Enemies that are easily countered

>turning around

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Other urls found in this thread:


>spy turns around
>backs into you
>stabs the air

not even, 90% of spies are just epic MLG facestabbers

>following soldier
>he turns around
>starts shooting me
>I stab his face anyway
>get a "backstab" somehow when he was clearly facing me
>he goes "????" in the chat
spy is a broken piece of shit lmao

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>literally do anything else to him ,besides walking into it

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>makes the crowbar more useful.

Forgot the pic.

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all of you are bad at tf2

somehow a 9mm pistol is less lethal to it than a piece of metal iirc

light him on fire as pyro and let him burn to death from low hp
light him on fire and airblast rockets back into him
use shotgun to counter his fire resistance
airblast right as he charges into you, use secondary while jumping left and right for easy kill
stay far away and spam secondary fire weapon to slowly drain his hp
hardest to counter vs sentry, focus draining his hp so he has a reason to run for health and restock, then go for sentry
separate him from who he is healing by airblasting, corner and light him on fire and keep airblasting so he cant escape or run back to who he was healing
from long distance, spam scorch shot, cant do anything except restock since it drains a good portion of his health. from close up just burn or use melee for easy kill
just light him on fire

pyro best class

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>melee only spy
lol, i havent played tf2 in years

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most spies' ego are too big to realize they have a gun

>lol, i havent played tf2 in years
they nerfed the ambassador and it sucks now

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>just hide in cover and never do any objectives so he can't shoot you
What a worthless class.

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>the only class that can counter sniper is sniper himself
bravo valve

>use shotgun to counter his fire resistance
Post jungle inferno the flamethrower particles can be more effective than your shotgun in most cases unless your switching with the panic attack.

>use shotgun to counter his fire resistance
weak bitch

No wonder why it's gaben's favorite class

t. spy main
the overwhelming majority of spies ARE cringy trickstabbers

Doesn't work when he's got 200 ping. He can DR decloak up against your ass and by the time you've turned around he's already backstabbed you on his end of the connection.

Getting trickstabbed is an indicator that you fucked up.
NEVER let the spy into Melee range. The revolver is worse than every other fucking weapon you could challenge him with at mid range.

Found the problem

tfw you demopan and spy mains cry about being unable to trick stab you because your friend of 5 years is a faggot spy main and you adapted.

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sorry but spy just fucking sucks dick
after 1.8k hours of playtime im pretty sure ive died less than 100 time to spies

>t. grandpa
the 90s called they want their .40 back

Tell the 90's that they can take it from my cold dead hands

>chasing a Spy while burning him
>he goes upstairs and then jumps over me for a trickstab
>airblast him and he dies for fall damage
>proceeds to call me a W+M1 faggot

Why are Spy mains a bunch of cringe children?

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they are retards who go out of their way to play an underpowered class and then complain when they get their shit kicked in

>play spy
>get found
>don't cloak as i walk up stairs
>enemy stops expecting a stairstab
>I run away unscathed

I just W+M1 you to death desu.
It's easy to see when you cloak away ;)

>see a sniper w/ razorback
>walk 15 feet away before decloaking
>walk up next to him
>shoot three times

Play a good class like soldier or demo you pussy

imagine actually dying to spies

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Nah, i like airblasting projectiles and make Spy mains seethe.

>pyro main thinks he has any room to talk

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This video convinced me that not every single one who plays pyro are subhuman

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I, a spy main have a fool proof plan to make you obsolete, you see, i just go stab the other 11 people on your team while avoiding you.

>melee fighting a spy that no one on my team seems to know exists despite half of them dying to him
>turn 360 degrees and let him stab my razorback
>schadenfreude at him and he hits his explode bind
little moments still happen 13 years in and I'm too invested to stop playing this goddamn game.

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>it's a sniper vs sniper duel where none of them bother helping their team because they're too focused on killing each other

Sketchek himself said he goes out of his way to find dumb players and dies MANY times trying to do these tricks. Pyro is a shit class and brings nothing to the table other than being so easy a toddler with brain damage could play him.

Attached: pyro foot.webm (854x480, 2.78M)

I don't mind, i mostly stay on the Payload.
Now on CP it's game on faggot.

>6 pffffftftt pyros in enemy team

Really makes you wish someone at valve still cared

That's the point I was making.
Spy sucks ass and if you die to him you're retarded.

>spy stabs the retard heavy on my team with his kunai named "trap hentai isnt gay"
>literally has 200 hp
>stabs the other retard on your team to get even more health
how the fuck do I beat him?

Is tf2 still really unoptimized? I remember I used to play it daily a few years ago then all of a sudden it just started running like shit. I miss the game.

yes it's all spaghetti code under the hood
I used to be able to run tf2 at 300fps on a fucking pentium 4 and 8800

>stock equiped
>turn around to rocket jump
>spy gibs everywhere

forgot pic fuck

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Spys are a bunch of niggers

>This post was made by engie gang

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Phlogistinator is such a fucking bullshit and you should feel ashamed for using it

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They aren't that bad, pardner !

>waiting for a scout to die from afterburn
>demoman exclusively uses shield
>trying to out-last heavy outside of your own range
you do not play against good players

>heavy in comp
>class that only uses projectiles against a fast switch pyro
>scout's job is to outlive 1v1s, and pick classes, cant due to flamethrower
you do not play against good players

where was comp mentioned
in any case
>pyro in comp
>class that chooses when to detonate projectiles against airblast
>scout not just permanently orbiting outside of flamethrower range with pistol and scatter shots
you do not play against good players

Airblasting spies trying to trick stab (or even just walking backwards out of range a little) and watching their programming freak out as they spin around and try to get back into their little routine is fucking hilarious
I dont taunt people ever but failed trickstabs is the sole exception, I cant not make fun of them

>sniper obliterates team
>switch to sniper
>now he's too focused with you
"You shouldn't have gotten out of bed"

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Just juggle him retard

This post smells like sniper main

So pyro players admit their class is a broken piece of shit that caters to newer players in terms of accessibility and power?
Interesting turn of events.

piece of metal swung by a guy in a powered exoskeleton*

>Implying you will beat him
The only answer to an autistic sniper main is an even more autistic sniper main. I don't play sniper because I'm not a pussy.

>enemy pyro chases me up stairs
>I jump in place as he waits at the bottom for le epic trick stab
>just pull out my revolver and shoot him in the dick instead
Spy is a bad class, but he's got charm sometimes

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yeah but you wanna know what's their true weakness? diminished field of view