The perfect controller doesn't exis-

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No Gyro



Fuck Sony and Nintendo with their fucking waggling memes.
Games meant for a controller are meant to be enjoyed without bothering to move your god damn shoulders around. Playing games laying on a couch with a blanket is fucking comfy but you can't do that shit when a game demands you waggle for some god forsaken reason.

I mean sure gyro controls have it's place but gaming ain't one of them.
So nah, fuck you.

>Stick drifts and bumper breaks after 1 month

But then it'd be greasy.

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I own a first gen xbone controller, is this thing much of an improvement?

That dpad is actual cancer.

Looks like a disfigured tumor.

Literally the best controller out there. I don't even own a switch but this is what I use.

>Nice and weighty.
>HD rumble
>Superior xbox style layout.

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Joysticks are cheap shit and prone to drift

>Stick drifts
This is also really common on joycons and Dualshock 4s. Not excusing it of course, but every controller this gen is a cheaply made piece of shit. I'll give you the bumpers though, those things are just trash, from day one.

This. My DPad is starting to fail me and I barely use the damn controller....

You’re a lot behind. There’s the
3.5mm jack iteration
3.5 plus Bluetooth
3.5 plus grips on “legs” where your palms sit on the controller
And some with grips even on the triggers.
This is kind of like most recent Xbox One controller but a little more rounded. I’d say the Elite V2 has more bells and whistles (even already has a third button)



Defending analog stick aiming without Gyro is pure head in the sand ignorance. It clearly belongs in games and allows for near mouse precision in a controller.

It's necessary. Analog sticks are not capable of precision aiming. It's not possible.

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You don't have to move your entire arm for gyro aiming you fucking retard. It's just wrist movements.

>waggle controls
gyro aiming is the only input method for shooting games to even come close to KB/M and when done right it requires less movement than using the sticks

microsoft has been making good controllers since before the xbox

No it’s not faggot.
>near mouse precision
You’re literally admitting it’s a retarded Nintendo muh active gimmick. It’s only used for shitty gimmicks. No one wants to swing their shit around to play games.

got to agree even though no one uses it


The only people who praise gyro are nintenttoddlers who think playing ringfit adventure is a good way to workout.

>no triggers
>hd rumble is gay and not as good as rumble triggers
so close.

it's just as good as a mouse though. actually it's better because it's in comfy controller form. you have to have a big brain to use it properly though and not get filtered.

>no metal thumbsticks or metal axis ring

shit, the xbox elite controllers fixed designed flaws

Aren’t the triggers on this just glorified buttons

You can see in the video that he is not swinging his arms around. Actually controlling your game without auto aim is not a gimmick. It is the exact opposite. You are an ignorant retard.

Indeed, I remember the times when microsoft implemented this revolutionary technology.
Now that was a good controller.

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they're just buttons

The 360 and Switch pro pads are superior

>sticks that are more likely than not to fail in the first year
>D-pad that makes launch 360 d-pads look good
It was so close to perfection

microsoft quality

Bought an xbox one controller three years ago, still works flawlessly and looks as new.

>sony brony has to link a 4 year old crowbcat video that is no longer relevant

At least Sony isn't a try hard and not releasing "premium" garbage controller

take me to the guy who designed that d-pad
im going to kick his ass

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How would you Frankenstein together the perfect controller? What parts do you stitch together to create a controller that spits in God's eye?

instead they're selling button dlc

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Stick drift is always microsoft's controller problem my fucking xbox 360 and xbox one controller that I use for PC gaming have stick drift problem already after only a couple of months while my DS3 controller from my PS3 decades ago still doesn't have a stick drift

FPS games don't even belong on gamepad-only systems, fluoridebrain.

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>mouse is uncomfy
>thinks gamepads can ever compete with mice accuracy and precision
Why are there so many console plebs on Yas Forums?

every single DS3 eventually starts activating random button presses because it's held together by foam which degrades over time

piece of shit controller

You'd have a point if games actually supported it. Playstation has had gyro since ds3 and yet like 5 games ever supported that shit.

Why the FUCK are Nintendo the only ones supporting it in fps games?

It makes so much difference god damnit

>digital triggers
absolutely irredeemable garbage
I wouldn't pay $1 for this, seriously

looks fucking good
are those french fries in it?

laughable, its the perfect controller for people with baby hands

Every manufactured product has a defect rate.

why would you ever play a game that requires aiming on a controller

thats why gyro doesnt matter...

That's Playstation's.

why wouldn't you want rechargeable AA batteries?

replaceable batteries are in all ways better than lion battery packs for a device like this.

Now go ahead and reveal to me that you live in your parents' house because you don't have one other single thing that uses AAs, go ahead, I laugh every time.

You’re right, it doesn’t, it got fucked over in the transition out of the last beta phase into final product.

