I will now buy your movie
I will now buy your movie
>We did the fucking bare minimum of gameplay.
It looks exactly like God of War's jumping and climbing
Is this the thread where I pretend to read this as them saying they're innovating video games to get mad instead of them just saying they're improving on the first game's mechanics.
Why do they pretend that anybody gives a shit about the gameplay?
A decent amount of people really liked the multiplayer mode in the original.
No cunny no buy
>Girls are more agile
Is this actually true? I'm not even trying to be "that guy" I'm just genuinely curious. Wouldn't being more muscular mean you can jump and climb higher?
Sony is releasing this right when the PS5 is set to release so the can come out with a remastered on the PS5 and act like it has more games
ND does it again, giving the player an unparalleled amount of character control, pushing the boundaries of the interactive story-driven medium to never before seen heights.
It was pretty fun. Sometimes multiplayer modes that you would expect to be trash turn out great, like Assassin's Creed, still can't believe how fun Brotherhood's multiplayer was.
With what? I don't even own a playstation.
That's amazing. Imagine what they could achieve if they hired that Japanese guy who has invented the camera.
Holy fucking based, innovation all over the floor, what we're seeing right here is pure melted future, truly the peak of human technology.
Hiroshia Katamar?
Why do all Snoy games have snow in them?
You mean there's MORE gameplay than walking and shooting braindead AI?
Holy shit we did consolebros, we are at a new peak of gaming!
>allowing us to introduce new verticality
what? did they invented something about climbing or what? I know a 99% is marketing bullshit for coonsumers
>Climbing and jumping
Groundbreaking. Breathtaking. Revolutionary. Bold, Beautiful.
Hopefully they add a "kiss my lesbian gf" button or I will not watch this movie
It's not actual platforming, you press a button and the chaacter plays an animation of you jumping and climbing. You can't fail it's just a canned animation. Who thought this was a good idea?
Uh excuse me you racist sexist Nazi Ellie failing would ruin the cinematic flow of this ludonarrative masterpiece.
Hopefully they have a "find a gf that doesn't look like a plague doctor" button
But she cute
I love the "Slam your chest into a ledge with nothing to grab hold" style of climbing.
>they're still trying to pretend like that expose didn't happen
>But she cute
Post that side profile. I dare you.
funny ND, I already played all the uncharted games
I will now buy your game
>isolated incident
every time
theyre not that common but yeah, i used to have a classmate who would run way faster than me, and im a pacey nigger that plays in a local football club
why are there like 6 ghost people landing on the ledge at the same time as her? You couldn't fuck snow impressions up that badly if you tried.
You're just jealous that a fictional character has a cute gf while you have to settle
Post it.
>i called myself a nigger im one of you
Get some self respect man.
Shut up faggot.
Sounds like I hit a nerve.
Sounds like you're projecting.
Why does a non-platformer need platforming
>Press X to cinematic dyke
Why so much seethe then?
I don't know user, why so much seethe?
>God of War's jumping and climbing
it kinda looks like RE3 as well, but i dont see you pointing this out anywhere
the hypocrisy
>no you
that makes no sense schizo
Post mine or the chicks? Can't either way. Ip range banned from posting pics
do you think he survived with his family? I mean they both got out of El Dorado infected island alive
you're not actually jumping, your character is simply doing a jumping animation when you press the jump button
unironically the best thing about the game, have 100s of hours on factions
Woah, climbing AND jumping?
This was worth every second of crunch
>have to jump small gap
>smash solar plexus against wall
it's so cinematic!
Ellie and dodge, climb, and jump?
Holy shit, calm down Sony. Any more mechanics and you might accidentally make a video game.
>toss out data demonstrating sexual dimorphism
>also toss out every anecdote proving your worldview wrong
every time
imagine paying for this shit
im gonna maybe watch walkthrough without commentary on youtube but im not that much interested in this game
does it have any story other than there are zombies and girl have to survive?
Sony bros..we got too cocky.
so this is the power of film animators
Reminder you're not allowed to make fun of this webm if you're a disgusting obese fuck/skinny weak retard who can't do a pull-up or climb a wall without footholds
you're too generous, that's not even 10fps
>contextual climbing and jumping is now worth advertising
I weep for this industry
Multiplayer was the only reason I was hyped for TLOU2, and now we have to wait fuck knows how long.
The idea's nice, but the fact they paired that specific footage with 'agile' was fucking funny.
So this is what the power of crunch achieves
Why does it look so janky?