Why are so many people on Yas Forums buying the Xbox Series X? You haven't even seen the games yet


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Why are so many people buying the PS5 when we haven’t seen the games yet?

I haven't seen Sony's yet either

they're not buying
their parents are

Nobody is going to buy a xsex, it's just to spite Snoy because this is pants-shitting Nintendofag and Mustardnigger town.

People hate sony so much that they'd buy a microsoft product

The more powerful console and cinematic experiences don’t appeal to me.

it's got a higher floppy dick number so i must consoom it

I can play Ninja Gaiden Black on it. I can't play Sigma on PS5 can I?

PS5 will beat the Series X because it will have exclusives at launch, while the Series X won't have exclusives until 2022.

I know it will have Game Pass and full backwards compact, on top of being a much stronger console. That alone is enough for me.

op btfo

Because you can already predict how the games will be based on the hardware. If you're someone in the market who wants a single console to go through the gen with and to play all sorts of games then the xbox sounds better because it has better specs and features from what we know. It was the same with the ps4 this gen. Anyone who bought a ps4 at the beginning of the gen is still probably happy with their experience since most games are 1080p with alright frame rates. Anyone who bought xbox is playing at like 800p now. The same will happen next gen in an even bigger way because there's a whole 2-3tf difference unlike a 0.6tf difference between ps4 and xbox one.

So, Sony/third party developers are going to kill support to the PS4 the moment the PS5 drops by?


this board hates sony you should honestly be more afraid they are neck and neck ps5 will brutalise series x

Price and marketing sells consoles, not exclusives. This is why all of the PS4 exclusives made by Sony do not match consoles sold even remotely.

Tribalism is a cancer that has rotted the brains of a good chunk of the internet.


SeX > Snoy


people don't care about exclusives and 3rd party devs will support both consoles unlike Nintendo consoles that mostly depend on their own games, so there's always a drought and people just keep playing Mario Kart, Smash and shit for months and years.

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I don't care about exclusives, this isn't the PS2 era

Sony told me to buy their console, it means I have to.

That is generally the Sony way. After ps4 dropped they published what? MLB and LBP 3 on ps4?

>411 people bought xbox
>383 people bought ps5
>over 50 million people bought switches

*on ps3

Phil promised the BC would go down as far as the Xbox HUEG and that's pretty much the deciding factor for me, as I don't care for either company's exclusives.

> buying a new console

my mac literally has more games than my PS3 which I’ve had for years, and both work perfectly fine

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>Price and marketing sells consoles, not exclusives

I'm not saying price and marketing don't play a role in console sales, but exclusives play just as big a role.

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>buying a MAC
The weaknesses of all, the strengths of none, congratulations

I don't play pc so Series X is the closest thing plus gamepass has been great and I have a bigger library of backwards compatible games on Xbox than I do for Playstation. At this point I'll skip ps5 but it may change. I'm personally more into the multiplayer games Microsoft makes.

Hackintosh gang where y’all at ?

So you see my point. I can play most of the games I want to play on my mac, which isn’t close to having the highest specs. Why would anyone in their right mind pay half a grand for a new console (and they probably have working consoles lying around) to play overpriced games from AAA that are literally designed for mass appeal, i.e. normies and 12 year olds.

I plan to buy one fuck sony and their censorship.

As glad as I am to at the prospect of there being consequences for such actions, Microsoft is still a huge megacorp and therefore as susceptible to such bullshit. Arguably moreso given it's western origins, at the end of the day it'll probably just get worse all around

>it will have exclusives at launch
[citation needed]

Xbox doesn't have games either though

I want a way to game on my UHD TV but dragging my rig to it is a fucking bitch, my landlord will not allow me to install an ethernet port by it and wifi streaming is laggy crap, and crossbuy plus gamepass gives me an instant library. An XSX would deliver better 4k performance too probably.

I will pick up a PS5 in a couple years for exclusives if H:ZD, DS, and Quantic Dream's pc ports are all just flukes but for now an XSX actually meets my needs really well.

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I'm not being either one, but SeX box has my interest if their Backwards compatibility turns out to be really killer. I've been looking for a replacement for my 360 and the Xbox One doesn't cut. It doesn't play everything I want.

