>TAKAMATSU -- An ordinance calling on households to limit the time young people spend on video games to one hour per day to help curb internet and video game addictions was passed by the Kagawa Prefectural Assembly in western Japan on March 18.
>The ordinance calls on households in the prefecture to aim for a limit of 60 minutes per day of video game time on school days for those aged under 18. There is no punishment for failing to abide by the guideline, but residents will be required to strive toward it as a responsibility.

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>There is no punishment for failing to abide by the guideline
Wow it's literally nothing

but gambling with falling balls is still ok
Japan is a shithole
yeah game addiction thats bad
gambling addiction? thats great!

>forgetting Japanese "I must be perfect all the time" culture
Wow, you're literally retarded

>There is no punishment for failing to abide by the guideline, but residents will be required to strive toward it
if there's no punishment how are they required?

One of the few perks of a narcostate

>literal who prefecture in the middle of nowhere

yeah ok, the governor is probably some 96 yo ultra boomer

Its what happens when you live in a conformist and disciplined society.

Isn't Kagawa in the middle of nowhere with boomers seething about young people 24/7

good, keep kids off the internet
and since modern gaming is for all intents and purposes an internet based service, this is the first step

> One prefecture put out a non enforceable ordinance requesting parents to cut their children's game time down

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Because Japanese people are lawfag supreme.

I had that stipulation by my parents as a kid. If you live a normal school schedule including club activities and extracurricular, it's literally fucking nothing. An hour of vidya per school day is pretty lenient.

I'm not surprised that Yas Forumstards had irresponsible parents. If I played mega man for more than 60 minutes per day my parents would hide the NES cables the next day. They used to say that I'd get "square eyes" from staring at the TV so much.

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wow, it's like you've never been to Japan and have no idea what it's actually like there

we need that in the west but for social media

yeah this is like when my city of 30k people banned smoking in public places waaaaay back, and it was a HUGE PROGRESSIVE GOOD THING but in reality it was just solely due to our city being run by women and cucks

>precinct calls for people to socialize their young and try to keep gaming addiction in check
>sperg on the other side of the globe whines about it
good job


If you read the article, you'd know no one supported the bill except one person

Fuck off.
You weren't born there, you've never lived there, and you have fucking idea what you're talking about.

>crying about not being able to suck off fags
Sounds like you're a homo

>Be only kid in Kagawa prefecture
>Have nothing to do all the day except farm
>Come home at night
>Can only play video games for 59 minutes a day before grandpa comes in and smacks me with a heavy sack of rice
>End up switching to books instead
>Grandpa gets mad at all the books taking up preciousu shelf spaceru so he starts throwing them away
>Grow up and never come back

They are right. Videogames in young people erode their attention span and also too much time spent playing steals time from other activities. Not bad per se, but said activity may be more manual than virtual games, so playing games to much may lower manual skill as well (fixing a screw etc, they may have more difficulty driving a car when they are adults for example).
t. Young professor (I was already teaching in high school when I was 21) who loves game but knows limits are due. Based Japan as usual.

>I know about japan cause I watch anime

Fuck off, weeb

>No punishment for failing to abide
>Residents required to strive toward it
Is Japan really so cucked by their gov that they'll freely and willingly allow the gov to dictate their life decisions?

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Cue the "I have never lived or even been to this country, but let me tell you how their people behave"
Stop watching anime you stupid fucking retards.

>one prefecture
>when the rest of the country doesn't have this
I understand Japan is lawful as hell, but this is just one state in an entire country. It's not the end of gaming in nipland

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>if you don't live there you can't possibly know anything about the culture
>being this mad
Jealous weeb detected.

Your parents sound fucking stupid, and your dad probably hated the fact that you would rather play videogames than sportsball with him.

It's mostly phones' fault in these years anyway.
t. Phoneposter

I don’t think anyone here has the attention span to read long enough to see that. Maybe they should cut down on the vidya.

Nobody wants to smell your cancer sticks burning, fuck off from the places I inhabit

Only faggots disagree tbqf

I have, many times. More than can be said by most here. It is not happy happy anime land but it is absolutely disciplined. Makes America look like a african shithole.

