allies
>Mario Tennis Aces
>TWEWY ~Final Remix~
>Super Mario Party
>Pokémon Let's Go
>Dragon: Marked For Death
>Yoshi's Crafted World
>Pokémon Sword & Shield
>Animal Crossing: New Horizons
>Fire Emblem Three Houses
>Luigi's Mansion 3
>Little Town Hero
>Daemon X Machina
>Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3
>Super Mario Maker 2
>The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening
>Astral Chain
>Box Boy! + Box Girl!
>Tetris 99
>Rune Factory 5
>Cadence of Hyrule
>Mario & Sonic at the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games
>Bayonetta 3
>Metroid Prime 4
>Shin Megami Tensei V
>Blaster Master Zero 2
>Mary Skelter 2
>Omega Labyrinth Life
>No More Heroes 3
>Hatsune Miku: Project Diva Mega39’s
>Dragon Quest IX S Definitive Edition
>Xenoblade Chronicles: Definitive Edition
>Deadly Premonition 2
>Ring Fit Adventure
>Famicon Detective Club
>Brain Training Switch

Nintendo exclusive multiplats/ports:
>The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
>Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
>Pokken Tournament DX
>Fire Emblem Warriors
>Bayonetta 2
>Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze
>Hyrule Warriors: Definitive Edition
>Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker
>Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate
>New Super Mario Bros U Deluxe
>Rune Factory 4 Special
>Tokyo Mirage Session

And yeah I already know none of them count.

I's ok when Nintendo does it

Wtf? PS2 had BC before Xbox was a thing, you stupid fucking sloth

When did Sony officially announce BC, show me a source

>Daemon X Machina
Nope. It's on PC now retard.

Tendies do it too, don't be a coy retard.


Did you not know that? lol

>it should be an industry standard feature for all platforms.
Kek. It's funny how Snoy opinions flip flop when something doesn't go their way. Remember last gens?
>xbox more powerful
>nintendo weaker
>pc master race

Wii U
>Has a disc drive, both Wii and Wii U use discs
>Very similar architecture, if Wii U's wasn't simply based on Wii's
>Doesn't need to emulate, just boots into Wii mode

>No disc drive, uses carts
>Completely different architecture
>Can't emulate Wii U's hardware
>Can't play 99% of Wii U games without the gamepad, even if BC is there

>Has a disc drive, PS4 and PS3 use Blu-Ray discs
>Different architecture, but hardware-based BC was possible and cheap enough
>Disc drive makes hardware-based BC a lot less cost-prohibitive

>Has a disc drive, PS5 and PS4 use Blu-Ray discs
>Very similar architecture
>Seemingly boots into PS4 mode much like the Wii U's Wii mode
>But somehow only 100 games will work at launch

There's no excuse for Sony when all the pieces are lined up for them to make it possible. Nintendo does BC when those pieces are lined up too, they simply weren't for the Switch.

For the Switch to have Wii U BC, it would both need a disc drive and the Wii U's guts, which would basically just mean slapping the Wii U and Switch together, significantly driving up the cost for a feature most people probably wouldn't use. Do you want a $400 Switch? No, and neither does anyone else. Not having a Wii U gamepad would also make playing most games impossible for anyone who doesn't already have a Wii U, again driving up the cost significantly for a feature next to no one can actually use.

It's not a big deal, user. You can always put it in console exclusive section. Snoys have been doing this since 2006.

Yep, just haven’t updated the copypasta list in a while.

>one-time $50 purchase vs. $60 for each individual wii u port
That disc drive isn't going to magically include all the hardware necessary for the games to fucking run, you fucking moron.

Also see


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>XBone introduces backwards compatibility
This is a joke post, right?

>Nintendo does BC when those pieces are lined up too,
No they don't.

>B-but t-tendies

>Kek. It's funny how Snoy opinions flip flop when something doesn't go their way.
my opinion hasn't flip-flopped at all. full backwards compatibility should be the standard. even microsoft's bc still isn't good enough for me, so you can imagine what i think of sony and nintendo's recent approaches.