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it already works fine on xbone

I ain't gay so I'm picking up the sex box

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Did you seriously not read the last two fucking sentences?

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if the SeXbox gets more backwards compatible titles, I will get it

It's just people voting against the PS5, there hasn't been actual MS fans on Yas Forums since the mid-00's and even then they were scarce because people here are casuals that don't play shmups.

>buying an Xbox to play uncensored weeb games
lol you poor bastard, those devs don't give a shit about that platform, Xbox will remain dead in Japan.
What you want to do it buy a Switch or build a PC and then join the portbegging masterrace because the Xbox has zero actual chance of getting those titles that you want.

Are we really going to have to have a generation where Switch, PC and Xbox are all portbeggars?

>none isn't an option
Makes sense, most PC gamers are smart enough not to fill out surveys posted to this shitsite.

that's a nice Annette

This. No sony console has ever been worth buying.

Assuming it doesn't flop as hard as xbone they'll see how much people play old games with them now having more even footing. They may put more effort into expanding if for if nothing else to expand their digital game store

Not only Yas Forums. Anybody with brain will choose Xsex over ps5. I regret every cent I spend on PSN. All PS exclusives will come pc anyway and Microsoft announce Windows mode for Xsex and fuck Sony inside of head. Look at the BIG picture. Microsoft will dominate.

Because only fucking morons waste their time on 4channel strawpolls.

I don't need to. the SEX has BC and a nice controller from what i've seen. Only thing winning me to the sony side would be

>SEX having a really bad win8 tier interface
>Demons souls remaster on release
>Sony buying all of konami's old franchises

>Strawpoll proves my superiority. Post it every day!
>Only morons waste their time on strawpolls when they prove me wrong.

How many versions of each console will their be? PS5, pro, slim, PSV, PS5Omega


It's literal shills ruining the poll. This board is overrun with Pajeet MS shills.

>the games
95% of all ps5/pc games will also be sold on the sex. the remaining 5% will cause heaps of consolewar shitposting on Yas Forums, but they're not really essential.

The Sex having BC is all that matters to me, if ps5 had it buy it as well. Once i get the SEX I won't need another non-nintendo gaming system ever again since I already have a hacked wiiu, a high-end gaming PC, and a switch. All I need to do is hack my ps2 and put an HDD in it and I'm set for it life. So many fucking games.

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>buying a console at launch
>buying a console at all

Sweet summer children.

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>shills ruining the poll
Its a fucking straw poll, who's would be autistic enough to waste resources on it? Also since when do poo in loos play xbox?

get help

Xbox Series X is never going to sell in Europe after the disaster that was the Xbox One.

Imagine the big selling point of a console being
>Hey, with the Xbox One you can stream sports and tv content such as 'american channel no 1' and 'american channel no 2'! *not available in europe
>don't forget the kinect!

Why don't you just play your Xbox One games on your Xbox One now, rather than wishing for backwards compatibility a year from now?

>Playing video games.
Go out and breed, earn your wagies and vote red you fucking kek.

The funny thing is that Microsoft still hasn't revealed the weaker base model Xbox that most people will be buying.

Yuros would never buy an American console anyways. Inferiority complex wouldn't let them.

He is, but he would like to continue doing so on the new machine. Why are sony fags so against BC?

Most people here guaranteed own at least a ps4. Doesn't mean everyone will sell their soul to Sony though. I had a ps2, 360, ps4, and now xbox again. I go where the value is at. The PS5 doesn't look like good value even if its $100 less than the xbox unless they do their own version of gamepass because right now I won't lie I'm a bit jealous xbox players have gamepass and it's a damn good deal from what I can see. Those 100 games you get pretty much negates the $100 difference since you're obviously going to buy a PS5 with 3 or 4 games otherwise why even buy a console if you're not going to buy games for it.

>Why are sony fags so against BC?
Because they don't have it. If they don't have it, it's shit.

The beauty of having a PC is that you can say "well I need a computer, I have a job." and then say "but I might as well get a nice PC. And I'll put some games on it because I'm going to have downtime."

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Xbox has more announced, currently. So it actually has more games.