Seeing Valve jubilate these day that "they're back" just because they want to sell their VR toys is so disgusting and I...

Seeing Valve jubilate these day that "they're back" just because they want to sell their VR toys is so disgusting and I expected a harsher reaction from the gaming crowd.
It's like your father abandoning you when you're 10 then showing up at your door 12 years later with your step sister and telling you that he was too afraid to raise you so he just fucked off.
But NOW he's ready to raise you because your step sister reignited his desire for parenting, so please be excited after so many years of lost time and opportunities.
Your step sister will also prostitute herself to you, with your father's approval of course :^)


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Other urls found in this thread:

are you okay

Sounds like you had a rough childhood but yes, Yas Forums has been sucking Gabes dick for awhile now and I don't think they are back just because they made a VR prequel when everyone wanted a legit non VR sequel.

>wanting a sequel from nu-Valve


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Who cares lol just don't play the game

Absolute low iq take

I think you ought to form a real identity, not one that revolves around video games

13 (thirteen) years since Episode 2, and 9 (nine) years since Portal 2.
What in the interim?
DOTA 2 and CS:GO.
Failed Steam machine and OS.
A crap controller.
Artifact and Overlords.
Countless money-grubbing bullshit such as Steam profile rehaul and the card system.
Some "Elon Musk on Joe Rogan"-tier shit about brain interfaces.

...BUT a new game people want?
$500 for the hardware please :^)

The hubris of this company astounds and offends me

I'm sorry you couldn't afford a headset user, maybe you can pick up some extra shifts at the grocery store during the quarantine

>u just can't afford it :^) i can
Is the same as
>works on my machine :^)
lmfao kys

>A crap controller.
pleb filtered

Every once in a while, I'm taken aback at how little Yas Forums dwellers have in their lives besides video games. Like, people's fathers abandon them all the time, and that's a real issue.

This is just video games.

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>I'm sorry you couldn't afford a headset user, maybe you can pick up some extra shifts at the grocery store during the quarantine

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>he isn't buying a VR headset with his trumpbux

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It's cheaply made and since its release they haven't done a fucking thing with it. No expansion, no new iteration, nothing new, Valve does this all the time, they just bound from project to project like a schizophrenic bullfrog and eventually, maybe if lucky, a game is released and at this point it has around a 33% chance of actually being good.

Valve's Willy Wonka Factory model of development is terrible btw. Every 10 years Gaben Wonka comes out of his game studio and announces a new game? No

Hey Timmy this is your supervisor, get off your phone and get back to work. No we don't have any gloves or masks left you'll just have to wash your hands after you restock

I agree with everything you said but it's still the only controller that had all the features a controller needs. Paddles, gyro, absolute freedom in input configuration.

I'm just fucking glad SOMEONE is finally taking real steps to filter poorfags, Russians, and huehues.

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4 days bros
only reply if you're a verified index owner

>they just want to sell their vr toys
>when it works even with the $100 wmr shit
>and op pic is a non-valve headset
Are you ok?

Idc as long as the half life ip isn't forgotten then I'm ok. Still not buying this or vr tho

lol poorcel mental breakdown

The only reason valve doesn't shit up games like other companies is cause they don't feel the pressure to make one. The benefit of being such a company is that you would rarely get a shit game from them.

I just bought a RIFT S and Alyx.
So hyped.

I bought a vive at release what it was still the officially partnered valve headset that's close enough right?

PC Master Race is back baby
F2Peruvians can go get fucked

better then an oculus i guess

>valve wants to support and sell the hardware they've made with new games
No shit?
Why would they put out VR and not make any games for it?

Who is buying VR?
They thought they could force a market change single-handedly? Again the hubris and you can see it in the recent IGN interview they did with Gaben & Robin

>filter china instead of pandering to them
>v hates it

No its just a bunch of VR cultists.
Nobody who actually cares about Half-life thinks this shitty spinoff means anything.

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>They thought they could force a market change single-handedly?
They've done it before with Steam, zoom-zoom.

They did it with TF2 loot c rates as well. Valve drives the industry.

>you would rarely get a shit game from them


funny how all the alleged True Half-Life Fans fucking hate Valve and hate everything and are probably close to suicide

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>headset filters slavs and BRs
>Yas Forums, a bunch of poor slavs and BRs, hates it
I mean, are you really surprised?

Patently incorrect.
>t. bought every Half-Life title on launch

>ESL shitters who don't know what "rarely" means

>last 2 games they released

wtf is this rambling you low iq monkey

are you implying these games are bad
stupid nu/v/ rats

They didn't force that market change, it was an inevitability. It was fortunate that at that time, Gaben was actually involved with the company, paid attention to trends, and unlike the retards at Blockbuster, got ahead of the game - literally - by making Steam. It just happened to be Valve who did it.

And telling anyone Valve "drives" anything these days is an opportunity for a hearty chuckle. They're on the cusp of irrelevance and yet again, have to bust their asses hard just to make something futureproof so they can go on sucking for a couple decades longer.


hey faggotron, steam is a free program and no one is forcing you to buy tf2 lootcrates in order to enjoy the base game, why are you comparing it to a costly device that takes up space and requires hardware upgrades?

but this is the harshest of reactions
everyone stopped caring
at least if people are mad they cared
this is just
eh i dont want vr or a prequel

how can you be so wrong, it's incredible
must be the lack of intelligent thought happening in that noggin

you should try VR, you're really missing out

Fascinating, it's like seeing how a small angry child views the world, and yet it's probably an adult

Why wouldn't they dislike Valve? Turning Half-Life from a cinematic fps to a lulsorandumb physics puzzle game was enough for me.

