You didnt build a shiv deck did you user?

You didnt build a shiv deck did you user?

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*malaises you*

>shiv deck
You HAVE beaten A20, right? Or at least A15?

i only play dailies

Why yes, how could you tell?

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There's no such thing as a "shiv deck"

I exclusively play as Ironclad, so Time Eater is a fucking joke to me.

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>beat A15
>start grindan for cheevos
>need minimalist (win with 5 card deck)
>no peace pipe drop for 50+ runs
>the one run i get my deck very trim i don't get a single infinite-able card drop so the run died
it's not fair bros, i don't like this cheevo

Nothing wrong with shiv heavy decks, faglord. Obviously
are retarded, but a silent deck built around shuriken/kunai with multiple shiv-producing engines can reasonably be called a shiv deck. And if well constructed it has no trouble beating A20, which 66% of the time means facing snailbro. They tend to struggle much more against the heart, but that's what after image is for

meant A20 oops
also frick the transient kill cheevo, that mfer never shows up on runs where i can kill him

Don't talk shit about Silent

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After image isn't even THAT great against the heart on A20 because beat of death gets up to 2 damage per card. Better off getting huge block

How the fuck do I get good at this game

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How in the hell do you get the 20 minutes achievement?

I have beaten him with a shiv deck because being able to consistently play 12 cards a turn makes his timer manageable

So you leave out 3/4 of the game?

Not that user, but you just have to play fast, and memorize cards. I did it by accident, and I'm only Ascension 15 right now.

cringe AND yikes

>spacejin STILL finding a way to insert CBT
How does he do it

Avoid combat as much as possible, run a simple deck like a Searing Blow

You ever have those runs where you're getting bored so you just pick random shit and it still works out for you? pic related

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Turn on fast mode so the animations take less time


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My favorite runs are Defect RNGesus decks

almost anything can work on A1

That would be why.

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Trail and Error the shit out of it, make runs where you focus on taking 0 damage and others where you literally never block, you're bound to find the middle eventually

I've found in my 400+ hours of StS that killing the heart is a question of managing to cycle through the deck without dying in the first 3turn cycle. Silent can mitigate damage, generally, in one of three ways:
>wraith form
>multiple footworks
>after image + card spam

If your deck is running lots of shivs, after image represents a very consistent way of producing decent block in the first three turns. Cloak and dagger+ blocking for 3 instead of 0 is huge.

Searing blow and armaments is how I did pretty much every ascension and achievement so probably that

guys reccomendation of rogue likes and card games.

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If you're referring to A1, make sure you have a functioning central nervous system.

Consistently beating heart at A20 is hard as fuck, even I only get about a 25% WR on my runs. I'd watch some Jorbs, but ultimately you gotta accept that some runs are just not meant to be.


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jorbs is fucking boring and lame, watch Rhapsody instead, he plays fast and his videos are short

>(You) want the run to take even longer
Card games are way too boring for that shit.

God dammit OP if you're going to make this thread daily at least consider that a fat shiv deck is great against this guy. If you can't play 12 cards with a shiv deck every turn, you deserve to lose.

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havent played for a while, heard there's a new hero are they good? Got bored when you stopped unlocking new cards

When you're taking cards, think about what your deck does well and what it does poorly, and pick cards that mitigate your weaknesses.

Any advice user? I fucking suck at this game.

You can easily beat A1-15 in under 30 minutes, including the heart, on any character. Dunno what you are talking about.

The new character is kinda funny because her power curve feels like a reverse of most of the other character's. She's really really strong at almost every Act 1 fight but towards the tail end of Act 3 she starts to peter out.

Are you guys interested in one step from eden? It's got a slay the spire style map but it plays like Battle network.

Is Coffee Dripper the best energy relic?

Searing blow
Remove as many cards as possible
free win below A15, decent chance at a win beyond A20

Thanks user I'll give it a try. I'll make you proud.

Claw is a block card
Change my mind

On A17 right now with Ironchad.
I think A9 for both Silent and Defect.
A8 for The Watcher. Every other run with the Watcher was a win, I just got burned out and bored jamming so many games with her in a short time. Could probably still easily progress here.

Starting relic wise, The Silent's is fucking trash I wish they'd just give her a new one. The Defect's is ok. Ironclad by far has the best, but the Watcher's also is pretty good.

Yeah, but how consistently when you're trying to play fast?
>just become jorbs
stfu nigger, the game is well designed for a card game, but still boring.

Ironchad+whirlwind str build

I dont like The Watcher at all, she is built around retaining and waiting till you accumulate enough damage. The only way i like to play her is with damaru relic + worship + devotion + omniscience

I'm shit at this game, I don't know how to get any consistency whatsoever. My turns usually consist of using every single defensive skill available so I survive, while the enemies ramp out of range then overwhelm me

>Silent's relic is fucking trash
Card draw is extremely strong, especially when it's For Free(tm). Silent's relic is pretty easily the strongest starter relic in the game, you could make an argument for Ironclad but I think that's wrong.

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Silent's is only at the start of the fight though, it's not every turn...

Well, i guess consistency is out of the question if you like to play fast. Im okay with losing 4-5 runs in a row, heh

>enemy is open for attack
>only draw defends
>enemy is about to tear me a new assholes
>only draw attack cards

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The first turn is the most valuable turn in the game though.

this is why energy relics and draw cards are so important

Yes, and extra card draw on turn 1 is extremely valuable, because it lets you search for powers or find cards that will help you end the fight on turn 1, like a big attack or a weaken or a catalyst.

Don't take iron wave and don't take clash.

I have runs where I'm in Act 3 and eating shit, so I just decide I'll go ham and events miraculously line up and I kill the heart.

You're supposed to take Clash with Corruption and Sever Soul.
Clash is fucking amazing.

how do you deal with not getting energy buffs? sometimes i get all the way through act I without any and the run is basically doomed after that