>why yes, I do get all my information on other countries from Yas Forums and memes, how could you tell

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Move out of the city if you don’t want to encounter self destructive life styles.

Most parents just place their children in front of a screen.

It's disciplined in the fact that people know how to behave at a restaurant or a public space.
People's private lives behind closed doors is a completely different fucking thing

yes this clearly applies to the japs that play video games and shitpost all day

>has no argument
>posts mutt

American spotted.

That was a good thing though, give yourself lung cancer somewhere I can't fucking smell it faggot

>It's disciplined in the fact that people know how to behave at a restaurant or a public space

That is a dramatic improvement over what is occurring in western europe and america. East Asia in general is a fairly good society.

Of course behind closed doors is different but who cares? They arent pulling columbines at least.

So, when some ordinance is asking people to change how they behave behind closed doors with zero enforcement, it literally means fucking nothing.

Imagine being this retarded

the laws on pachinko have been tightening up for a decade now. the government clear wants japs to stop playing games

Yes, in theory. But if it will help with their kids grades and an authority is speaking on it. Don't underestimate how hardcore asian parents can be.

Don't get me wrong, Japan has plenty of problems. Serious problems. But I hope they don't go full Korea in treating the symptoms.

> pokemon might actually become good now because they can't target braindead kids now in japan

Is this it bros?

>under-18s only
Evidently, OP is underaged for caring about this.

>Is this it bros?
not with TPC's CEO still being a mobile-loving faggot

>There is no punishment for failing to abide by the guideline, but residents will be required to strive toward it as a responsibility.
So it's nothing.

Pachinko is basically Japan's worst loophole when it comes to strict laws.
Compare that to America's gun show loophole which caused the Columbine massacre.

Does that even fucking matter? The new shitty gacha game still has higher production value than the actual switch game

You could not be any more off the mark, dad's a total geek. He just never liked vidya.

My parents forced me to access the computer less than an hour a day and gave me internet access late compared to other kids.
End result is I couldn't socialize properly and got really frustrated I couldn't play games with people or be included in the plans they made on msn and skype, so now I have no childhood friends, am socially awkward and all I do is play video games and use messaging apps all day.

All mass shootings are inside jobs

Not everything is part of some grand plan.

Why are you posting like a total faggot?

I’m sorry, you’re social skills were stunted because you weren’t allowed online enough? Did you even try?

But it's the exact opposite and nobody is supporting that bill anyhow.

It’s not grand at all
They’re just inside jobs

Yet you still ended up on Yas Forums, just a little more deprived of childhood vidya nostalgia.

This is probably the first time gaijins pay attention to Kagawa prefecture.

Kagawa is known for its Udon.

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Try growing up in a dying small town at the advent of mobile phones and internet. Being the only one people can't contact outside of school, the only one who doesn't have some cringy cool msn status, the only one who can't play popular games, know about popular things, the one missing all the conversations and on top of that not being allowed to ever invite people over because of your shit father. See what it does to your ability to make and keep childhood friends, especially if you're a shy kid who's too advanced for his age and already feels disconnected.

>as a responsibility
They're just saying "hey stop letting your kids play vidya all day."

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Calm before the storm, Before they start forcing mandatory timed lockouts in their hardware/software.

and shrines
and walmart madoka

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>applying "i must be perfect all the time" to the demographic of NEETs that only play video games all day anyway
nigga u dum

My interpretation of Japan is that work culture and productivity trumps all, even personal happiness. The US has it pretty bad but it's mostly driven by greed by those at the top whereas in Japan there's some personal standard of being upheld that drives people to work themselves into misery.

Go back to your nigger infested shithole and pollute the air there, faggot.

>Time becomes precious for vidya
>kids stop playing garbage mobile games and opt for rpgs and other substance-filled games
>industry shifts to accommodate that need
>One loan Kawaga politician single-handedly saved video games

post yfw japan saves us again.

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OP is retarded, however isn't this a thing in Korea (the starcraft one not the famine one)

Yas Forums is my nostalgia.