>consoles seem to have actually monstrous CPUs seemingly comparable to 3700X
>especially after a generation of literal tablet CPUs
>Sony and Microsoft talk about TFLOPs, ray tracing and fucking SSDs as a selling point
Are we getting tricked? The GPU power goes mainly to raw performance boost anyway.
Consoles seem to have actually monstrous CPUs seemingly comparable to 3700X
>Are we getting tricked?
Absolutely, this spec bullshit is smoke and mirrors. Wait until there are actual games running on these machines before you make any judgments.
>to raw performance
meant to say resolution
Microsoft's 3.6GHz vs PC's 4.8GHz 4700X which also gets 17% IPC improvements. That seems like a lot.
>Are we getting tricked?
Without a doubt, consoleniggers have no idea how hardware works and just assume big number=better.
next gen really has PC users rattled
Console users are the ones furiously tapping create a new thread.
It's fucking hilarious how they creep into a console thread to make cope posts
still, whether you want it or not, some games coming out on consoles will run better than on comparable PC hardware because of how the OS works
only the trannystation is damage controlling hard and talking about da powa of da ssd.
microsoft is super confident and rightfully so. the transtation 5 is an inferior piece of shit still running on obsolete, outdated RDNA 1 architecture.
Microsoft is the clear winner this time and I'm saying this is an ex-sonyfag
MS is pulling another Xbox 360. It's legit.
post your hand, zoomlet fortnite turd.
they showed gears 5 running at 4k 60 with ultra settings, seems pretty legit
Don't pretend PKeks do either
The CPU doesn't matter that much for 4K 60 fps.
This, not that PC retards are any better.
It's fucking painful to read anything that 'pc master race' kids write online.
They can list decades' worth of computer parts off the top of their heads but they have no fucking clue how anything works.
If they give you a number and you ask them 'why does it matter', they have no idea.
I fucking hate videogames and gamers so goddamn much. Why the hell do I come here?
by far the biggest shift is ditching decade old jaguar based CPUs for both consoles. After that, it's PS5's SSD. Then comes ray tracing and 3D audio.
From a point of view of now they look fucking impressive, but one year from now.. not so much.
they said theyre looking for at making a 120fps mode for multiplayer too so its at least good
>some games coming out on consoles will run better than on comparable PC
No because you can't do 144hz, because instead it runs at 30fps with and
The only reason the tflop comparison actually works for home consoles is because they have the same architecture. Still a shitty measurement. XSX has a serious lead in terms of CPU and GPU strength, especially with this variable clock shit Sony is using to manage heat
Yeah, that sounds good.
Got to love that they never mention the power of the PSU.
Any specs are moot if you don't have the juice to run them at full pelt.
>I fucking hate videogames and gamers so goddamn much. Why the hell do I come here?
You want to discuss games and this is the best place to do it on the internet.
Which says more about the horrible state that is gamers than about the quality of this place.
Makes it kind of obvious when they put SMT off on the front even though every new game uses SMT.
honestly this. I'm probably just going to wait for the mid gen ps5 upgrade rather than buying at launch.
As it stands, the XseX is just a budget PC. A budget PC stronger than the ps5, yes, but a budget PC no less. The PS5's only strong point is its SSD ad by the time it gets the amount of good games it needs, the rest of the industry will catch up and the midgen upgrade will be out
>both consoles have custom silicon to decompress from the SSD
>but sony can do shit in .5 seconds instead of 1 second
Well see if it actually matters outside naughty dog games
Sad but true.
Fuck gamers.
They will be able to do 144hz, but only if the programming team is able to defeat the SNOBBY ART DIRECTOR.
(protip they won't, they always lose to him. Consoles are able to do 60 FPS since the sega dreamcast, but the art director always push it to 30. PCs only escape because the small porting teams that do the ports don't include the art director to force the frame rate to 30 there as well)
it really isn't going to make much, or any difference when it comes to non-first party games but why the fuck would you buy a playstation if not for the exclusives anyway. If Sony ditches their exclusivity like they did on death stranding and horizon, I'm going to ignore playstation like I ignore Xbox
3D audio is not revolutionary either. It's just that previous consoles didn't have rhe juice for it either.
Yes it does. A CPU bottleneck will choke things significantly, making getting to 60 frames difficult, especially if your game has a lot of physics, particle effects, anything CPU dependent
I agree, but it's still the only other jump
The first 3 years or so of new generation will be cross generation. If it runs at 30 fps on 8th gen, it could be brute forced on 9th gen.
I wouldn't be surprised if more games were getting even more graphical modes.
>tfw lost my 360 gamertags login details
The SeXBOX explicitly lists "locked" clocks and that's why it has 2 clocks for SMT on and SMT off. There's absolutely no boosting or downclocking. You get one constant clock and you'll like it.