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stop responding to the same bait in every one of these threads

But that's not the Dualshock 4

lion battery packs are also replaceable.

i dont get it. the controller already has a battery problem because of the goddamn light, and now you drain more battery for a stupid light up attachment?

for the last time, if your controller has a shitty dpad it cannot be considered "perfect" as it is by default insufficient for half if not more of the games you'd want to use a controller with.

not in the same way, not for the same price, not for the same convenience

My DS3 is 11 years old still doesn't have that issue

My Xbox 360 and Xbone controller on other hand has stick drift after a couple of months MS should really change their analog stick supplier

Quality product.

>you use a dpad in half if not more of the games you play

really? almost all modern games are fine on analog for instance i don't even use dpad for celeste

imagine taking apart your controller and running the risk of fucking it up because you cant play wireless anymore
or you could just swap rechargeable aa's and continue playing wirelessly
rechargeable battery packs are fucking stupid and sony would rather you throw the controller away and buy a new one

ive never experienced stick drift on an xbox controller and i have a 360 controller that is like 13 years old now.

this is from you forcing the controller too hard or dropping it. I've never experienced it on *any* controller.

Your DS3 still works because NOGAEMS

>the controller already has a battery problem because of the goddamn light
completely false.
The lightbar is just a small LED refracted through a larger piece of plastic.
LEDs use very little energy.
If you disabled the lightbar through PC software or by removing the ribbon cable physically, your battery life is barely any better.

Let me very clear: the PS4 controller is just plain inefficient.
It COULD be the touchbar, but more likely the board itself is just plain badly designed.
Think about this.
The DS4 is 1000mah.
The joycons are 525mah each and they last 20 hours each.
The xbo and switch pro controllers are only 1300 and 1400 mah.

The DS4's problem is not battery size, it's not the LED, it's just bad.
I pray to god that the DS5 fixes it.

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does the controller that comes with the actual console work differently?
because i bought mine to play on PC and i just plug that in with a cable and that's it

It's the touchpad actually.

>I pray to god that the DS5 fixes it.

>spends literally 100 million dollars on R&D for the xbone controller
>best controller of all time
>"heres ur uglier, worse version of the old controller with a big light u cant turn off and a touchpad lol"

But this begs the question: WHY is the touchpad that inefficient?
The steam controller has 2 of them and it lasts like 80 hours reportedly.
Then you have the joycons which each have loads of sensors crammed into them like NFC and the more advanced rumble.
Yet on their tiny 525mah batteries they last 20 hours.
Imagine if we could just get 20 hours on a PS4 controller.
It's fucking ridiculous we have to aspire to that, when 30-40 hours is easily managed by the competition.

I honestly suspect Sony made the DS4 battery life bad on purpose to sell charging docks.
Which they did make by the way, complete first party charge docks for constantly recharging between sessions.

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I like how Microsoft don't go for gimmicks and just make the best controller a controller can be. Now I just hope the new one works with the old adapter, I imagine it will because it's just a modified XBONE controller.

It comes with a rechargeable pack, you could technically use AAs if you wanted though.
Meanwhile on PS4 you have to literally unscrew it and crack it open to replace the battery with the one you bought off aliexpress.

>It comes with a rechargeable pack
No it doesn't

it does though, I have one.

>I honestly suspect Sony made the DS4 battery life bad on purpose to sell charging docks.


it doesn't though, I have one

That will be $99 plus tax, plus tip.

Good. Get that virgin bait shit outta my face.

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way better than dualshock 4.
t. former ps4 owner

99% of PS4 owners would likely use a Switch/xbox controller on their systems if they could.

DS4 is more comfortable, has tighter sticks, better dpad, gyro and touchpad

do this on a mouse
you literally can't because
a. it's not smooth enough due to inherent friction (gyro only has air friction which is negligible) which varies with humidity and how many dorito crumbs you have on your mouse pad
b. you would knock over your mt dew first then it would fry like $300 worth of gamer peripherals then the poorly-coded bloatware mouse driver would crash and take the rest of the pc with it guess you shouldn't have talked shit about controllers bud

xb1 has a decent dpad. as decent as non-vita dpads get.

i'm happy for you but it still has that foam in it and will be affected one day. meanwhile i have 5 xbox controllers, 4 xbox 360 controllers and 2 xbox one controllers and they all work. while 1 of my 2 ds3s was affected by the foam thing and the other one came with a bum battery that i can't replace without resorting to chink garbage. sony should really fix their everything. i also have some 3rd party ds3 that is higher quality than the official one yet cost 1/2 the price and has non-retard stick layout.

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>WHY is the touchpad that inefficient?
It’s not. It’s the radio. It’s updating the controller state every 1ms and sending/decoding a constant audio signal.