Keep it vidya related

Keep it vidya related

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Unbalanced builds are more fun than balanced, sensible builds. It's more fun to exaggerate a strength than to improve a weakness.

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2 + 2 = 5

i thought dmc5 was mediocre and i loved kingdom hearts 3

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sent :)

Doom is boring boomer bait

This is Yas Forums, not reddit.
There is zero need for this thread because you can just say what youw ant at any time.
Now fuck off back to where yu came from.

fallout 4 is the only decent fallout game

It was a very good game and it deserves a sequel

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>how do i even begin...

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Ani did nothing wrong with Tropes vs Women and GG should never have happened.

Shadow of the Colossus sucks

if it was its own thing instead of being called devil may cry i think people would be more open to it
even if it was just a devil may cry ripoff, a of people love dantes inferno despite being a god of war ripoff

Lovecraft is a hack, and all games that use him as influence are shit aswell

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for me it's Dry bob

Minmaxing is the most autistic shit ever and everyone who does it needs to fuck off ASAP, especially in SP games.

what lovecraft books did you read?

Fallout New Vegas is the worst out of it's bunch. Nothing it did was good. Everything was pointless or mundane. Fallout 4, unironically, is more detailed for an actual RPG playstyle.

Turn based Rpgs are extremely boring.

JPRGS are generally complete shit and can't stand up to CRPGS at all

No game ever becomes bad if you minmax it.
If a game is bad when you do the best to win, it was always a shit game.

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The Beast in the Cave

So basically, He monky

Are there good caves in monkyland?

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dude it's like 20 pages long, atleast read a longer story

Darkstalkers is just as good as Street Fighter and Marvel VS Capcom.

Battle system and gameplay in general matters more than story in JRPGs

People who don't 100% games are weak.

What about games that need you to wait 5 years for achievements, like the stanley parable?

Turn based games are superior.
Except for turn based strategies - those are shit.

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Not him but he's right and those games are stupid bullshit and I don't buy them, if you're going to put achievements in your game make sure they aren't retarded or you're not getting a cent out of me.

Dark Souls 2 is the best of the series
Fortnite is unironically a good game
CoD Extinction mode is better than Zombies

I like the switch, I like the PS4, I eventually want to get a PC, I don't care about graphics, my favorite games this gen are Spiderman, Odyssey, ultimate, and a bunch of others, I like the kingdom hearts franchise, my primary console is Nintendo, secondary is PS4, I don't care about trannies or blacks in games, the game industry isn't really dying, but games aren't as good as the last few gens, and people say games suck now because they're depressed and not happy like when they were younger. I don't let Yas Forums control my opinions.

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This is why the real answer is NEVER to nerf when balancing. If something is too strong, make everything else similarly strong don't fuck anyone's fun over.

Unironically based. Although I like gaming on PC better because I am not a fan of the PS4's updates. Not the end of the world for me though

This philosophy is why power creep is a real threat, and power creep WILL fundamentally alter your game.

fallout 3 is better than fallout 4 because it was easier to integrate yourself into the pacing where as 4 the pacing is ADHD-tier non-existant and you're running/quick traveling around the map in a random spaghetti fashion, where as 3/NV where to go is a bit more obvious, rather it's shoved right into your nose, and the narrative that revolves around that is much more interesting in NV than 3.

and 4 seriously lacked in the type of level detail the previous games had, where you finding props set up a certain way tells you a little story. all 4 had was emptiness or the occasional lel so randum teddy bear wearing sunglasses and shit with a loot crate next to it.

>I eventually want to get a PC
How can someone not have a PC, even a toaster?
Are normies fine with just cell phones?

Red dead redemption 2 is massively overrated. It’s fun but without it’s nice graphic rdr2 is a mediocre game.

That's true for all games. No one gives a fuck about your scrolling book or your movietime sequences if what's in between is garbage.

And they especially don't care if it's shoved in their face rather than being something they found on their own making them feel that little bit special.

Top X lists of secrets in game Y isn't a popular YouTube shitter video because people want to be beaten over the head to death with lore. They want to feel a connection, to feel special, and finding it on their own will give them that better than anything else. And if they don't, in many cases they'll pretend they did because they think it makes them cooler to be in the know even if it's not true.

DmC is good

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yeah i'll grant you a lot of that just i give 4 a huge amount of points for not having mechanical gameplay that makes me feel like i'm sticking my cock in a vice

There's literally nothing wrong with being a casual, and if you think you can gatekeep a fucking pastime because the person isn't as hardcore as you, you might just be a sperg

Case in point: anime avatars who take Souls PVP VERY seriously

>open/close game
>set your PC's time and daye 5 years into the future
>open up the game again

nice 'challenge' lol

European Wars: Cossacks is the best RTS ever, and I've had the most fun with it over all other RTS.

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I enjoy playing on easy, using walkthroughs and cheats to get through games. I prefer to play games for the experience/world/characters than the challenge.
Brigitte, Ashe and Widow are the only attractive women in Overwatch

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There's nothing wrong with being a casual but gatekeeping is essential to the survival of any community relating to anything. If you stop gatekeeping eventually your hobby will be watered down into complete shit, it's happened before and it will happen again, this is why filters are essential in videogames.

Meteor Herd has the best Knuckles stage rap song.

You’re buying into his bait, user.

What you’re saying IS indeed an unpopular opinion and then some, with this one explaining all of it.

Read Clark Ashton Smith or MR James if you don’t like him, then.

I like fighting games lore

Enter a room. Kill everything. Boring as fuck "exploration". Repeat 200 times.

as long as you haven't sweat profusely, change often, and are keeping your face, nose mouth throat, hands, ass, bick and dalls clean you really don't need to shower more than once a month. btw video games.

FFXV is a good game that the hivemind hates on mindlessly.

Nier Autonama is less fun than a musou game.

That’s not just unpopular. It’s incorrect

u r me

Re4 is a top 10 game of all time
No Mario game belongs in the top 15

You can’t run new indies on a toaster.

Go back

FPS games are more fun and varied when there aren't any all-purpose hitscan automatics

only based man in this thread

automata was meh