It's amazing.
It's amazing
Other urls found in this thread:
>That goblina
ResetEra won again.
>goblina del americano
I hope corona kills everyone
I really do love how BTFO contrarians were over the critical success of REmake 2. They didn't take it seriously then so they are in absolute overdrive meltdown cope for 3. Amazing. Can't wait for this one to do the exact same.
Nemesis kicked my ass.
He's too fast!
Get a HDR screen or tv.
probably has more to do with your monitor or TV
And now re-remake the original in this style.
the original REmake was so solid i dont think theyll remake it again
why do you sound so forced? Are you paid or is there a gun to your head? You don't have to like it user, chill out
She's cute, retard.
why is she ugly now?
>She's cute, retard
I find it funny you had that image saved. Shit, you probably have an entire folder.
People keep saying this but I don't see anything done really different. If the demo is what we're basing our assumptions off of they didn't change shit and everything's pretty much the same except wowee zowee look at my graphics!
What's the point of a remake/remaster if they don't change some shit up for improvement? If you're just going to rerelease a game but for full price I dont understand how people keep falling for it.
But i do like it?
Nemesis is still bad but everything else is good. DESU I got really spooked on the rooftop and in the Firehose building because I thought there would be Brainsuckers/ Hunter Betas, actually got chills but then back to zombies
>750 ti
>60 fps
fuck man , capcom games on pc are fucking great unlike ZOOM Eternal
God imagine being completely dominated by one of her attacks and stripped naked as the strength leaves your body. Slowly she scoops you into her mouth as you slide down her tight flaming hot gullet to be nothing more than food for her growling belly.
What the flying fuck are you rambling about?
i don't know, i didn't really like how nemesis doesn't drop items anymore, or the lack of zombie ragdoll toned down gore making encounters even more trivial, or how angry jill is. the dodge is good, i guess. it was very very dark but in the "hard to see" way. i didn't really enjoy it. noticeably a step down from re2 remake and re3 both, the level design was not that good either. and there's at least one area i noticed where zombies are on the other side of a wall, you can't kill them, then a cutscene happens and they break through and then you have to fight them now that they're behind you in an annoying way, which is re6-tier.
Seek help
Yeah, demo was good. As those super zombies that Nemesis makes new? I don't remember them but it's been a while
>i didn't really like how nemesis doesn't drop items anymore
Reviewers who got a hands on with a more complete build says he does
That's a demo thing, he drops items in the retail game
Yes that's not in the original. I actually think it's a bit too much actually. Feels a bit too fast and loose with the lore.
>looks like mtf tranny
>swear like a sailor
>wears a burka
>it's amazing
Why did the discord trannies decide to forcefully shill this garbage and why here of all places?
It's not, though.
The gameplay shits itself whenever you interact with a boss/Nemeis, it's just goofy and clunky and not fun. It's also a far cry from being a horror game at this point.
Definitely not buying this.
i put all my ammo into him and kept stabbing him with the knife until he killed me, and there was a loading screen tooltip that popped when i died where it said "nemesis is unkillable, run away from him"
reviewers have lied before, i just know what i saw in what i played
Holy shit the first nemesis encounter gave me a heart attack on how he ran immediately
Capcom is on the SJW train for quite a while now, user.
Also don't reply to SJW trannies.
They're never satisfied.
Making Cyberpunk 2077 pozzed beyond belief? Not good enough.
Downgrading Tifa's tits? Not good enough.
Turning Capcom women into goblinas? Not good enough.
Having half the industry's top sellers bow to them? Not good enough.
You have to ACCEPT it and buy it, you utter bigot.
Fucking this
It's nice, but honestly, the game does not look that great. The textures on medium/high are really awful on the environment.
Fuck me user look at the state of your post why even bother hitting send? Serious question. Do you think your post is going to make one or two anons chuckle quietly? Do you believe you are sticking it to the AAA devs? To the fanbase? All you are doing is shitting up the the topic. You probably think that's what Yas Forums is "hurr durr you are supposed to be a cunt that's the point here hurr durr." Jesus fuck off.
the city looks like utter shit
He's raising awareness of how Capcom has been infected by the ResetEra menace. It's a public service announcement. The more of us know about it, the least of us consider supporting this trash. Get woke, go broke. Sorry your shilling isn't bulletproof here. I'm sure Reddit will be more open to it.
The whole reason the original is even scary is having the camera manipulated to show you very specific views. The spooky mansion aesthetic loses a lot of oomph if you can just pivot the camera and peak around corners to see what's there.
>post extremely effeminate looking man as "proof"
>no no you see girls look like MEN that pic is what real MEN look like
You guys are so ass backwards it's unreal.
How fitting.
I can smell your "vagina" all the way here.
trans female
fuck you capshit.
you think RE3 is "going to go broke"? user...
not much. I doesn´t create any sense of isolation and looks more like a funpark
She cute
I like it but Nemesis sucks and the toned down gore is a bummer.
Yas Forumsniggers still delusionally believe woke shit goes broke. It's hilarious to watch. The industry has completely moved on from them and they can't accept it.
Honestly felt like Dead Rising, except no fun.
at least is playable
Falseflagging ResetRra trannies need to go back with their outrage manufacturing
Go join the 41%
I was an unbeliever at first, but Jill is actually hot
i cant get the demo cause when i add it to my cart then go to check out it doesnt work doesn't accept any payment method
>Nem puts his hand over his weak point
the most based user in the thread right now
It does though and outliers prove nothing so poopoo on you.
Resident Evil 3 Remake is gonna sell like hotcakes
Final Fantasy 7 Remake is gonna sell like hotcakes
The Last of Us 2 is gonna sell like hotcakes
Cyberpunk 2077 is gonna sell like hotcakes
I guess those will just be outliers too :^)
I don't mind. RE lore is fun, but it's nothing amazing
i miss voth!
even the save room is sad because it isn't voth!
they removed dismemberment
Who managed to knock out nemesis? Im sure its possible.
I emptied 60 some handgun and 20 shot shells in his chest rig, and his clothing had huge battle damage. Resorted to knife after that a few time, but Im almost positive hes beatable in demo.
does anyone know what is going on? or am i just fucked? i refuse to ask steam support cause then ill have to wait till tomorrow and thats doom day
wow user consider me trolled or whatever. Im so fed up of newfags like you believing what you hear when people used to meme "Yas Forums was always shit" no. It got worse. Tourists like you have made it so much worse. I remember a faggot like you getting mad at me because i DIDN'T understand or know his tranny/faggot/whatever reference insult he threw out me. "How could i possibly not know these terms!?"
it's still present just toned down a bit