The PS5 lists maximum possible boost clocks but you can bet you'll never hit both at the same time. So the CPU will downclock to let the GPU boost. And forget about hitting those clocks in summer.
where do you retards get off making posts like this? Jaguar bottlenecking has been one of the biggest restraints on devs for the last 5-7 years
>3D audio
New CoD has RT 3d audio though, and they dont want images of my ear
Consoles will have pisspoor implementation of RT. Two years from now Nvidia Hopper will be able to run in circles around the console RT.
what the fuck literally every sentence is wrong
>They will be able to do 144hz
>only if the programming team is able to defeat the SNOBBY ART DIRECTOR.
not how development works
>Consoles are able to do 60 FPS since the sega dreamcast
>since the sega dreamcast
You will immediately cease and not continue to access the site if you are under the age of 18.
>PCs only escape because the small porting teams that do the ports don't include the art director to force the frame rate to 30 there as well
It might shock you to know that on PC you're actually free to play at whatever framerate you want. Nobody forces anything
Doesn't matter if it's good or not when your game can't even do 60 stable
>Yes it does. A CPU bottleneck will choke things significantly
Niggers, Gears 5 is already a 60 fps game on Xbone X. You don't need multiple times faster CPU to make it run at 4K 60 fps.
A budget PC without keyboard and mouse, which is its biggest downfall. I refuse to play anything where you shoot at something on those ridiculous analog sticks.
>Everything will be cross-gen so all that RAW HARDWARE POWAH will be completely wasted because the games still have to be designed to run on Laptop CPUs from 2011
lmao enjoy your slightly shinier graffix and 30fps
>dat resolution
>dat artifacting
>dat watermark
You're reaching enlightenment.
I'm already dead, bro.
>monstrous CPUs
>ryzen 7 3700X
LOL 9900k shits all over this budget cpu
I'm pretty sure both playstation and xbox have KB+M capabilities. Gyro has also made aiming on consoles much better, though for some reason despite supporting it, the DS4 only uses gyro for aiming in a very limited amount of games. If MS doesn't provide gyro on their base controllers for the XSeX they are fucking retarded considering some of their biggest games are shooters
A $500 CPU no one sane buys for gaming.
We are going to forget about rasterization eventually, so you better get used to the new standard. It's like never going back to un-antialiased 800x600. Get over it. Tech moves on. You'll get your frames in time.
>I'm pretty sure both playstation and xbox have KB+M capabilities.
Yeah but only like 10 games support it and you've heard of none of them.
nudoom 2's coming out on both consoles and neither will support M+KB, so who cares?
>xbonex can handle minecraft entirely path traced
>but its bad implementation i swear
Not even close bud
Path tracing the entire scene is massively expensive compared to just using it for GI or reflections like metro exodus and bf5
9900k and 2080ti are the standart for a high end gaming pc
Its mostly for cross play games like CoD and FN.
Otherwise they want to keep the field more level
Try Titan RTX
Oh look, a faggot who thinks he's smarter than a pile of rocks. It's almost like the Xbone has a 8 core, 8 thread cpu and none of it's games use smt. It's almost as if it makes more sense for a back compat mode to be clocked higher with smt off, you fucking retard
I'm pretty sure it doesn't, because if it did we would have 5 threads on the front page right now about it. Everyone and their mother would want to use it and win in online.
nah its only 7% faster for double the price
>on PC you're actually free to play at whatever framerate you want. Nobody forces anything
Generally true but not always. "Hard" framerate locks exist in modern console ports or multiplats, games from the 90s had them too(Doom was locked to 35 FPS), and the mid 2000s-early 2010s games, especially PC focused ones usually don't have "hard" locks but sometimes completely break if you push the framerate too high.
yes, but not now, because now it makes games run like shit, thankfully you can turn it off on PC if you prefer gameplay over graphics
>Niggers, Gears 5 is already a 60 fps game on Xbone X.
>Gears 5
I am sure such SSD will be of big help to Sony 1st party considering they always liked to create open world sandbox games and not walking simulators.
>its faster
Therefore it's clearly superior.
Fekken this!
>pay-gated online (riddled with ads)
>expensive proprietary peripherals
>games rarely discounted
>inevitable double dip for S version
>no backward compatibility
>only ever ahead of PC by 6-12months of initial launch
>experience limited to how they decide
>mods repackaged as pay to play DLC or "micro-transactions"
>censored games can be uncensored
>plays newest games on limited settings
>library limited to current games and whatever they permit from older systems
>limited to whatever controller they release
>free online
>upgrade at your price/pace
>game sales so frequent you backlog for a decade
>can buy/trade parts instead of replacing whole system
>backward compatible
>outpaces most consoles for years until next gen
>totally customized experience
>free mods
>censored games
>plays games on whatever settings you can manage
>plus higher res/draw distance with mods
>library literally goes back to the beginning of PC
>can emulate arcades and consoles
>play with any controller you want
Did you retard even read reply chain? See
This hurts so much.
it will help spidey at least.
