Won't be backwards compatible with PS1, 2, or 3 games

>won't be backwards compatible with PS1, 2, or 3 games

And just like that, the hype for this crap is dead. GG, Sony. You fucking morons.

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If you expected PS1, 2 and 3 BC you're a retard.
If you expected full PS4 BC, you're also a retard too but that one is on Sony so it's not your fault, retard.

We have something for gamers that want to play Playstation 1, Playstation 2 and Playstation 3 games. It's called a Playstation 1, Playstation 2 and Playstation 3.

Nice, 3 systems full of games I don't want to play. Nice. But.. having the option is better, huh? I guess, bro. If I really wanted to play PS1 games, I'd play them on my 2DS XL. If i really wanted to play PS2 games, I'd buy a PS2 with a memory card and 2 controllers for $50. If I really wanted to play PS3 games, I'd hook mine up ASAP. Just because YOU want it, doesn't mean it's needed. Grow up.

Are you even human? You make me sick. Braindead consumers.

Is this pic real? That dpad looks like shit.

If you're implying I'll be buying a PS5 you better stop right now and check yourself my man.

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>If you expected PS1, 2 and 3 BC you're a retard.
It's not like it'd be hard, just a little extra HD space for those older OSes and it'd be a lot less than modern console OSes. It's really just a missed opportunity.

Not that I care, I can still play games from before those consoles on my PC without any problems.

>hoping for BC when the big moneymaker at Sony is remakes and remasters
The state of play.

Actually it's just a PS3

You and Sony are fucking crazy if you think this is just going to be a repeat of PS4 but with a slightly upgraded console. Fuck the PS5, and fuck your remasters. No more money from me.

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Why can't they just program emulators for the older consoles? The PS5 hardware should be strong enough to handle this.

>yes sony give me fewer features I promise I'll still buy it

Why on Earth would they give away those games when they could have you pay for the (((remasters))) instead?

At first you Snoys were like
>Yeah, it will be fully BC, Sony said it! You don't believe it? You are fuckign idiot!
but now you are like
>They never said it will be fully BC. Use your brain, retards!

You guys will spin this shit countless times. But even the most die hard fans know what's gonna happen. If Microsoft decides to give some money to EA and ask for exclusive FIFA games and/or content, Sony is fucked. What's gonna save PS5? Bloodborne 2, a sequel to a (great game( that sold only 3 millions?
>b-b-but 12 mil players!!
Yes, because Bloodborne was ''free'' for PS+ subscribers.

You cannot reason with the Snoy, user. Their minds are gone.

The sexbox will be probably be backward compatible with PS1, 2 and 3 because the xbone can run retroarch.

>just install os's and it'll be fine lol
holy based retard

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just a few more generations and the morph to the final form will finally be done

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Oh. Well fuck that then.

Actually it's not since only old ones play PS2.

only thing I care about is PS4 BC

the real problem is that the PS4 BC might turn out to be the same bullshit as the xbone BC where only the very popular games get BC first and you have to wait years for other games to get BC if they even ever going to get it (like fucking Nier never got BC on the xbone and you had to wait for Ninja Gaiden2 for like 6 years)

Not being able to play something like Dragon's Crown or Gravity Rush for years would be a HUGE turn off for me

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He said to the Xchad.

Is THIS the final design?

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Literally nothing was hinting at this
What's actually sad is that the PS4 BC is going to be more limited than expected, not that anyone actually bought an Xbone but at least on SeX all Xbox One games will work on day 1
Pretty weird Sony would aim for at least the same

Came here to post this. I genuinely hope this is fake news. Why doesn't anyone just make a good d-pad? Why is it always overlooked?
What controller has the best d-pad? Preferably for pc gaymen.
Pic unrelated

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Skaven are a great army, but I doubt I'd use one as an executive.

Your keyboard.

>that controller
Is that fucking real? I can't fucking stand that Dpad position. Fuck as if the BC thing wasn't enough. No fucking way am I getting that shitheap. Might just skip a gen.


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If it had real backwards compatibility I would have picked it up at launch. Hell, even if it was fully compatible with PS4 I would have considered it since I never owned a Pro and I'd like the games I already have to run better. Guess I'll be waiting a few years for it to build up a library of games I can only play on there.
Also considering only 100 PS4 games are playable at launch it seems like they are doing the thing Xbox does where your disc will be just a drm check for a digital download, better than nothing but at that point I don't see any advantage of not just playing it on the native hardware. Also what about the PS2 classics on the PSN? Will we be getting more of updated titles like those?

