post shit tier characters
Post shit tier characters
pic unrelated I assume?
shut the fuck up nigger, commando is 100% certified based
try playing him on moonsoon homos
I have every monsoon skin, git gud retard
He's easy as shit just get good items
he sucks fucking cock and Rex is better
rex is piss easy, and you're bad
name one thing commando can do better than other characters
>people unironically like Commando
>people unironically play Commando
lol it's a shame that Bandit died for this
what does that have to do with anything? he's not the best, but he sure as fuck isn't shit. that shotgun is extremely good
>dude just play subpar character that needs good RNG to do anything at all lmao
>that needs good RNG
lmao, yeah you're trash
I'd rather play commando than artificer. Mando may have a very squishy stage one, but at least he doesn't drop off like a brick by stage four without crazy items. Commando is one of the best scalers in the game and basically only needs a uke to start shredding the map.
>best proc in the game
>shit tier
yeah ok retard
t. plays only drizzle
artie is better your mother is a whore
git gud
>acrid poster thinks he has any say in anything at all
Risk of Rain thread? Post memes to fill out my project. Specifically Acrid. I don't have nearly enough Acrid dog traces in my collection.
Shit, didn't post image
On hit effects from a distance is where Commando shines. He has a 1.0 proc rate on both hits of his basic attack, unlike Rex who has 3x0.5, Mule, who has 0.4 when autofiring. I've been able to put 80 stacks of bleed on an enemies with this dude.
>t. plays only drizzle
nice try, I'm
Just stack props you animal!
not that guy but commando
>has the biggest gains and ease of use from focus crystals out of the ranged survivors due to shotgun+roll
>has the highest dps increase from low proc-rate on hits early game due to his attack speed and general high bullet count, milking more value out things like sticky bombs
>best proc rate in the game
>has the highest range stun ability that can hit multiple targets.
>can actually stun lock people with stun grenades due to high fire and proc rate.
Commando isn't the strongest in most of the core stats in the game, but his high proc rate and attack speed scaling make him take better advantage of one off items and gain more value from random damage sources that most survivors. His lategame is also insane due to his nearly unrivaled target access.
He isn't the best character in the game, but he is a solid B-B+
I have this one
I main Mercenary and Commando, I only play on monsoon, how fucking bad are you?
Every survivor is viable with the right build. There are too many broken builds and artifacts that makes the game piss easy after Stage 6
>I main Mercenary
reminder that artificer is fat
>build in a game with random loot
stacking glasses and ukuleles is not a build
Somebody post a good iconic Artificer meme so I don't have to add this to my project.
someone post the "bad day to wear white" edit
t. smoothbrain huntress main
its not the best, but if it saves us from that its good enough
who is the shittiest surv?
I'll keep this in mind if I don't see any better ones.
A bit off topic, but I find it weird people play "roguelite"s with this kind of mindset. That you're only allowed to play the most optimal and/or meta builds.
I played some other "roguelite" recently where everyone just specs into one stat regardless of character specialities and hopes they get a rare powerful weapon that run, and thinks you're stupid if you don't do that.
Is it just playing to win? Wheres the fun in that in this genre?
also this one
>built in survivability and high damage
its artificer, but the waifu defence force won't accept it.
Takes alot more items and effort to make him into a god than the rest of the survivors
>someone with built in debuff and lifesteal is item dependant
lmao at the alzheimer downie fag
Rex is probably the strongest survivor next to Engineer. Only really Huntress and Artificer feel weak.
"roguelites" are basically glorified solitaire and are therefore doomed to autism.
Fine, I'll admit artificer is the weakest one. I just find Rex playstyle extremely boring so he was my first pick, also because I'm bad at managing his health. Better?
got you
Huntress has a great m2 and shift and more importantly she has a nice ass
If you enjoy any of these you are surely a bugman
You are not mentally ill for finding these the best
Ask me how i know you dont play on monsoon
git gud
Here's one
He’s M1 the character.
Managing Rex’s health makes him more fun than the average survivor. Along damage and using abilities to dip yourself into 1/4th of your life only to survive it is some fun risk v reward shit.
he is item independant and his venom is always useful altough he is boring to play
One shotting bosses with go kart mode is better than anything else in the game
Eh.. I find it tedious and boring. I much more enjoy haha click click shooty shooty enemy kaplooey
Its too bad his abilities are fucking boring. Should have given Mul-Ts grenade launcher to him
>he is item independant
which is a bad thing, he will never be as good as any other survivor that gets just a couple of good items
>his venom is always useful
not after you start looping, no
it starts to do piss poor damage because the 10% is a flat out lie
>not fun
look at this bumbling retard
Miner when
>glorious projectile spam with flashy particle effects and a jetpack
>not fun
>autoaim brain dead MMO gameplay
>in any figment of imagination """"fun''"""
>Bandit still not in
No buy
hotpoo confirmed for niggers
>snail character with capped m1 in a game all about mobility and proccing items
>zooming around non stop and deleting entire map with m2
yeah fun. Seems like you dont know what that is
>rex isnt fun
>implying zooming across the map in permanent flight while OHKOing every mob from above isn't fun
Huntress is literally braindead mobile phone tier garbage, the game literally plays itself for you. Are you five?