Anyone ever have their video game group disintegrate all because guys went apeshit over a female player?
Anyone ever have their video game group disintegrate all because guys went apeshit over a female player?
I have NEVER been part of a video game group.
And I DO NOT use Discord.
Why do women have to pretend they like videogames and sports? Yet when any guy talks about it they zone out.
no my friends were luckily normal people, not Yas Forums users, so no one simped or was an incel towards girls on the internet
if a girl was in our group they could handle themselves as well
Is that true though? Or just/v/ incel projection. I have a fem friend who always seemed like they zoned out but then ages later they mention stuff from vidya conversations I don't even remember talking about
if the friendship in a group is worth less for it s members than female atention it was doomed from the start
The amount of girls that I know that are into /tg/ stuff is insane. What's the appeal?
Hands say otherwise.
I was actually in a mostly-female community once. Probably the best I've ever been part of, had 3 nice years of quality discussion and OC before everyone went their own way.
They made me feel very comfortable, even enough to reveal my real name online, which I've never done beofre or since. I miss them.
Actual girls who like video games are not only rare but keep quiet about their hobby.
Because just like there's fake grill gaymurs there's neckbeards who fucking seethe or lust after the mere mention of vagina and vidya.
>gorilla arms
Girls can't take any banter or trash talk.
Also, yes, back when I was shamefully a console pleb (well, not entirely, just for Halo 2 and friends from school -- we dominated 2v2s when that was added in) there was this attention whore who's little brat brother would sign on her account and basically order all of her friends around and anyone who didn't play ball would be unfriended by most of the group in no time. Myself and another cool dude didn't put up with it, got tired of the brat brother and the whore's high school drama, and we went our separate ways.
Don't remember his name, but we used to try glitching on Halo 2 maps with a banshee quite a bit... probably not specific enough, but happy gaming if you do read this, brother.
We had a girl join our big DnD campaign. Nothing happened.
I had a guild break up out of drama over me, I'm not a woman and I wasn't claiming to be one and I wasn't even especially sociable or friendly with anyone, just playing normally. I liked the healer class but it was genderlocked so my avatar was female and apparently things went sour between some fat fedoralords including the guild master since they were jealous
I had no idea what was happening until after the breakdown when a white knight approached me and started brown nosing and gossiping to get a crumb of pussy
It was the first and last time I played a girl character, it was just one fucking game a decade ago and people approached for months after I'd stopped playing it. I started several conversations stating several times that I'm an actual real man in real life and they'd keep chatting me up as though I'd been joking
wow user! you are so cool, tell us more
Ok I can get most of that, but how is "Fembro" offensive?
>be girl
>like vydia
>join "female only" gaming group
>bunch of men speaking in falsetto
Fuck trannies.
The opposite actually, she's such an annoying prick, everyone agrees they dislike her and it brings everyone together.
Two of my best friends were raped by gamer chuds. I'm sorry that a girl joined your group, it must be really hard for you.
>Using voice chat
>Revealing who you are when you play vidya
I'm not a girl and even I don't do that, people are fucking weird in this age of parasocial relationship where they have no one to talk to and their only friends are on the internet
No. Cancer, yes.
>be in college
>become housemates with a group of dudes
>we play C&C Generals together because it's the game that all of us experienced and loved but cant find anyone to play with
>one day a girl moves in
>she hits on me and I reject her because she has signs of BPD
>I go on vacation
>in that time she hit on all my other housemates and convinced them that im not really their friend and they should stop talking to me
>we stopped talking to each other and I moved out because she made life hell for me
But I'll never forget the memories we had.... and the great gaming moments we had playing C&C....
I'll never experience it again.
My friend deals with the death of her parents by playing everything she can and being mute thanks to bleached vocal cords.
Gross, I hate those.
Honestly it wouldn't be so bad if those faggot millennials would get their noses away from their phones for a minute and actually talk to someone.
Literally what did you expect.
I want to fuck that gamer
No because my friends and I all might be autists, but we're autists with STANDARDS. It was kinda understandable to be a white knight or simp 10-15 years ago when the internet and almost everyone on it was young and naive, but in this day and age there's enough accumulated wisdom that most dudes are aware that putting digital pussy on a pedastal is stupid and won't get you anywhere.
Imagine some girl joining your group and you immediately start hurling the insult "Female demographic"
No, but every single one of my male friends stopped hanging out and playing with me once they got a girlfriend/wife. I never did the same to them, despite being the first to get married.
You wanted to fuck em
Was the conversation you don't remember about delicious juicy BBC?
