I haven't watched anyone play video games in years until hololive and nijisanji vtubers revived the scene
Western streamers cannot compete
Vtubers Vidya Revived Streaming
Kizuna Ai's generation and upd8 are dead by comparison
The new gen actually have personality and make things fun instead of feeling like paid actors
>still seething
It's barely been an hour since your last thread died. Stop spamming and go to one of the 3 threads on /jp/ if you want to talk about vtubers
Coke-Chan is the only amusing Vtuber
Now kill yourself with your eceleb shit and go back to your containment board
not vidya you absolute braindead cum guzzling faggot that jerks it to these and probably doesn't even play vidya
mogu mogu
>Acts like an absolute retard every stream
Why is it so effective?
/jp/ sucks though.
Not an argument.
Retards cab be cute.
>autistic retard spends all day watching Yas Forums's catalog just to complain
It's better than Yas Forums
vtuber kino
dog too cute
Reminder that she doesn't take showers, wears diapers because she can't be bothered to go to the bathroom, and once left her bloody pad behind the fridge of another vtuber.
I want to fuck the dog
Why does her 2d avatar look like a mongoloid?
Why is Okayu's voice pure sex bros?
whats the point if I don't understand
Korone is better at games than anyone from vee
Jp is a shithole for Tohou spammers.
But I agree, this doesn't belong on Yas Forums or Yas Forums or Yas Forums
How long are they gonna play hot potato with this before they finally admit they need a youtube board.
I need vtuber gf.
Have they ever come out and specifically said why there isn't an eceleb board? It's something that pretty much occurs on every single board to varying degrees. Only reason I can think of is it would just turn into a /lolcow/ or kiwifarms situation and the board would get shut down because of harassment and legal threats.
what makes it so different
its just quirky retards streaming themselves being bad at games
now with anime paintjob
>its just quirky retards streaming themselves being bad at games
okayu is better at vidya than most of Yas Forums
and okayu and korone play more games than Yas Forums
most of Yas Forums wouldn't be able to get past the tutorial dungeon for torneko no daibouken fushigi no dungeon 1
>korone streamin +10h at times
>average streaming time for games is like +6h
Gaming goddess.
I fucking love Pekora and wish I could kidnap her, rape her and force her to marry me, in minecraft of course.
Like everyone in this thread, you just watch the translated clips and pretend you watch the full streams.
Haha, me too haha.
But I understand 日本語.
smiling girl holding book.jpeg.png.gif.webm.obb.bmp.tiff.heic.dib
What the fuck is wrong with them?
They are trying to not get infected by corona, duh.
Is there a list of Yas Forums approved Virtualtubers?
>when people portray themselves as a fictional character they're furfags
>when women play video games showing their tits they're whores
>when women play video games while portraying themselves as a fictional character it's saving video games
black carl sagan.png
( ˋ3ˊ )
who cares retard lol
the first 2 weeks of Kizuna. Anything else is cancer.
Stop posting it here.
Kizuna was never good.
I've not been on jp in over 7 years... You're most likely right.
Korone, Aqua, Matsuri, Coco, and Suisei. That's the official list.
What a fucking awful list.
alright gamer bro if you are so epic why dont you show us your unofficial Yas Forums approved vtuber list
Luna is the best simply the best
Suzuhara Lulu is also a good choice. She mostly plays Souls games despite being legitimately terrified of spiders but occasionally does some lighter stuff like Loco Roco or Katamari.
Here's the list.
You can find everything that is known about the previous life of your favourite youtuber. Enjoy.
Are some of these shota vtubers?
Someone post that image about Luna past lives
There are shota vtubers, one of them is on the front page of the site. They are voiced by women in their twenties though.
Holy shit. Noel is a big tiddy goddess who does ASMR. No wonder I have a constant erection when I watch her streams. My dick knows better than I do.