Risk of Rain

This was the initial roadmap. How innocent we were.

Attached: risk-of-rain-2-road-map.jpg (1000x500, 173.8K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Are artifacts still not out?

This game was shilled so much here

Post predictions on the 3 unconfirmed artifacts.
The two confirmed are:
Also I hope there are more then just fucking 5 holy shit Hopoo

Attached: RoR2 arti.jpg (1920x1080, 225.15K)

It won't be for another 2 weeks. With the current events, it's probably going to get delayed as well.

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more like risk of sleep

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how far behind are they?

Winter turned into March which turned into the end of March. Giving vague release dates are a norm now, but come the fuck on.

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RoR 2
Not modded

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this march update got delayed by like one or two weeks everything else was on time


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it's obviously glass you dingus

if by on time you mean literally the last day possible in a three month period (~90 days total) their vague season-based prediction used


lol that's what the menu looks like on the og risk of rain, does the new one have a similar menu?

No, it's just a crashsite in the woods that changes each update

I regret buying this game

don't lie, you're using a free copy someone else bought for you a year ago

because the main dev used to post on 4chin

Do you not know what a fucking forecast is? Retard.

Modded Risky 1/RoR1 Server

How to into mods: pastebin.com/Lyc7HEED
Starstorm Mod Info: pastebin.com/Faj2m42J

Port: 11100

Starstorm (1.8.2-c, extract to ...\steamapps\common\Risk of Rain\ModLoader\mods\starstorm: drive.google.com/file/d/1sv6FYImGI3rP47bSCI9L9BoA5ZR3dj4A/view?usp=sharing)

Profile Flags:

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There's another thread btw

>ctrl+f risk
>can't find it
well no wonder

Hey lads in this thread, help me out with this.
I still need Huntress, Loader, and a better one for REX if possible.

Attached: Survivors Respond To (current progress).png (1632x800, 130.74K)

(You) me when we're open
Also somebody needs to make an updated version of the Yas Forums Risky guide with Starstorm shit

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The first game was really good and really popular.
Personally however it took me until Fall on this roadmap to get that the game was just nowhere near as good as the first one.

Has there been any huntress focused OC made?
I can think of tons of porn but almost nothing comes to mind for actual non-lewd things.

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You fool, you baboon, you fell right for my trap.
Not only was my question answered, the drawfag now has something to copy

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If I host EU, will you join?


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Think they'll cut/rework bad items? Feel like the game is already suffering from bloat. So many trash equipments I don't even open them anymore if I get a damage one. Why do we need egg and vase?

Egg is good mobility early on. Vase and Crowdfunder I don't pick up even if I have nothing else.

Vase can actually be a decent enough mobility item early on, more so than egg if you know how to use it.

Egg is cool for mobility early on
Vase cooldown is too long tho

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Ok, it's pretty much finished. I'd still like to get a better reference for REX if possible.

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Hey guys, what should I ask them first?

"I'm going to take this bungus"

Now that artifacts are spring, is launch summer?

I just unlocked acrid yesterday. What else do I need to do from the fall update? Haven't played in ages otherwise.

"Response to sticky bomb nerfs"

What they hope the last survivor added to the game is going to be

there was a rex edit of a fallen plant that would work i think

Do you have it on hand?

It might take a while for them to get distinguished characters.

Attached: Bungus.png (1632x800, 171.64K)

nope otherwise i'd post it. i could've sworn i had saved it but apparently not

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>console version is still light years behind

why are we still here?

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Likely, yes. 1.0 should release sometime in june/july.
Console versions are almost always behind, which is why PC version is best.

was there a single early access or kickstarter roadmap that was actually kept?


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needs a tear on bandit

>tfw enforcer never

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Just for you, bro.

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Thank you

uh... Yas Forumsros...

>hard crash to desktop on the final phase of providence

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how about in response to "what difficulty do you play on"

I'm taking a break for now, but if you want to take a swing at it you have my blessing.

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