The charm of Dragon Quest is slowly growing on me...

The charm of Dragon Quest is slowly growing on me. I only have DQ11 and halfway through the game (currently grinding on a stupid squid) . What other DQ games should I play?

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5 is a must play

what the fuck is this OP, a lewd for ants?

act 3

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I got bored 4 hours in and played something else and never went back. Nice looking game though.

>can't marry best girl

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5 DS version (marry Debora)
8 3DS version (marry Jessica)

If you play vanilla DQ8 PS2 you'll wanna kill yourself. 3DS version adds much more to make it a faster paced game, the added content is just the icing.

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in good quality

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Built for fat old men cock.

11 has some good moment to moment stories even if they are pretty standard fantasy stuff. And the second half of the game is way more compelling than the first.

DQ games are basically interchangeable. Except for 10 which I'm obligated to mention cause otherwise some fucking DQfag will go all "ackshually..."

fat old demon cock

I liked IX the most, but since there’s no online anymore you’re missing a shit ton of content.


Make babies with nee-chan!

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>play pc ver
>after 70 hrs, I think I will wait for switch ver
>play switch ver
>after 50 hrs, I think I will play other game for a while
>end up haven't beat that fat ball of shit
I'm getting old. Someday for sure.

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dumb 1200 poster

Hendricks wife

DQ3 (snes/mobile version)
DQ4 (DS/mobile version (rare cases where mobile version is slightly better)
DQ5 (DS/mobile/PS2 version are all fine)
DQ8 (PS2)

these are the cream of the mainline games. 7 is pretty good too but I would say that you should start with the others first, it's by far the longest game and you might burn out on it. 1 and 2 are a bit too simplistic, 6 and 9 are alright but it's story and characters are not as charming as that of the other games, 10 is a Japan-only MMO

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Ah, the game hasn't really started by then, poor guy.

God, what is it about Japanese fantasy games that make all the girls so good for netorare?

8, 5 and 4. 1 if you don't mind chilling and grinding for a few hours.

Damn dont have a 3ds but my buddy does. Gonna ask him.
Sorry do you forgive me?

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Music is really grating after 3 to 4 hours and the open world meme does this game a disservice by making you travel open, empty planes and even villages without much to do.

Otherwise nice presentation.

So this is how the bunny girls are supposed to look in Dragon Quest Builders 2. Damn.
I'm always impressed at how the Dragon Quest series is not afraid to openly talk about sex, unlike all other games of the genre.

>If you play vanilla DQ8 PS2 you'll wanna kill yourself
you mean they just made the game much easier on 3DS

all the casual filter bosses were just too fun to fight on PS2, 3DS lacks these moments

what the fuck is this OP? a lewd for 5'6'ers?

Hori and Toriyama are legit perverts. Being gods on their fields mean they can do whatever they please. I'm not even sure if DQ mainline will continue when either one of them die.

rpg games should be 20 hours long at most

Zoom zoom

i was on board with the game til after the credits

t. zoomer

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For me it's Minea

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Oh boy, DQ thread
Share your favorite monster

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After you've played another 2 or 3 you should pick up the dq7 remake on 3ds its great

>you mean they just made the game much easier on 3DS
They nerfed Helm Splitter and Twin Dragon Lash, and the final boss is less of a pushover
The only thing that makes it any easier is a free heal on level ups which won't save you in a boss fight anyways except maybe after Dhoulmagus Phase 1

It was the same for me. Very strange. It was a little hard getting into it, but once DQ11 pulls you in the charm gets addicting.

I would play 5 and 8, they're kind of similar. 5 is a bit more serious and 8 is more lighthearted.

Marry and mating press Jade!

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>you mean they just made the game much easier on 3DS
The bosses are literally exactly the same difficultly wise retard

They changed combat speed and added a couple other qol changes

Forever the best.

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Eww, shave your crotch dude!!!

Only if you have a CFW'd N3DS so you can unfuck the menus with forced overclock
For some reason the english translation added like a tenth of a second of lag to everything unless you overclock that shit
I guess you could emulate it too

>when they nerfed shit and has harder bosses
okay retard

If they are shit sure.
And JRPGs are shit.

hi beepzorz

They're just NPCs but they're the best.

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Huh I literally never noticed that after 120 hours
I was playing on a doorstop 2ds so maybe I was just used to it chugging along

I beat DQ11 this week after 140 hours on it. I am playing through all the DQ games now. I beat DQ1 in two days on gameboy color. I'm about to start DQ2 once I decide on character names.

I plan to play DQ1-3 on GBC, then 4-6 on DS, then 7-8 on 3DS. Is there a better version to play of these games besides this?

Yeah the rest of game still runs fine but for some reason the localization fucked over the menu speed
Normally wouldn't bug me so much but in a game that fucking long it probably saved me a few hours

>that one DQBuilders level with these guys and this lovely lass

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Act 3 sucked out all the enjoyment I had for this game. I'll just beat that dumb space monster and get this garbage over with.

>plays the worst version of the meme games
>picks the worst marriage option in both
Jesus dude. Coomsumers really have ruined this franchise.

Actual brainlet

You mean best versions and best marriage. Unless you have shit taste

Jailcats were my favorite low level enemies and DQ11 didn't have them.
Sham Hamwiches are no replacement.

What are the best jrpgs to coom to?

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real men don't seek out women that belittle them ritualistically you low test faggot.
The best marriage option has never been in the games anyway. A dedicated healslime waifu is the only patrician's choice and we haven't gotten it yet.

MGQ Paradox

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>I'm always impressed at how the Dragon Quest series is not afraid to openly talk about sex

Let's not forget about Veronica's "nap time" when you marry her.