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>Hurr I'm gonna defend shitty business practices for my favorite company but no wait actually I love Xbox!!!!
Such mindless drones

In all honesty, probably the PS4 pad.

That's what I've been using for years. Was hoping DS5 would be a straight upgrade.

just get a PC or PS3 if ur that desperate for BC SONY crunched the numbers with PS3 and came to the conclusion that people who use BC are a minority get real

Pc wins again baby

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I don't believe the real DS5 controller has been revealed yet.

I 100% expected it to not have PS1/2/3 BC and the PS4 BC to come with a catch*

It's why I got a Pro last year despite everyone saying ''LOL JUST WAIT FOR PS5 IT WILL BE BC XDDD''

Wait so this isn't compatible with PS4 games? What the fuck?

If the sexbot has BC Sony is fucked

it's just a third party ps4 controller
nothing to see here

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Also won't be backwards-compatible with PS4 games, once the inevitable PS5 revision comes out.

It will be BC... but you can play only selected few games. You know, God of War, Spiderman, Uncharted, Knack...
BC with less popular games (not to mention indie games) is a no-no.

I hate to admit it, but nearly every worthwhile game on the PS2 and PS3 already got a re-release, and Ive already shamelessly bought them.
>PS2 was about politics anyways
>Something about they lost or didn't want to pay the licensing to include the hardware
>Which is why they went from actual hardware to emulation, which wasn't 100% functional
>PS3 hardware is probably expensive to include the hardware, and a bitch to emulate
>That aside, most PS3 chugged along, with performance issues resolved with PS4 re-releases

If it means that I don't have to pay another $100 for backwards compatibility, then good riddance. Also I find this highly ironic/hypocritical since this the same crowd that still argues over archaic physical discs. I would hope you fucking idiots would still have the original fucking consoles if you really care about old games.

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>he can’t emulate
You can play them on a shitty laptop.

why the fuck would it cost $100 more per console for backwards compatibility? Sony is just lazy and greedy

this sounds right, Playstation is a few years behind on the BC tech and they don't even appear to care about BC further back. Nier is a huge oversight on the side of Xbox for sure though. Do I remember correctly that they said they are no longer adding new OG and 360 games to BC?

Only good post in a thread full of crying entitled and insecure children.

Can’t no one afford a pre-owned PS1, 2 or 3?

>says he doesn't want BC
>also goes in every thread and screams how every new game is shit compared to old ones

Of course they can, they just don't want to run those games at postage stamp resolutions and slideshow framerates.

Cant they just add emulators for ps5?
They dont even have to fucking do anything, just add pcsx2 to ps5.
Nintendo also releases emulators for switch. Why is snoy so fucking retarded ?

>why yes, Shadow of the Colossus is my favorite game of all time
>*tips fedora*

Because you have to include the fucking hardware
Because you have to pay licensing to include the fucking hardware

Don't sit there and pretend you can emulate that shit. Go on, I'm waiting--go fucking emulate Okami or Shadow of the Colossus on your PC. Don't worry, I'll wait.
>Oh wait, they've already been re-released
Again, it's a moot issue if you actually bothered to keep the original consoles.

Why can’t I play Bayonetta 2 on the Switch without buying it again since I had it on the Wii-U already?

Seriously what the fuck are they thinking, PS1 and PS2 disc emulation should be piss easy for them to add, no reason they can't.

>Don't sit there and pretend you can emulate that shit. Go on, I'm waiting--go fucking emulate Okami or Shadow of the Colossus on your PC. Don't worry, I'll wait.
why are you naming gmaes that have already been emulated for years

>Sony dropping the ball hard because they literally can't rely on Microsoft completely shitting the bed the way they did with the Xbone reveal
>They didn't even show what the PS5 actually fucking looks like, if it even exists at all at this point
>Grab Cerny to phone it in in front of a fake gif audience for an hour while basically openly admitting that the console is going to be weaker than the SeXbox
Thank God. Console Generations led by Sony always result in problems for everyone.

Fuck off you fucking idiot. You're the same type of person that ruins hidden gem threads by posting a bunch of mainstream shit.

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no disc slot pony

>wanting a bunch of boxes in your TV unit
>wanting to dust off a box from storage to play a single game
not to mention
>yeah I wanna play MGS3 HD
>turn on PS3
>spend the next 30 minutes downloading and installing a firmware update
what a great experience

>Just fucking buy it!

Why can't I play TLOU on the PS4 without buying it again since I had it on the PS3 already?

because nintendo is lazy and greedy

Try inserting a disc into a cartridge slot.