Fiddlesticks is literally the devil now

>Fiddlesticks is literally the devil now
I'm not necessarily opposed, but I'm going to miss "he was some fucker that got mobbed and now he's an evil scarecrow"

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>they're probably going to rework someone other than shaco for the next rework

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That was never his backstory. His old lore was that a Summoner pulled him from some other dimension and couldnt control him, so they locked him in a random room and pushed people that they wanted to execute in there.

League lore is such a fucking joke.

Do people seriously give a fuck about LoL lore?

Honestly there's only one thing I care about LoL and that is Evelynn

No he's not, he's just some random demon.

Yeah, volibear most likely.

I wanna fuck a yordle.

>take hero
>remove hero
>add new hero
>give it same name
Why does Riot keep doing this?

>volibear most likely.
it was shown along the fiddlestick rework months ago

I'm gonna miss tilting the fuck out of retards with the 2.5s fear and crow silence.

Because the game is much better designed now that half the cast plays the same and everyone has 5 billion movement options and kills in .1 seconds.

how powercreeped will he be?

I miss him.

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We all do, user.

yes but the lore team consists of retards that take 10 years to figure out what thier characters story is. Its really sad

god I miss him

Back when they had a lore department

>Do people seriously give a fuck about LoL lore?
I used to but they kept fucking with characters lore so I just don't care anymore. Varus lore change is still the dumbest of the bunch. There was no reason to change him but they did and then didn't update the character voice lines to match his changed lore.

What the lore team does is read the story section of their boards and essential steal ideas from people theory crafting lore. Varus being a darkin was ripped straight from there

3/4 abilities are the same and the passive actually exists now, sperg-kun

>playing LoL unironically

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>"he was some fucker that got mobbed and now he's an evil scarecrow"
Old lore was stupid lame as fuck.
Volibear is next.

the darkin part is fine they just completely changed him from a guy who lost his family and wielded the bow to gain revenge to 2 lovers sharing a body with the darkin. There was no need to change that much of his lore. His first lore chunk still fit fine with the whole noxus invading Ionia. They just changed it for no fucking reason and then didn't take the steps to update his visuals/voice lines to match. Dude still looks at his family necklace and talks about borrowed time when none of that shit matters in his new lore.

Fiddlesticks's old lore was literally "we found him wandering the countryside and he was evil so we locked him in a room". That was it. The only champ with less lore than him was fucking Rammus.

>same looks
>same skills
>literally changed only one skill and it still has the silence

I don't even play lol anymore but he looks fucking sick !

Did they change his skills too ?

I have good memories of being a cheap ass in ARAM with the crow bounces.

>just stack all AP
>enemy team huddles in the back, but one oof them decides to stay near the minions for a bit

Crows are gone now

>same looks

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It could've been much, much worse...

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Dont get me started, he was my main.
>"update" champion by deleting him and adding a new champ with a completely different theme, design, playstyle, and personality
Riot shabbos cocksleeves defend this shit.

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god they totally changed aatrox. fucking hacks.

Such a wonderfully simple, enjoyable, and solid character. Let alone the one I used to get my first Full Stacks Mejai. Fuck rito...

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Yeah, they're slowly reworking all the old champs and updating their skills.

I liked old and new aatrox but what they did to his lore fucking sucks ass.
>old aatrox was an omen of war and fury
>new aatrox is an angry furry

Shaco isn't even on the list of champions set to be reworked, ya dingus. Also he already received a mini-rework.

Pic related are the champions riot inquired about reworking.

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Fiddle rework is decent but kind of ruined by being fucking mechanical for some reason. Hes a demon possessed scarecrow, why is he also robotic? I also think hes too try hard edgy, I liked his old goofy/creepy mix, I mean his name is fucking Fiddlesticks. New Surprise Party Fid knocks it out of the park though, and his kit seems to mostly retain his playstyle and general vibe unlike Swain and other absolutely abhorrent reworks.

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why is he a robot now?

Changed? More like effectively replaced and made worse than ever.

The kit is entirely shit and just a rip on Riven, the looks are uninspired VS banner wearing boi with a stupid dumb edgy sword that I unironically enjoyed just cause go with it.

Oh and let's not forget the fact how before the rework he was in a solid place enough for a one-trick Aatrox main to make it to Grand Master who asked in their name "Don't Rework Aatrox" or some shit.

And for a personal note, my main before they "reworked" him into that abomination, and became the straw that caused me to leave the game for good the week after release.

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I think they wanted to mimic some possesed farm equipment but considering Riot is all of city rats that never went to farm... We have this

Let alone how old Aatrox embodied that persona physically as well. He had war banner wings, a solid VA, even better and enjoyably fitting voice lines... Fuck sake man it is not OK.

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i won't miss nocturne

> Having to try THIS hard to look intimidating/edgy

Lolfags BTFO

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That's just what they farm with in Zaun.

Varus was pozzed and the sjw push into LoL
It was a half assed attempt at propaganda, that's it. Shame cause i liked Varus.

Calm down, lucario.

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>Oh look a cool demon bird stuff with green and a solid combo champion and original design for appearances!
>Fucking Rito: "Nope! Gonna go pretty boi fucking typical red demon nonsense with white-silver hair and red eyes and ruin a solid playstyle with an awful one that doesn't compare!"

God, do rito even know how to retain a solid champion without making them paragraphs long of abilities and complexity to the point of ruining simple enjoyment? Let alone looks going bad to worse?

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Not since they got rid of the Journal of Justice.

Fucking lewd user

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Hopefully, they'll do good by Shyvana, and not ruin the first dragon-related champion.

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>OId Trundle was a bitter cunt who vented his frustration on others and had a playstyle/gameplay role that practically matched his lore
>New Trundle is just a fucking joke

When's coming live?

>old trundle was a troll who took all the diseases of his tribe to save them
>new trundle is a brainless oaf with a shit tier VA

thank god I have traditional trundle. new trundle is just so god awful it's just a fucking joke.

Going to be even funnier when they do reworks in LoL fighter, least if a character changes between games in most fighters you can boot up the old game. But it is another fighter with rollback along with GG Strive so I don't mind.

>we need the gay crowd
thats why they did it. lazy fucks
thank for reminding me. ill go be mad all day now. The absolute epitome of 'look how the massacred my boy"

I still sometimes watch old replays from 2012 just to hear the mafia graves's clink clink sound.

This but unironically. Fuck boring shit I just want the cool heroes to be power creeped to the same level as annoying anime faggots.
Old Aatrox sucked ass and I mained him anyways. Huge improvement. Get fucked.

hes a demon but the demon is a fucking retard that cant into humans. It'll never be explained fully because the lore team is fucking trash

It used to have pretty neat ongoing world lore that integrated with player events. For example in one instance they let the winner of a real-life pro tournament decide the outcome of an in-universe war. And there was an in-universe "newspaper" called the Journal of Justice released every so often that included world news, lore snippets, Q&A interviews with champions, etc. It wasn't the deepest world or storytelling, but pretty elaborate considering it's a F2P multiplayer MOBA. It was a neat way to tell a non-character-focused story that I wish more games would try to adopt.

Haven't checked up in years now, but apparently they reconned most of that.

I think that's some turbosperg from the general that thinks metal cage/skeleton = beep boop

We can be mad together.

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Would you rather have a 500-character roster where only 10% of the characters are viable?