Game excels in a fun gameplay system

>Game excels in a fun gameplay system
>Fails at everything else

What is her name?

Attached: 1584616239619.png (1700x3500, 1.94M)

Other urls found in this thread:



any moba

Attached: 5345.jpg (1721x1849, 752.5K)

Thighs too large
skin too shit
Breasts too big
hair too long
High heels too high
Ass probably too large

Resident Evil 5

Not “everything” but it’s a half terribly designed game with rock solid fundamental gameplay so it works

Dragons Dogma

Sly 4 was almost the total definition of this

Is it too much to ask for you to be straight user

literally god hand

Attached: 1501708995154.jpg (500x456, 58.67K)

Majoras mask

hey now, the music was good too

I would have believed this if it said "Florida man" and "killed his parents while jacking off" but this is just a bad fake.

You JUST know she.....

my immediate thought as well

>being trapped in a 30 minute match with at least 3 retards

It's definitely not Fate Grand Order.

I dare you to provide proof that the bottom picture is actually connected to the top

It's fucking painful because the gun mechanics and the melee combat are so damn good. They flow into each other so beautifully. Neither one of them gets in the way of the other, and they excel when you combine them. The mobility and dodge systems are satisfying as hell. I love jumping back and popping shots into someone as I crawl backwards and roll to recover just to go back into them with a slide.

A great game trapped in a shitty corridor level design. It was never given the room to breathe.

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I feel like mordhau pretty much fits this. combat mechanics are fun and interesting, but theyve released like 2 new maps in the year its been out, and half the game modes are crap. they finally released modding a while back, but its completely restricted to FFA


Fuck I want that dude's fig collection
Not like he's using it anymore

how did you get this picture of my mom?

>i'm dropping attacks from my roulette wheel
>ʳᵒᵘˡᵉᵗᵗᵉ ʷʰᵉᵉˡ
in an ironic kinda way, maybe

She looks disgusting

Fallout 4

Attached: 1565890524975.jpg (720x720, 177.64K)

This game is the paragon of OP's statement. It gets literally NOTHING right but base gameplay mechanics. I still want an actually well designed game that uses 6's controls.

Attached: $upaHo†FireIsNotДllowed𓃰 !!YLGGDMylUnP .jpg (2116x1660, 856.38K)

Ok, here it goes: it is true

It actually happened just last year in Florida funnily enough.

Isn't the headline wrong though? They attempted to stop him from spending so much money on the camgirl and he went apeshit on them. While porn is secondary the camgirl and money he kept borrowing to send her was the primary reason.

>Majora’s Mask
>doesn’t excel in music
>doesn’t excel in atmosphere

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I'd say you're sextupling down from the last thread but I hesitate to refer to you and "sex" in the same sentence.

Where’s the proof that the pictures are him?

blue and white is a really nice colour combination

Careful user, it's cursed.

FFX-2. By far the best implementation of the ATB system SE has ever made, locked into one of the shittiest final fantasy games ever made

Attached: gjwrghjryj.jpg (1922x2214, 984.5K)


At what age did you discover you were a gaymo user?

The same proof that some user works as a diaper furry commission artist and got a commission for wojak edits from his best customer.

Tera Online.
Combat in that game is fun as fuck, but everything else is such a slog.

>Insane Black Rock Shooter
Huh. Also, why is this publicly available at all? Not every day you see photo evidence this vivid.

Tripfag's silence is telling. He never replies to those posts, and typically leaves whatever thread it's posted in

>Metal Build Freedom
>Darling in the meme


I love that system but holy shit that "girl power" theme layed down a bit strong early game. Lightning Returns felt like it pulled a lot from that game, and it had a pretty active system that was still technically ATB. I recommend it if you skipped over it.

>murder scene evidence just uploaded to Google Drive

Wow, Maddox really lost it after the lawsuit.

The coomer reveals his final form.

Borderlands 3
The music isn't too bad admittedly you just never hear it

Tales of Graces F?


Disgaea 4

based tripfaggot silencer

user too gay

Damn you curiosity. I didn't need to see that.

Attached: fts I'm out.gif (148x111, 263.88K)

this guy playing figure box tetris

Attached: aqua crying.png (5072x4091, 2.03M)

Nice house. Typical white family. They carry around guns holstered in the kitchen for some reason? So is this guy's collection gonna show up on a police auction?

That's pretty normal. I have my boxes stacked similarly.

This. 4 is fucking terrible at everything it tries to do in terms of story, narrative, worldbuilding, writing, etc. (All things that are arguably most important for a Fallout game) But it has a really solid gameplay loop to the point it nearly makes you forget about everything else. It's not even particularly great gameplay either but it still manages to nearly overshadow everything wrong with the game. It's really fucking perplexing if you think about it.

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Why the fuck was his brother carrying a holstered weapon with him around though ?

Is this an american thing ?

I mean, Im certainly not defending the killer, but thats probably how it escalated so quick

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