>build fairly large online friend group over several months, about 70/30 males to females
>start dating a girl in said friend group
>friend group simps the fuck out and rapidly dissolves
Discord was a fucking mistake
if your group of friends can fall apart because everyone is horny then its shit and was doomed to die
get better friends
There was a girl in our group for a month, but we killed her.
Killed her as in kicked her out, not killed her as in murder. Everything that ever came out of her mouth was stupid and she was just there for attention.
You couldn't get a descent conversation out of her to save her life.
happened to my WoW guild back in 07 with a "girl" who never even talked on voice chat because she "had no mic" lol
Woman here. How about you start respecting us?
and a real hero
Women hated video games for years. Now that they get popular I'm suppose to just forget everything they said to me and forgive them?
Ok boomer
Time for my ball busting?
Dude they probably just dont like the same games you do. Games are really diverse in terms of experiences. Some guy was talking to me the other day about PUBG and I nearly fell asleep. I had to cut the conversation short and tell him I was late to some appointment.
Its almost like they belong in the kitchen.
Uhm, actually, girls have been playing games since the beginning. And when people found this out, they started making shitty games for women, marketed towards women. These were largely ignored because they sucked.
>Woman here.
The fact that you cared what they thought about your hobbies meant you were the problem and not your hobbies.
I have actually come across a few actual online female gamers who were largely pretending to be male so they wouldn't have to deal with either edgelords trying extra hard to troll them or white knights making things incredibly awkward with their social ineptness and their blatant desire for pussy. Ironically enough they're also femcels half of the time and will try to push down any other woman trying to play the girl gamer card.
>be easily the most stable and mentally/emotionally grounded guy in the group
>was interested in one girl in our group
>she kept riding my ass for the weirdest shit (she went ballistic having a laugh when she brainfarted & tried to face shinryu in ffxiv away from the group and ran right off the edge)
>later found out she was interested but she was "testing" me and comparing me to link, as in the zelda character, and holding me to his standards
>fucking nope
I do respect you by treating you like a person and holding you to the same standards as any guy. If after that you prove to be an insufferable individual that's on you.
post tits or gtfo
Sorry hon, you earn respect not entitled to it. Respect men first I say. Especially if they make the sacrifices.
Tits or GTFO.
Respect is earned
That's because you are feminine man. You are fundementally weak and think much like a women. This is why you get along with them so well
most gay ERPers I have come across in MMOs are female
I'd respect you if you sucked my dick every once in a while I mean I'm over here fucking putting a roof over your head. Least you could do is suck my dick. Look I'm not a rapist but I might have to handle things if you don't make with the sucky sucky
Why should anyone respect females?
Women will always measure your to their make believe standards. You best just be your own man.
>Sorry hon, you earn respect not entitled to it. Respect men first I say. Especially if they make the sacrifices.
I think the idea that having to earn respect as either a man or a woman before you can be treated as a human being is ridiculous in and of itself.
Same. For about two years, I was in a guild in WoW that was ~85% women. On one hand, they were cool and raiding with them was fun. On the other hand, I'm a fucking loser-ass spaz and have trouble talking to women without spilling my spaghet - regardless of whether they're interested or not. I don't miss WoW, but I do miss them.
Most erotic fanfic authors are female too. Women love reading and writing smut, simple as that. Why do you think 50 shades got so popular? ERP is just that but interactive.
>join guild
>guild leader is active
>gives assignments to player teams
>they're actually fun to do
>leader tells me she's a girl
>don't believe her because she's so good at running things
>get kicked the next day because my positivity was in toxic form
>my last words to her: "Okay, *now* I believe you're a girl."
Most of these insults are self protected via insecurity and second guessing of the self.
No one hates you more than you hate yourself.
Learn to forgive, accept who you are. Be the best you can be, there's only one.
We found out the woman in our friend group was playing us, so we booted her ass
Don't bother with these incel chud troglodytes m'lady, it's unfortunately rare to find men who are aware of their toxic masculinity and try to hold it back, but hey, I happen to be one of those =D.
Normally you treat all people like a human being and respect people who earn it. Like, not lying, robbing or dismissing someone who is not you. Respect means you have earn someone's gander in your point of view in how they see things. No one is just going to take your word for something just because of your gender, class, or creed.
bear thy bosom or make hasty egress
Caiman here. No Problems.
Reveal thy udders or forever be denied entry
My mother and sister have played games since 1993, high IQ households are just different. It was a rude awakening to meet the more common types of women.