*removes a feature*

>*removes a feature*
>"did anyone even like that? it was a bad feature anyway! who cares lol!"
why do new bandwagoning drones trying to fit in as AC fans object to anyone discussing negative things about the game?
So EXCUSE ME for feeling a little sad that these things are missing

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Other urls found in this thread:


Remember when people were trying to defend trophies being removed in favor of stickers?

What was removed?

So are these things officially out or are people just assuming they are.

Ya know saying they 'removed' a feature implies it was in the game at some point. Almost like shit changes between games and they did not just make a expansion.
Complain about what they remove with no mention to the stuff they add or change. You can renovate the entire island pretty sure thats better then some pointless collectables

All of them were datamined and will come in an update.
People just wanna grasp to whatever they have to shit on a game, nothing new.

>Gyroids are removed forever
>No they will be added in an update
>There is no trace of them in the files
>There is a Gyroid Museum
Over and over and over again for hours

>datamining an update that isn't out yet

why do you chucklefucks focus so intently on shitting specifically on Nintendo games, first it was pokemon now it's AC


haven't used my switch since 2017
now this low battery icon keeps displaying
and wont turn on.
is my switch fucked?

If there's placeholders in the code or something else telling you can still tell some things will be patched in (or were at least intended to be patched in).

these AC games are such no content nothing games it amazes me that they didnt even manage to include all the stuff from previous games.

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t. Nigger who probably had no objecion to all the shit New Leaf did wrong

>cafe found in data
>gyroids found in data
yeah ok

My only disappointments are the paucity of new fish/bugs and lack of certain furniture pieces, especially the pirate set
also why the fuck do we still only have 8 crocodile villagers and 3 octopus villagers when so many other types got new ones this game

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if you think that its not actual fans who demand a better product you're out of your mind.

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Hard times for snoys.

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Literal onions bait

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Unattach your joycons and let the screen part of the switch charge for an hour or too

Because Nintendo a shit. Why are you so angry about it? Would it make you happier if they didn't shit on your favorite multimillion dollar company

I'm tired of the failed dud that is reactionary outrage culture.

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thanks senpai

...I always sold Gyroids.

yes, that's a good example

They'll probably be added into the game later on as DLC.
With any luck, they won't charge us for it

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Thing is. people did ask questions about said missing content. Then found out that it's all still there and more than likely available in a update or DLC.
People are being angry over something that will be rectified later but act as if there is no sign of said fixes.

What does "Asking questions" and seething about it online do? If you don't like it don't buy it; but it was never about that, it's about the feeling of going on a crusade and the appearance of not liking a popular thing.
The world keeps moving with or without you. Nobody is a drone just for having things they enjoy.

>Gonna get 1K dollars
>Gonna get this GAME TOO

O boi.

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>he's this retarded that he can't understand why people are crusading about something he claims they don't like when it's obvious they really do like the franchise and aren't satisfied with where the new game is going


Why are you arguing with other fans? It's pointlessly shitting in the wind and changes nothing. Nobody is going to stop liking something that they like just because of some angry faggot's seething. Just tweet at nintendo or something nobody here really cares about your misgivings; they're just annoyed to see them all the time when they want to talk about the game.
If you weren't a drone, and those problems were something you actually cared about, you would have no problem moving on. I've done it many times before. Life is too short to focus on the negatives. It's much easier to make positive change in the world by supporting the things that you love than by tearing at the things you no longer do.

Nothing, more false-flaggers snoys spamming threads like these hoping it will make the game bomb.
Same thing they did with pokemon.

>remove 80% of features
>remove genders
>add minecraft and tranny controlfreak features instead
dare i say soulless

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Ok, I fully believe nothing was really removed from Animal Crossing.
Pokemon on the other hand is a fucking trash fire than people are still sucking GF dick over shitty practices.

>remove feature that nobody would even unlock in the first month
>patch it in a month later

based OP. I agree

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>animeposter talking about trannies
Like poetry

At least try

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i'm tired of people lowering the bar for nintendo when the bar is already touching the floor.

>buy game
>it bad
>FUCKKKKKKK :((((((((((

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>can't even defend the features that were removed
Lmao get fucked nigger

Too bad that bar is on the top of the building while the rest are on the ground floor.

>So EXCUSE ME for feeling a little sad that these things are missing
You can feel sad sure but don't get made when people call you a fucking retard for liking shit everyone hates.

and here we have the typical nu-nintendo cocksucker who's content with low-effort rehashes.

Case in point. Nothing Nintendo does will be good enough because you've set your standards for them so high on top of the fact that you for some reason see them as a friend that has betrayed you.

They're literally just another game company and you need to accept that.

I don't really care that you think something is overrated. What other people like doesn't really concern you.

>you've set your standards for them so high
my standards have been the same since the snes. what's changed is that nintendo has stopped meeting them.
>They're literally just another game company
and yet you put them on a pedestal, as shown by your previous post.


So why didn’t you listen when the Pokémon fans were going through this 5 months ago?

Did you think we were joking?

I'm cool with cut features because they weren't features that I used, save for the gyroids and paintings. I think the other added features vastly outweigh the missing ones. Besides, we're clearly going to be getting seasonal DLC, so who's to say gyroids wont be a part of that?

Reminder that data for the cafe and gyroids has been found in the code of the game already, so the odds of them being in there or planned to be added in the near future are very high.


are you going to answer why you think they didnt include them at launch like they fucking should have?

less content for pirates I guess

>people flipping out over early shitty datamines that have already been debunked

Bitch when the game is out. This is retarded.

no swimming in the sea? is this confirmed? that unsettles me more than the others.

I love swimming

the game isnt out yet?

It comes out tomorrow.

Why are Nintendo fans buying unfinished games? It happened with Mario Tennis too, even fucking Kirby released half finished. Wtf is Nintendo doing, fucking incompetent

fuck i dont even have a switch yet
i guess ill wait to see if there are even fucking gyroids, a fundamental staple of the animal crossing idiom, before i make any decisions

>implying every video game nowdays isn't intentionally released unfinished so that it can be followed up with mandatory DLC

That's not what datamining means you monstrous fucking retard. Please kill yourself so the world's average IQ can go up.

Also, you mean a DLC season pass or something, not an update.

>Hurrrr I am a fucking retard please give me (You)'s
Ok ok, here you go but don't go spending it all in one place.

>game announces they'll release monthly content
>game doesn't have thing right away
>but user we have monthly content coming, its not confirmed removed forever

There i just regaled you with the substantial discussion of hundreds of threads that can only coax on what if they do?/what if they don't? Answers that cannot be satisfied until nintendo says something.

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>>game announces they'll release monthly content

This is why I pirate. Makes so sense for Nintendo to beg for money yet still put out half baked games. Worst than EA.

The holidays and events, theres always something each month in Animal Crossing.

Nobody complained when Splatoon had calendar events locked behind future free DLC, why is it a problem now?

Yas Forums would complain about free water in a drought, that's why. Also, Splatoon had cunny so they gave it a pass.


Animal Crossing is one of the few games nintendo actually puts care in. Literally the whole population of Japan plays it. Anyone with half a brain cell would realize that Nintendo just wants to protect the game from grease monkey pirates. The fucking gyroids will be in the damn game. They are literally synonymous with the game. Diving will be too. You're on a fucking island. The game is a slow burner. If you play it correctly, you will get to explore the suprises how nintendo meant for you to. If you time travel you should be playing a game your short attention span can satisfy.
But seriously you all are fucking pathetic. Play the fucking game and shut up or go play ACGC, or something else of your liking. It's thats simple

How do you piratefags cope like this?

Gyroids are gone? they were my favorite thing to collect