I'm a slav and I could afford an Index :)

Okay fine, then they're not "forcing" VR either, it's inevitable.

If not for this game the VR market would remain in stagnantion. So yes they are forcing it as they acknowledge the market for VR is TINY but they want a consumer shift. It won't happen

>Nobody who actually cares about Half-life thinks this shitty spinoff means anything.
Wrong, as an owner of Half-Life: Generation, I'm very interested where they are taking this game, especially that there's not a lot of gameplays and spoilers floating about.

>Can afford to spend 800-1200 on gradual upgrades every 2-5 years to play the game games but with more texture resolution and more effects
>Can afford to spend 300-599 every console generation to play some exclusives and shitty ports with a terrible control scheme
>Can't afford a one-time 250-400 purchase that will allow you to have experiences you never had before and that are not possible in any other way

Were 3D movies inevitable?
Where are they all now?

Because both of those things completely changed the gaming industry, and Valve pushed both of them.

yeah slavs can afford to get their cows vr
v on average sub slav cattle

Always the same tripe with you ignorant retards
You're like an orphan who sits outside a mansion licking the frozen windows while the family inside feasts
Get a life bro

You're ridiculous

You haven't tried VR
>releasing Steam was inevitable
>releasing lootboxes was inevitable
>releasing Alyx is forcing
not an argument

You're nothing

You're ridiculous because you reacted that way to two simple questions.

>I'm not buying VR till there is a must have titel
Get a job

>what about OTHER THING that is NOT RELATED
>a simple question hehe
try VR before posting in these threads again

You're still nothing

"Loot boxes" exist because Valve employed psychologists to exploit the need to gamble. It was less an inevitability and more the crazy schemes of people who really should have known better. A crafty sick cabal of people convincing others that a virtual item is $100? This is progress allegedly

It is related, though, they are both fad gimmicks in their respected mediums. 0 IQ if you didn't figure that out - maybe you did but are being a lil bitch on purpose. Or maybe not on purpose but by nature :)

Who the fuck buys hardware for one game?

And you'll always be a ridiculous fool.

Anyone have that link to the Fabian thread?

steam controller isn't crap lol. damn I pity you guys who missed out on getting one cheap last year. the customisation options, being able to use the gyro with any game, it's literally the only non-hotas controller you want to play games like elite dangerous with.

You still haven't tried VR.

VR really is the perfect platform because the kind of secondaries that shit up Yas Forums and post about stuff they haven't played are immediately obvious when it comes to VR games.

Literally most people who upgraded their rigs to play HL2?

I bought a switch to play mario odyssey

That nice but you really are nothing

So total idiots? Got it.

You’re definitely a retard, this isn’t anything new.

>Sell people on Steam with half life 2
>Sell console gamers on their legacy with The Orange Box
>Sell people on cosmetics and micro transactions with TF2/CSGO/DOTA2
We are now here:
>Sell people on new VR technology with Half Life Alyx
They aren’t being shady or misleading at all. You’re just a retard who looks at Valve’s early days through rose tinted glasses. You cannot further the gaming industry unless you sell people on the future innovations. That’s all that is happening here.

>Your step sister will also prostitute herself to you, with your father's approval of course
And you wanted us to sympathize negatively with this story, how?

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PC Gaming, even if you splurge for the components (withing reasonable boundaries) every once in a while, is not an expensive hobby. Even if you add VR to the mix. The biggest waste of money is buying games without discounts. I met all of my gaming needs, but I still can't really justify buying a car, for example.

Yas Forums is pretty polarised atm. on the one hand you have enthusiasts who are looking at the cutting edge, they are willing to splash on expensive hardware and can appreciate risktaking.

then you have the other side of Yas Forums who spill their onions getting excited about resident evil remakes and another animal crossing game

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It's really just PC vs Consoles again.
People who had gaming PCs can get VR for ~200$, consolebronies can't even get a taste of it, because port never ever.

Going to be honest, Half Life: Alyx pushed me to try out VR and I ended up getting an Oculus Rift S

Have had a lot of fun playing Boneworks and Pavlov and I reckon Alyx is gonna be fantastic and I'm glad I'm not gonna miss out on the chance to play the next Half Life game

VR is the future and you can't stop it. It is already way past the point where it could fail before happening, it's a well established technology. It's not going to flop just because you want to.

VR games will not replace traditional vidya, it's another way of making and experiencing them. It just so happens that the new Valve game is a VR exclusive title, just deal with it.

You should be more worried about how PC VR headsets are faltering. Consolized HMDs are by far the most successful ones. You should buy a VR for your PC, or else you're risking letting Facebook and Sony control the future of cutting edge video games.

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w-who needs shitty half life vr anyway

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Alyx is gonna be great. Upgraded my PC just in time for release so i'm good to go.

I was skeptical about VR for the longest time thinking it's just a gimmick and a fad until i actually tried a friend's headset. And boy was i blown away, despite it only being a PSVR which isn't really great at all.
Bought my own PSVR two days later and switched it out for a Rift S year later. Games are immersive as hell and everything works great.
I genuinely believe that people who "hate" VR simply never had a chance to try it on and experience what it's like.

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