>you are still limited to a top speed even when falling to insure non broken animations and maximum control at all times
I just wanna go fast like the ps2 game
PS5 is overclocked
>Are we getting tricked
Yes, it's mid-range rig in 2021.
>Not talking about CPU
Gaming is heavily GPU bound
even with the huge upgrade to GPU it will still be the bigger bottleneck at 4k.
Expect to see a Looot more 60fps and even some 120fps.
But I just don't think it matters as much on console. it's not as flashy to show off. "Bloodborne will be smoother" is not a selling feature
>are we being tricked
AMD has made insane strides in both CPU and GPU tech since last gen.
Amazing. You can't even read but try to lecture me. Now try to get this the second time, I'm only going to say it one more time:
All new games use SMT. The user who said consolecretins think bigger number better is absolutely right, since they put SMT off on the front.
I have been playing video games for a good 20 years and I've put together 3 computers.
What the fuck is a tflop and why are consolebabs so obsessed with them?
>since they put SMT off on the front
Not him but what?
I know what smt is just dont know what you mean
>12 tflops
Why do I keep sering this everywhere? You'd think they would hide it.
>Wait until there are actual games
When have you known this to ever happen? In fact, when have you ever known people to hold off on judging anything without jumping to conclusions? Rational thought will never ever happen.
Every gen, someone says exactly what you have and it's just a microscopic tear in a world wide planet of piss. Forgotten... until next time.
my 8 yo CPU still runs literally any game with ~80% usage, GPU is EVERYTHING now days.
Are terraflops the new bits?
Architecture matters more than tflops
BUT when comparing the exact same architecture its a viable number to use for generalized raw performance.
You know what FLOPs are, right?
They're just a more precise unit of measuring processing power.
A TFLOP is just shorthand for teraFLOP.
It's nothing spectacular, it's just their new marketing stunt.
The new consoles do have current-gen PC hardware, but it's still limited by power and cooling constraints. Hence why each console has a base CPU clock speed that's roughly equivalent to a desktop 3700X; the difference being the 3700X can boost up to 4.4GHz while the console SoCs cannot.
measure of raw compute
because it is easier to market.
Literally just a measurement of how fast it can multiply two numbers. Not really related to gaming performance
SMT on is in brackets like it's secondary. No, it's primary. And tve PS5 will have SMT too, don't you worry about it.
Because consoles only had jaguar cpus that are far worse than todays cheap laptops.
New games will fully utilize Zen2 cpus some with more background simulation heave titles will indeed rely on smt while others may just push for higher FPS like simpler shooters and leave it off.
only xbox series x has the power of a ryzen 5 3700x, the ps5 can only reach 3.5GHz while overclocked, it actually has 2.8GHz as base performance, something that is comparable to an i5-7400 or a ryzen 3200
>when comparing the exact same architecture
we're not.
>raw performance.
I.E not what actually matters
I hope to god this makes devs utilize multithreading on PC. and leads to innovations in graphics and gameplay.
But I know it won't.
Ah okay. Of course devs will capitalize on it if its helpful which with how engines are going it will be standard sooner than many would want.
Will a 9700k be good enough since it has no hyper threading for those games in a year that want 14 threads (1 core is OS right?) as a bare minimum?
Not a great difference but they probably will be able to set the resolution
>not how development works
It's not a "switch to 30 FPS" unless in some rare cases it literally is, but i imagine there is a discussion on the target frame rate and they do the assets and code around that frame rate, and during this discussion, the art director sucks the dick of the executive producer and announces with a breath full of cum that they're aiming at 30 or else
>You will immediately cease and not continue to access the site if you are under the age of 18.
Yes, i'm aware that basically all 2D consoles with tile rendering are able and do run at 60 FPS, but we're talking about 3D here, the one we "gave a license for 20-30 until the hardware gets good enough" but they still keep doing it
>It might shock you to know that on PC you're actually free to play at whatever framerate you want. Nobody forces anything
As was pointed out, there are many games with hard frame rate locks, and there would be a lot more if was the main team doing the port job.
Just go read about soap opera effect, and try to not imagine this guy writing it.
Yeah, pushing more triangles is the least exciting thing about next gen and it’s a shame that’s all anyone is focusing on.
SSDs are old technology but are more exciting when you consider that up until this point no games have been designed with them in mind.
I'm pretty sure it will do fine at 5GHz bruh. Clockspeeds usually mitigate other shortcomings. That's why 6c/12t CPUs on PC will be fine if they are fast enough.
Ps5 looks like a toilet seat